What is something like a hobby or skill that you belive almost anybody should give a try, and what makes your suggestion so good compared to other things?
i feel like this is a descent question i guess.
What is something like a hobby or skill that you belive almost anybody should give a try, and what makes your suggestion so good compared to other things?
i feel like this is a descent question i guess.
Baking - fresh warm bread is so good!
Sewing - it’s nice to add pockets to things 😁
And cooking! Being able to really master techniques and understand the interactions between flavours and ingredients is incredibly satisfying.
bread is good and sewing you get to make cool cosplays sometimes, so overall bread is good.
Second this! Just made bread a few days ago using the King Arthur easy bread recipe and sure enough it was super easy and came out really good!
Oh my god yes the lack of pockets! Changed my life when I learned to sew.