I have a full gauss prime set and don’t know if I should sell it.

More broadly, I hesitate to find the balance between building prime weapons and warframe or selling for plat because I don’t have any slot available. I started to put some sell offers on warframe.market and now wait. Should I sacrifice a bit Mastery ranks and trying warframes for plat ? To conclude; good game to everyone, and I hope you can farm what you all want :)

  • Dystopia
    16 hours ago

    Might be worth building him to farming relics and then selling the prime junk/sets you get from those relic runs if you don’t already have have a loadout that you like using for those. He is one of the better warframes for this and Thermal Sunder is nice to have on the off chance a capture mission turns into an exterminate.

    As for fun, that depends on how you like to play. Thermal Sunder on Gauss works fine for nuking content outside of ESO if you have the requires mods/arcanes, and don’t mind spamming 3. He’s only really fast in the tilesets that are more open/less complex, otherwise you’re going to be slamming into walls a lot.