Linus Media Group CEO Terren Tong also responded via email, saying he was “shocked at the allegations and the company described” in Reeve’s posts. He went on to note that “as part of this process, beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.”

    42 years ago

    Me too, though I’m not female. I’ve seen some of my female friends treated poorly - by clients, though, never my org. I just don’t think it happened to this person. The fact that, well, they’ll share the whole story to the world right now - but never told anyone else while it was occurring? Seems sketch. Doesn’t jive.

    That whole notion of, “I was embarrassed and couldn’t tell anyone” to suddenly pronouncing accusations to the whole world over social media; as opposed to the legal authorities… seems damned sketchy to me.

      52 years ago

      lol what? This just sounds like ignorance to me.

      It’s hard for individuals to speak up by themselves, yet we all assume we would in the same situation. This seems like a simple “Gamers Nexus says something and noted complaints by some workers of a bad environment, so now I feel I can say it without more harassment”

      Did we all forgot a kid killed himself from the harassment LMG fanboys brought on them?

      42 years ago

      Look, Madison probably talked to someone about it while it was occurring, but we’re not part of her personal support group. We don’t have that privilege and that’s ok

        12 years ago

        But we’re privy to the rest of the rant? HR or the local authorities should have been the first step. Not waiting [duration] and then shitposting.


          12 years ago

          You’d be surprised how many women don’t come forward with harassment, sexual harassment, even sexual assault cases. We often think, unfortunately, that the system is not on our side. It’s not weakness, more like mistrust and fear of being re-victimised.