Oh my god? Probably my new primary that I’m going to weld to all my frames and never change. It’s Blast Plasmor basically. Altfire has autotargeting in a cone and inflicts Blast, Magnetic and Impact and modded and innate(?) elements. Enemies open to Mercies will trigger a teleport and the Mercy animation. Hits like a truck too, straight out of the oven I was already hitting like 300k.
Pretty fast for a scythe. Can crit now for Duplicate enjoyers. The sludge waves scale nicely, and the persistent hazard left by the sludge pools could be interesting for more CC-oriented setups like Radfluence. Be interested to see if stealth Xata can push the pools further, but that’s a later project.
Update Batch 2:
Finally, a good muckin’ Sparring weapon. This entire melee type is actually cracked since its first heavy is a 400% slam, which means it has a 12x heavy with Seismic Wave. For context, this is only otherwise shared by Sun & Moon and Hespar. Normal heavy slams are only 9x with Seismic Wave. In addition, it feeds you health and max health, which I think means it’s definitively Inaros’s BiS melee? I don’t know, I’ll let the Inaros players weigh in on that one.
Like daggers, the stance is deceptively fast, so you can churn out Discipline’s Merit tennokai heavies extremely fast. Just an absolute monster of a weapon.
It has a Puncture bias too for Doughty builds.
Low status means you really want to do a 12x combo build if you’re going to try and Influence nuke, but that’s fine, because Sparring is a cool weapon type.
I don’t like glaives that much anymore, but the original Pathocyst was the secret king of the glaives (since 2022 in fact due to the Veilbreaker armour removal buffs, and completely due to the Jade Echoes armour caps), and this is just a direct upgrade. Everything is dead when you throw this bad boy. Influence, Retaliation, Duplicate, the choices are endless, the havoc relentless. And you get the cool pistol synergy glaive mods to play with too!
Due to the progenitor element system, the ability to set innate electric means you have very flexible and fun builds too if you’re going the Influence route. I actually rolled Cold so I’ve been mucking around with a Power Throw + Melee Retaliation rebound build, and it will occasionally trigger Worthy Comradery crits in the millions, so that’s hilarious.
Stop using Glaive Prime basically. The only other contender is Halikar Wraith, and this is much more available.
Update Batch 3:
The critmonster is back. This thing hits hard, and it has exceptional range too with 37 m, or 49 with Sinister Reach. I may wind up using it extensively on Ivara.
I’ve had this equipped since it came out, and it’s taken me this long to test and commit to any builds. Kind of a goofy weapon, clearly oriented towards priming with its exceptional status chance and secret hidden multi-proccing ability due to the darts. I think the darts might be bugged because they trigger several statuses up front and then just do dry damage ticks after the fact 🤷
For damage, I settled on a basic Fortifier build as well as an Enervate build.
For proccing, I tried a Shiver build but it was not performant at all. I think for a corr-mag-cold utility build you’d go for Encumber.
For a hybrid approach I settled on a corr-mag-viral-heat, which wound up with pretty exceptional damage output.
Rotation B weapons.
Unlocked so far:
Update Batch 1:
Oh my god? Probably my new primary that I’m going to weld to all my frames and never change. It’s Blast Plasmor basically. Altfire has autotargeting in a cone and inflicts Blast, Magnetic and Impact and modded and innate(?) elements. Enemies open to Mercies will trigger a teleport and the Mercy animation. Hits like a truck too, straight out of the oven I was already hitting like 300k.
Pretty fast for a scythe. Can crit now for Duplicate enjoyers. The sludge waves scale nicely, and the persistent hazard left by the sludge pools could be interesting for more CC-oriented setups like Radfluence. Be interested to see if stealth Xata can push the pools further, but that’s a later project.
Update Batch 2:
Finally, a good muckin’ Sparring weapon. This entire melee type is actually cracked since its first heavy is a 400% slam, which means it has a 12x heavy with Seismic Wave. For context, this is only otherwise shared by Sun & Moon and Hespar. Normal heavy slams are only 9x with Seismic Wave. In addition, it feeds you health and max health, which I think means it’s definitively Inaros’s BiS melee? I don’t know, I’ll let the Inaros players weigh in on that one.
Like daggers, the stance is deceptively fast, so you can churn out Discipline’s Merit tennokai heavies extremely fast. Just an absolute monster of a weapon.
It has a Puncture bias too for Doughty builds.
Low status means you really want to do a 12x combo build if you’re going to try and Influence nuke, but that’s fine, because Sparring is a cool weapon type.
I don’t like glaives that much anymore, but the original Pathocyst was the secret king of the glaives (since 2022 in fact due to the Veilbreaker armour removal buffs, and completely due to the Jade Echoes armour caps), and this is just a direct upgrade. Everything is dead when you throw this bad boy. Influence, Retaliation, Duplicate, the choices are endless, the havoc relentless. And you get the cool pistol synergy glaive mods to play with too!
Due to the progenitor element system, the ability to set innate electric means you have very flexible and fun builds too if you’re going the Influence route. I actually rolled Cold so I’ve been mucking around with a Power Throw + Melee Retaliation rebound build, and it will occasionally trigger Worthy Comradery crits in the millions, so that’s hilarious.
Stop using Glaive Prime basically. The only other contender is Halikar Wraith, and this is much more available.
Update Batch 3:
The critmonster is back. This thing hits hard, and it has exceptional range too with 37 m, or 49 with Sinister Reach. I may wind up using it extensively on Ivara.
I’ve had this equipped since it came out, and it’s taken me this long to test and commit to any builds. Kind of a goofy weapon, clearly oriented towards priming with its exceptional status chance and secret hidden multi-proccing ability due to the darts. I think the darts might be bugged because they trigger several statuses up front and then just do dry damage ticks after the fact 🤷
For damage, I settled on a basic Fortifier build as well as an Enervate build.
For proccing, I tried a Shiver build but it was not performant at all. I think for a corr-mag-cold utility build you’d go for Encumber.
For a hybrid approach I settled on a corr-mag-viral-heat, which wound up with pretty exceptional damage output.