Because they still get shut out of opportunities based solely on their skin color, names, and application photos. So they work together to create their own opportunities and are rightfully proud of that. America can stop worrying about race when we finally end racism.
It does seem ridiculous to me but I’m not racist and we tried that. In the 1980’s and 1990’s they made talking about race a social taboo. You just didn’t talk about it. The only effect was to freeze racism in place while white people congratulated themselves on solving it because they didn’t hear about it anymore.
So it turns out that in order to fight racism you have to talk about it and give financial support to the class that’s been oppressed.
You get out of here you SOCIALIST. How dare you suggest we even the playing field for the people who we took opportunities away from for hundreds of years!
I am not saying you should just ignore it, or making it taboo. But Americans have gone to the very extreme version where skin-tone apparently has to determine who you are. It seems you have made it taboo not to define yourself by your skin-tone.
I truly do not understand how you cannot see the problems with that.
It is absolutely not taboo to define yourself otherwise, such as by your job, hobby, state, country, etc… but the reason skin tone racism is such a big thing is because that’s what the racists use. Where in other countries it can be more about certain ethnicities regardless of skin color, in the US your skin color was enough to make you a slave or a free man and our racism is based on our slavery. We spent hundreds of years justifying skin based slavery and that pseudo science and twisted religion doesn’t just go away like a light switch.
I didn’t doubt it’s still happening somewhere; just curious how wide spread it is. I read the third link. It was interesting. I wasn’t aware the Justice department spent almost 2.5 years going after lenders.
Alright let’s break this down Barney style. You have group A and group B. Group A decides to pelt Group B with oranges every time they leave their house. So Group B moves in together and buys communal umbrellas to live as unmolested as possible. And you think that is perpetuating Group A’s conduct.
No I get it. Fox news screams reverse racism every time group B tries to go around the racist power structure instead of work inside it, and instead of critically examining that you’ve just accepted it as a truth.
Because they still get shut out of opportunities based solely on their skin color, names, and application photos. So they work together to create their own opportunities and are rightfully proud of that. America can stop worrying about race when we finally end racism.
Do you ever stop to consider that it may be exactly because of your obsession with the skin tone of people, that you have so much racism?
Try imagining being just as obsessed about eye colors. It seems ridiculous right?
It does seem ridiculous to me but I’m not racist and we tried that. In the 1980’s and 1990’s they made talking about race a social taboo. You just didn’t talk about it. The only effect was to freeze racism in place while white people congratulated themselves on solving it because they didn’t hear about it anymore.
So it turns out that in order to fight racism you have to talk about it and give financial support to the class that’s been oppressed.
You get out of here you SOCIALIST. How dare you suggest we even the playing field for the people who we took opportunities away from for hundreds of years!
I know right? What’s next, paying the kids we feed to the machines?
I am not saying you should just ignore it, or making it taboo. But Americans have gone to the very extreme version where skin-tone apparently has to determine who you are. It seems you have made it taboo not to define yourself by your skin-tone.
I truly do not understand how you cannot see the problems with that.
It is absolutely not taboo to define yourself otherwise, such as by your job, hobby, state, country, etc… but the reason skin tone racism is such a big thing is because that’s what the racists use. Where in other countries it can be more about certain ethnicities regardless of skin color, in the US your skin color was enough to make you a slave or a free man and our racism is based on our slavery. We spent hundreds of years justifying skin based slavery and that pseudo science and twisted religion doesn’t just go away like a light switch.
Do you have a recent example of someone who was denied an opportunity, that is afforded to everyone, based solely on their race?
2003 hiring link
2024 hiring link, PDF Warning, EDU domain
Modern Day Redlining link
The studies go on and on. The sheet brigade may not march in your town anymore but they’re still in positions of power pushing down on minorities.
I didn’t doubt it’s still happening somewhere; just curious how wide spread it is. I read the third link. It was interesting. I wasn’t aware the Justice department spent almost 2.5 years going after lenders.
And the work still isn’t done. This is happening all over the country.
That’s the mentality that perpetuates it though
Alright let’s break this down Barney style. You have group A and group B. Group A decides to pelt Group B with oranges every time they leave their house. So Group B moves in together and buys communal umbrellas to live as unmolested as possible. And you think that is perpetuating Group A’s conduct.
You don’t get it buddy, but that’s alright. Best of luck to you.
No I get it. Fox news screams reverse racism every time group B tries to go around the racist power structure instead of work inside it, and instead of critically examining that you’ve just accepted it as a truth.
I don’t watch fox news, it’s not even on TV where I live. But nice try lol.
Murdoch has news outlets in most of the world.