Funny story, friend and I were just talking last night about how Java 8 is still used everywhere.

    2411 days ago

    I feel like this article was written by an llm? The way it skips around and makes unnecessary comparisons to JavaScript, the jump from the very beginning to very recent changes, it’s all just weird. It feels like it’s saying nothing but talking a lot

      1311 days ago

      That’s why it should be made compulsory to indicate when something was produced, even partially, by an AI. This time of your life you spent reading some low-effort no-value bullshit you will never get back, and neither will the hundreds/thousands others who read it. This is a net loss for humanity.

      • Baldur Nil
        210 days ago

        Even if it was, there’s no way to know, people can just lie. It’s not like it will be obvious, some people might have a feeling it is (based on their experience playing with LLMs) but won’t be able to point exactly why.

          310 days ago

          That is exactly the point, and I wouldn’t be surprised if soon there is more money to be made “certifying works made without AI” than there is selling API tokens for LLMs, i.e. the OpenAI business model (although I have no idea of what the technical implementation would look like, perhaps a mix of secure enclave computing offering only a predefined set of capabilities barred from AI, combined with a blockchain to persist and distribute the reference and hash of the works done? More to the tally of GenAI being a net loss for humanity).

    • Tony BarkOP
      1111 days ago

      Knowing Microsoft’s AI obsession, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is.