Yup, it’s the Catabolyst! It was already strong, but now it’s ridiculous. Synth Charge still works, so the grenades still hit in the millions. Now you have three of them. Built this for Blast/Fortifier to keep me safe and crowd shredding.
This one is interesting. The 6x multiplier on physical mods means your elemental weightings will be bad if you choose to use IPS mods. Which you might want to strongly consider, given the passive essentially turns IPS mods into 60/60s: slash gives +100% status chance, puncture gives +1.5m range, impact gives +40% attack speed.
Naturally, I tried a Doughty build immediately, and this infested scooticle immediately started hitting in the millions. Can’t wait to see what it does once I have some forma in it.
Update: After completing my forma build, yeah, lethal slams with the Doughty build. Heavy slams seem to have lower status chance than regular swings, and also evenly split IPS, so I think they want to discourage Influence on this. Still, having a high power physical weapon is really neat for a change of pace.
Update Batch 2:
Very powerful, like a baby Dual Toxies. Hit like trucks with an Acuity build. The spreading spores slowing enemies makes it easier to line up precision hits, and the spores also apply damage vuln which is fantastic for Blast builds.
Hoo boy. The Coda trait lets these independently apply Tox on slams regardless of modded elements, including Tox-derived secondaries. You know what that means: viral/tox slamfluence babeyyyyyyyy. Has a Blight mod from Red Veil which is a nice midpoint until you get Primed Fever if you opt for a non-influence thing deleter build. Sky high 40% Status Chance is high enough to support multiprocs too.
Update Batch 3:
It’s the Sporothrix Prime basically! Viral self-primer, now with whatever your heart desires due to the Adversary element now available. No notes, the Sporothrix was already an excellent sniper and this is just that but moreso.
These are neat. One of the embed-and-dot type weapons, like the Mutalist Cernos. Also like the Mutalist Cernos it has a lot of goofy multiplicative interactions, notably from Secondary Shiver. Thrown weapons so they have very fast reload, so you can blanket groups of enemies in clouds of dooooooom. As I level them I’m trying both a blast build and a Shiver/Acuity build, the Acuity managed to proc a 100m Xata hit on my Ivara, so there’s something happening there I think, lol.
Update Batch 4:
Hema my beloved. It’s even Hemaier now! Even straight out of the oven, the interaction between Deadhead, Acuity and multi-CO was giving me hits in the millions at times (5 mil in my case due to Nova). Base CC is almost doubled to 20% and the CD is a bit more generous at 2.3x. Overall, a crit build should be over twice as strong (according to the wiki’s comparison calculations).
One thing I want to test is if the holster health drain is a reliable way of proccing Avenger, because if so this is going to be a hilariously effective thing killer.
Unlocked so far:
Yup, it’s the Catabolyst! It was already strong, but now it’s ridiculous. Synth Charge still works, so the grenades still hit in the millions. Now you have three of them. Built this for Blast/Fortifier to keep me safe and crowd shredding.
This one is interesting. The 6x multiplier on physical mods means your elemental weightings will be bad if you choose to use IPS mods. Which you might want to strongly consider, given the passive essentially turns IPS mods into 60/60s: slash gives +100% status chance, puncture gives +1.5m range, impact gives +40% attack speed.
Naturally, I tried a Doughty build immediately, and this infested scooticle immediately started hitting in the millions. Can’t wait to see what it does once I have some forma in it.
Update: After completing my forma build, yeah, lethal slams with the Doughty build. Heavy slams seem to have lower status chance than regular swings, and also evenly split IPS, so I think they want to discourage Influence on this. Still, having a high power physical weapon is really neat for a change of pace.
Update Batch 2:
Very powerful, like a baby Dual Toxies. Hit like trucks with an Acuity build. The spreading spores slowing enemies makes it easier to line up precision hits, and the spores also apply damage vuln which is fantastic for Blast builds.
Hoo boy. The Coda trait lets these independently apply Tox on slams regardless of modded elements, including Tox-derived secondaries. You know what that means: viral/tox slamfluence babeyyyyyyyy. Has a Blight mod from Red Veil which is a nice midpoint until you get Primed Fever if you opt for a non-influence thing deleter build. Sky high 40% Status Chance is high enough to support multiprocs too.
Update Batch 3:
It’s the Sporothrix Prime basically! Viral self-primer, now with whatever your heart desires due to the Adversary element now available. No notes, the Sporothrix was already an excellent sniper and this is just that but moreso.
These are neat. One of the embed-and-dot type weapons, like the Mutalist Cernos. Also like the Mutalist Cernos it has a lot of goofy multiplicative interactions, notably from Secondary Shiver. Thrown weapons so they have very fast reload, so you can blanket groups of enemies in clouds of dooooooom. As I level them I’m trying both a blast build and a Shiver/Acuity build, the Acuity managed to proc a 100m Xata hit on my Ivara, so there’s something happening there I think, lol.
Update Batch 4:
Hema my beloved. It’s even Hemaier now! Even straight out of the oven, the interaction between Deadhead, Acuity and multi-CO was giving me hits in the millions at times (5 mil in my case due to Nova). Base CC is almost doubled to 20% and the CD is a bit more generous at 2.3x. Overall, a crit build should be over twice as strong (according to the wiki’s comparison calculations).
One thing I want to test is if the holster health drain is a reliable way of proccing Avenger, because if so this is going to be a hilariously effective thing killer.