We already know that Prince Andrew was heavily involved but who else do you think will be named?
The disclosure isn’t complete, it’s only the people who haven’t been excluded in previous orders.
As all the perpetrators are rich and can afford fancy lawyers, that mainly just leaves the victims.
So yeah, the victims are the ones that will get fucked over. Again.
I bet it’s heavily redacted. Somehow the big names will avoid being discovered.
That’s my theory for why they’ve waited so long to release it.
About the same as most big scandals. Lots of noise and very few consequences. The damage control has somewhat started already. LOTS of people were “associated” with Epstein but that’s not a true implication of what their association was.
Well it’s kind of like that photo of Elon and Ghislaine. Does it raise questions? Oh yes. Does it automatically mean Elon has been raping kids? No. Those two rapists associated with lots of famous people. I think they got their in with a lot of people becauze of all the secret rapists they associated with. I don’t think every person who has associated with them was a rapist.
rapistsquare is aassociaterectangle, but not everyassociate’srectangle’s arapistsquare.Jeff Davis of Whose Line, Harmontown knew Ghislaine from night life in LA. He talks about it in one of the last episodes of Harmontown when all this was coming out. They were socialites involved with everyone. It’s great cover, could even be black mail cover. Get an important person drunk or under the influence of something, get a sex worker to take them back to a room, film it. Awful people, but not dumb.
Yeah I think it’s hard to tell where people’s vices start and stop. Probably some of those people were just doing drugs, just having sex with prostitutes. To me neither of those things is inherently bad or of concern at face value. But there’s no question there’s also people who were specifically associating with those two for the kid rape.
We will likely never know the truth but Im personally ok with all the names being dropped because even if you weren’t raping kids, your judgment was so compromised that you were associating with one of the worst sex traffickers on the planet. We should not be associating with you or doing business with you. But I think everyone’s going to assume any name on the list was diddling kids, and I just don’t think that’s true.
Keep in mind there will be names on the list of people who associated with them before anything came out publicly. Those are the ones who I’d say are innocent unless specific allegations come up. Flying on his plane is not enough imo.
Anybody important will have had their name removed from the list already. After seeing the fallout for Prince Nonce of Nonceville, nobody else wants to be tarred with that brush
I mean, its been public knowledge that Andrew is to be named. Or at least that he’s sweating it out
Well yeah, he’s a given
I just mean everyone’s implying all the rich and truly awful have made sure they are off the record by now which is clearly not the case with Andrew, leading me to question the sincerity or validity of that speculation hehe
Ahh, got you now, sorry for the confusion. I think Prince Nonce didn’t have the advanced notice (or the social equity (he was already disliked before this came out)) to buy his way out. Whereas people being announced this week have had months of advanced notice
Come on now, you know that it’s sworn testimony that Prince Andrew doesn’t sweat.
Of course, [REDACTED] will be there, along with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], and oh, did I forgot to mention [REDACTED] ?
The things [REDACTED] did to [REDACTED] while [REDACTED] directed them in front of an audience consisting of [REDACTED] and Prince [REDACTED] is utterly repugnant.
i love how you redacted Prince [REDACTED] because there are so many of them
Prince [And The Revolution]
Not [REDACTED] NO WAY! He’s in my favorite movie, it’ll never be the same!
Just like they’ve always done, they’ll throw a couple of their own to the wolves to distract the pitchfork weilding townsfolk (that’s us) just long enough for us to stick our heads back down into our smartphones and gadgets and forget the entire business.
Just like the sacrificed Weinstein and Spacey to our public ire and then quietly stayed under the radar long enough to forget how many other celebrities are doing the same thing.
The powerful stay powerful by distraction and subterfuge. This will be no different.
lmao bs no way this is accurate btw have you heard that aliens are real and the government has a bunch of ships and bodies hidden somewhere /s
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One can only hope the Trumps and Clintons get taken down, but that’s too optimistic
Worse thing you’re going to see about bill Clinton is he flew on the plane. Epstein lent his plane out for various people to take to any number of places, charity events, whatever. There was some rumors about a pilot claiming Clinton visited the Island, but nothing that was confirmed by a second source that I recall. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jan/1/bill-clinton-identified-as-john-doe-36-among-170-n/
I think our taxes just paid for a large shipment of sharpies to be sent to the Dept. of Justice building, that’s what I think.
It doesn’t matter.
We know Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were very involved, and the partisans of this country would vote for both again at the drop of a hat.
Both are constitutionally ineligible, but only one is trying
Leslie Wexner the owner of Victoria secret and the man who gifted Epstein his New York Mansion. But maybe not because he has money.
The American public. Because it will be yet another in a long line of ‘leaks’ that seem to go nowhere. Powerful people will continue getting away with it.
Panama Papers 2 Electric Boogaloo
And his followers will excuse it in one of two ways:
It’s all fake. They’ll claim that the Democrats swapped the real list for the released “fake” list and that the real list has Biden’s name, not Trump’s. Their proof? Some YouTube video linked to from a Facebook post where a white guy wearing sunglasses in his truck says he saw the real list with Biden’s name on it!
Trump was undercover. They’ll claim that Trump was actually working undercover to expose these people. Being on the flight logs “proves” that he was only there to spy on these people. Why? Non-specific Excuse! Therefore, Trump’s name on Epstein’s list is actually a good thing and they support him more!
Meanwhile, the rest of us will scream in frustration.
Only it’ll be spelled: REDACTED.
You can do anything when you’re a star, right? 🤬
I’m guess no less than 4 sitting senators.
- releases 4 names of people who are already dead *
Let’s take a moment to remember that Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Nobody that matters is gonna be on that list