Yeah, I know, that all just a humour. I almost always use C++, inspite of knowing rust (cz no jun vacncies for rust, but still). There is no modern language which is absolutely better than other one — compromises are everywhere, that’s why it’s a silly topic to argue about.
You do not come across as clever as you think that you are when your central point is that you personally are not capable of understanding code written in a different programming language.
I’ve seen things like this posted several times on here. It always turns out it doesn’t actually catch all the possible problems, or it’s garbage collected, or it’s non-usable for real code.
If it was that easy, the people who wrote Rust with all it’s complexity and divergence from the norm were idiots, and I really don’t think they were.
It’s pleasure for me to write in rust, I really like how fast I can deploy a working solution (including debug time). As I mentioned, there are situations when, for some reason, you cannot do without C++. But you are right cpp-analyzers do not solve all possible problems.
This is something that Rust is specifically designed to prevent.
Prevent what? UNDERSTANDING the code?
Yeah, Rust is quite successful in that :)
That’s a rather old joke. Modern compilers print more adequate things on STL/templates related things.
And it doesn’t make Rust any better.
Yeah, I know, that all just a humour. I almost always use C++, inspite of knowing rust (cz no jun vacncies for rust, but still). There is no modern language which is absolutely better than other one — compromises are everywhere, that’s why it’s a silly topic to argue about.
You do not come across as clever as you think that you are when your central point is that you personally are not capable of understanding code written in a different programming language.
C/C++ is mildly obsolete now, basically. Breaking the memory model is not really a small defect that’s a matter of taste.
There are C++ analyzers like this which are also designed to prevent it (if you have no choice between languages).
I’ve seen things like this posted several times on here. It always turns out it doesn’t actually catch all the possible problems, or it’s garbage collected, or it’s non-usable for real code.
If it was that easy, the people who wrote Rust with all it’s complexity and divergence from the norm were idiots, and I really don’t think they were.
It’s pleasure for me to write in rust, I really like how fast I can deploy a working solution (including debug time). As I mentioned, there are situations when, for some reason, you cannot do without C++. But you are right cpp-analyzers do not solve all possible problems.