Made a account just to post this, all you’re doing is inconveniencing players of warframe, its obvious this is a failed experiment a majority of users aren’t going to sign up for yet another site (especially one most people dont know anything about) just for warframe, and restricting access to the trove of posts on the subreddit and a place for the community to share content is just damaging to the game.

  • @neooffs
    92 years ago

    All of Reddit’s content is generated by users. You can see it as if it is just providing a venue. A not even specially fancy venue, seeing as anyone can copy its functionality. And now Reddit comes and makes itself worse to view and moderate.

    But hey. I guess Reddit’s not profitable enough for such a big venue. No ads in 3rd party apps and ad-blockers for PC. Specially after wanting to dip into image and video hosting.

    My opinion is that such a venue should be public. If we had a global government that is :D

    • @SternhawkOP
      22 years ago

      i get what you are saying, sure its easy enough to copy the functionality, but what isn’t easy to copy is the userbase, reddit isn’t just a venue its a venue people are already going to.

      I personaly have no problems with the official app (i actually didn’t really know about the others until all this) but i get those people who liked the alterative apps feel slighted by the changes, but in this situation i feel like the wants of the many outweigh the wants of the few, I’m not saying this place should be shut down, by all means this place can stay up for those who don’t want to use reddit anymore, but that the two places can co-exist.

      • Badabinski
        82 years ago

        When the mods leave Reddit because they’ve lost the tools they need to do their job (for free), you’ll see how it impacts you directly. You’ll get to see all of the spam and hate speech that they had been dealing with using 3rd party apps and bots.

      • @neooffs
        32 years ago

        The point is that it is still the only platform like it. We have to fight for its quality since its life comes 100% from its users.

        • FiveMacs
          32 years ago

          Or else it all will become like Ticketmaster…

      • NapKat
        32 years ago

        Bro didn’t even quote it right its needs of the many and needs of the few, not wants 😒

      • Rylatar
        12 years ago

        This goes beyond mobile 3rd party applications - the changes kill moderation tools with nothing in return (and Reddit promised for years to make some tools available and still nothing) and were threatening to kill accessibility apps until Reddit gave an exception to the app developed for visually impaired people (but even that one can go up in the air should Reddit change their minds). Bots like reminder bot or video download bot? Goners.

        Dunno if you use discord but if you do, imagine Discord removed bots. Many large servers would legit crumble or require 10x the staff (and if there’s something I can say both Discord servers and subreddits have in common is that not many people want to do the volunteer work).