• @lepinkainen@lemmy.world
      221 days ago

      McD is on a franchising model. Boycotting them in Finland hurts the Finnish entrepreneur more than the Mothership in the US.

      Coke and others are also manufactured in Finland, with a license.

      There is this tiny “America” shelf in the grocery store I’m boycotting tho 😀

      • @GissaMittJobb@lemmy.ml
        120 days ago

        The license gets paid to the main company, and hence not buying from their brands indirectly will hurt said brands, at least in the long term.

    • Random_Character_A
      221 days ago

      Most of those just work with licences and the products are not made in US. You are not hurting US business by boycotting them, only local entrepreneurs. In US they’ll still get their licence fees.

      In Finland McDonalds burger ingredients come from Europe. Beef patties come from East-Europe. Hesburger is the same and their claim on local ingredients is bullshit. Only the bun and possibly fries might be locally produced.

      In McDonalds the vegetarian pattie come from US. Those are unhealthy ultraprocessed food and due to logistical distances they are an ecological nightmare. You shouldn’t be eating those anyway.

      Same with Coke and Pepsi. They are produced by local companies with licence. If you gave somebody here a US made soda they would be wierded out. Due to agricultural reasons US uses corn syrup to sweeten everything and European taste finds that really funky.