For those of us who live in the US things are and have been scary and depressing for a while, this seems to also be true about quite a few more countries in the world.

If you are living in a country that you deem safe, well functioning and overall a good country to live in, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious about the current state of the world? Also, what country are you in? (Just in case 🫣)

  • Lemminary
    1 month ago

    I think it largely depends on where you are and who you associate with. I also think cartel violence isn’t what it used to be. I’m not aware of any reputable gangs here where I live, but we do hear news about the shit cartels pull occasionally, like for example the narcobloqueos where they hijack a truck, park it across on the highway and set it on fire to cause a diversion or things like that.

    Overall it’s very rare to hear about them taking it out on the general population. There’s an unspoken rule not to mess with the innocent although there are dangerous states like Sinaloa or areas of Michoacán where it goes down when the military intervenes. That’s when the gloves come off and they fight back by all means necessary, including using terror tactics for the government to back off.

    But besides the cartel violence, kidnappings are what scare me the most. There have been many, many cases of people being held & maimed for ransom or simply disappeared without a trace, although I’m not sure how much of that can be attributed to the cartels because they target journalists. It’s undeniably a serious problem for many folks who are at risk by association, proximity or happenstance. Thankfully anti-kidnapping legislation and its enforcement has been tightened up in recent years.

    Despite all that, these things are largely in the periphery in our day to day meaning I don’t live in fear. I generally live carefree and comfortably without denying that I do know some folks who have had scary episodes with organized crime in the past. But it’s quite surprising how much more peaceful our everyday life is than what you’re told abroad, even if it’s something we struggle with in the grand scheme of things.

    • Thanks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive answer. I truly hope a solution is someday found to get rid of these cartels because I find Mexico, one of (if not the most) beautiful country I have visited, and not just for the scenery, but also the people and culture are one of the most beautiful ones I’ve seen in all of Latin America… Also, tacos are gifts from god.