A senior Conservative MP has said it is time to consider the “possibility” that the US president is a Kremlin asset. Graham Stuart, a former Foreign Office minister, issued the comment in response to Donald Trump’s decision to pause all military aid to Ukraine. The extraordinary move comes as the US administration seeks to pressure... Read more »
A distinction without a difference?
Assets don’t have to have be in on it intentionally. A tank is an asset. A forest at the border can be an asset. But to be an agent takes volition and consensual involvement.
Asset may be a bit strong. Theres every chance he’s simply in their pay for some issues/events and there’s nothing to stop him ignoring them when it suits him. I’d imagine he’s rinsing them for money and believing that he’s getting the best of the situation. America and the American people only pawns in trump’s latest scams.
Oh I agree. I’m just saying that whether there is intent there or not doesn’t really make much if any difference to the outcome.
So he’s both
If he’s getting played by Russia and he doesn’t know it, he is an asset but not an agent. We all know how retarded Trump is, I think it’s possible that he’s not a literal agent.