I don’t know how I feel about that. They both deserve to be treated like cartel criminals. NOTHING LESS.
You gotta realize criminals and street life is the same as the mainstream. Please trust me.
Agreed. Rationalizing one as being the ‘lesser evil’ is basically just shifting the Overton window. Both are evil. Both deserve to lose. If they can make each other lose that would be ideal but if only one wins, we all still lose.
It’s odd to me people think Elon is more evil anyway. He’s definitely louder and stupider but way less responsible for tearing apart the fabric of our society. And some of his projects have been a net positive.
They should both lose to death but if we’re gonna make the comparison, Zuckbot is hands down more evil.
That being said, it will still be hilarious if zucc beats the shit out of Elongated Muskrat.
Agreed, I may have more of a gut level disdain for Elon, but Zucc is clearly way worse because of the way Facebook’s algorithms have harmed society.
That’s cause Elon’s a fucking troll on top of being a douchebag. At least Zuck has the decency to try to hide it.
deleted by creator
True true! Zuck was a catalyst for social media, and Elon for abused tech/science. I knew Elon was a joke the minute he talked about putting a car in space, just to test something, but back then I just got hated by reddit. It sucks that the world and space programs didn’t come after him for that.
You gotta realize criminals and street life is the same as the mainstream. Please trust me.
Fuck Elmo but I just don’t want Meta to replace Twitter’s social media niche. I would prefer if Mastodon would be the next “Twitter” but at this point I would be okay with Bluesky too. The Meta cancer is already big enough and has too much influence.
I’d rather have a moderated site replace Twitter at this point, even if it’s run by Meta. My first choice is for an intuitive non-Meta alternative to rise to prominence, ideally in the fediverse, but I think Mastodon had its chance and its unintuitive nature was too challenging for a critical mass of lay people. It needs to be: sign up, start posting. Instead it’s: sign up, choose your server. Huh? You’re already losing people.
All this has already been covered but it has to be simple and intuitive and that’s what Threads is offering and Mastodon isn’t.
Exactly this. Anything too challenging for a third-, grader is done before it starts in terms of mass acceptance.
I think everyone in the ActivityPub hopes Mastodon is the next Twitter but other than that, it’s a tie between the all three. I think Bluesky has the best chance since it has the cleanest plate but it’ll absolute turn into a shit hole like the rest.
Cohost would be cool.
yeah people are giving too much power to a single company.
Would you happen to have an invite code?
Yeah and one for a friend too?
This sentiment is so fucking wrong. Please, for god’s sake, please understand that Zuckerberg is NOT the lesser of two evils here. Meta facilitated a genocide by artificially promoting hateful content to boost engagement, quietly and without obvious consent performed behavior experiments on its users, and so much fucking more that the two aforementioned points barely even scratch the surface.
You people are trading being punched in the face with being beaten senselessly with a baseball bat.
Add cambridge analytica as well, it used to be all over the news but now everyone already forgot about it
Don’t you know, that was Facebook, this is Meta which is a completely different company that didn’t do these things /s
No, the correct answer is “fuck both of them”. You don’t need Twitter, you definitely don’t need Threads.
You don’t even need Mastodon for that matter. You don’t need a constant drip feed of dopamine. If you need to stay informed, you can just use news sites or something.
We need discourse. News sites are largely owned by rich men and corporations.
hmm, that’s a fair point. I have heard things about independent journalists making use of platforms like Twitter and Tiktok. I wonder if independent journalists have begun to adopt Mastodon as well, or just decentralized social networks in general, to share their news.
You can’t make real journalism in a few hundred characters or in a 10 sec video. But there are lots of bloggers with their own websites.
Meh, they just end up making it a series of posts / videos. If someone’s risking their life by doing shit like going into an active warzone and using social media to keep the public informed of what’s going on, doesn’t that probably count as “real” journalism, regardless of what online platform they upload to?
Meh, they just end up making it a series of posts / videos. If someone’s risking their life by doing shit like going into an active warzone and using social media to keep the public informed of what’s going on, doesn’t that probably count as “real” journalism, regardless of what online platform they upload to?
hmm, that’s a fair point. I have heard things about independent journalists making use of platforms like Twitter and Tiktok. I wonder if independent journalists have begun to adopt Mastodon as well, or just decentralized social networks in general, to share their news.
There are enough independent journalist networks out there, but they only inform, there is usually little to no capability for discourse, so yeah
Content creators need them though, specially artists.
Tons of artists, specially japanese, are actually moving to mastodon and misskey right now, which is a great sign.
fair enough. that’s pretty dope ngl
Don’t they just use pixiv or booth or something
You need a more general platform to expand your audience
There are situations where lesser evil is the best available choice, but this isn’t one of them.
Yeah, exactly. Literally a “false dichotomy” moment.
Yeah, exactly. Literally a “false dichotomy” moment.
But… my dopamine… But serious, I think lemmy or in the before time reddit is already filling most of my media need already, it amazes me that people can use social media that much and don’t burn out.
It’s definitely not worth it. Zuckerberg is the bigger fish here, at least within the social media domain. Meta’s threads replacing Twitter would make them even more powerful than they already are. I don’t like Elon, and it’s crazy that he somehow managed to make Twitter even worse than it was, but we really don’t need Meta to grow even larger.
Yeah exactly. Once the Zucc also reaches out for Tumblr, the last bastion of “Ugh, we don’t want Corpos here”, we’re done. We need to stop both Eloy and Zucc even before that. The Fediverse needs to fight an active war, we’re already living the Cyberpunk Dystopia.
Yeah, if we were still talking about the cage match of be fine watching that weird meat puppet beat musk up, but for social media I think we loose either way.
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I’m losing my mind!!! Ahhhhhhhhh people are so fucking stupid
Do you not know what analogies or metaphors are? Like, you do know that the person you replied to wasn’t comparing either of these men to Hitler or Himmler, right?
The usage of the analogy by definition implies a comparison of some kind.
Otherwise, wny use it?
To exaggerate and make a point? To rile people up and ruffle some feathers? The comparison isn’t between the two of them and the two Nazis, the comparison is between the two of them.
No no no, those are valid, sure, but they wouldn’t be possible without that initial comparison.
The comparison isn’t between the two of them and the two Nazis, the comparison is between the two of them.
There’s the implication that they’re both “evil” or “bad figures”, which is the entire point. The analogy itself wouldn’t be that great otherwise
Yeah, the implication is that their bad or evil, but I don’t really see it as comparing them to the Nazis. They just exaggerated for effect and used the most extreme example of “evil” they could think of to make a point.
At least that how it seemed to me.
I want them both to lose. Twitter dying would be in some ways, a victory for the people. But giving zucky more control over people’s lives is a horrible idea, especially when you take into account meta’s past. But we don’t have much say in what happens there, so we gotta learn to fight back.
Threads is banned in Europe which will probably leave a lot of people sad, if you ask me that’s the perfect opportunity to advertise mastodon and other fediverse projects to your friends, family, etc. Talk about it on bigger platforms if you still have an account on them, engage with posts and videos about the fediverse and how to use it so we can get them into the algorithm. Every little bit helps, we can do this.
I want them both to lose.
I read this one sentence and immediately imagined a Celebrity Deathmatch type scenario where Mark and Elon and beating the shit out of each other, but in the end Jeff Bezos shows up and just drops like Scrooge McDuck’s entire vault on the other two billionaires and claims the victory.
Please put warnings for spoilers
how about both twitter and threads die and the people win?
But then whose boot do we get to lick?
Forgive me, but is the answer “Your mom’s”… ?
You can lick my boots. 😉
Are you a trillion dollar conglomerate? Didn’t think so
If you want to kick some boots, get a partner and lick theirs, or just lick your own.
I tried to lick my own boots but I fell off the couch.
Trading one asshole billionaire for another is a losing game. The only losers are users of these services.
It’s like two giant Mecha robots fighting while a crowd of fans of one or the other are cheering on the ground and being squished.
ngl, i’d rather twitter wins since it’s imploding already so it will hardly survive for much time after it beats threads down
Yeah there’s nobody taking the Zucc down a peg. Dudes a literal machine.
Why not both? Can’t we hope enough stuff leaves twitter to hasten it’s demise and that threads implodes after a short period of over inflated reports of success?
In the fight against one evil should we really join another evil to do that
No, but the satisfaction of Elon throwing a huge tantrum outweighs Zuckerberg making a successful app, for me
So here’s what we do: we let Threads kill Twitter. Then, when Twitter is dead, we kill Threads.
‘we’ = 500k people or so
‘them’= 2 fucking billion people
Lesser of two evils has never gotten us anything but evil.
this one isn’t even a lesser evil
I would agree, I’m just pointing out the logical flaw.
In fact I’d argue Zuckerberg is worse, if only because he already owns so much of the digital landscape and most people use FB to federate with other stuff.
Elon is meme’d as being the big bad here but in reality he’s running his first website/social media company against a guy who essentially developed the modern model and already owns another massive SM site as well as his new Twitter clone experiment in addition to the foundational website he still possesses.
Greater of two evils also doesn’t seem very successful.
No. Meta needs to die.
Elon is fine in comparison; he’s far less of a problem than Meta is.
The platform at this point may as well already be doomed because of people like you.
Really - it’s like I’m reading the posts of Reddit manchildren who will forever retain their virginity because they’re incapable of understanding how things actually get done.
I guess you can’t expect much these days.
What’s going to happen next? Meta dominates the platform, you and the rest of your kind “protest”, then you fuck off somewhere else and pretend you “won”, while sucking each other off only for a repeat to happen sometime later?
Are you going to wear your fedoras?
I loathe both Musk simps and Zuck simps equally.
A pox on all of your houses.
A pox on all of your houses.
I simp for neither - try again
True, but if we slowly move to foss alternatives like lemmy, peertube, mastodon and more(bonus points for self-hostability and federation across instances), it will be for the long term good, undoing the harm social media has done for decades. It will be like the forums and usenet era all over again
I look at threads as a net positive right now but I don’t trust it. I see only upsides and no downsides. In a free as in free beer market, this is either a loss leader, scam, or a tactic to get normies hooked and then cut off ties with the ActivityPub.
I look at threads as a net positive
It isn’t positive at all.
If you aren’t willing to understand why, I don’t know what else to say.
I wonder why you have that stance. Can you please explain?
It integrates with mastodon and other activitypub solutions(atleast as long as they’re not defederated en-masse like facebook is threatening) and caters to normies, essentially making activitypub mainstream. It might end up a “not like the other normies” hellhole like reddit, but the concept of federation makes me feel hopeful.
Control goes from big tech to small instance owners…
As for normies, control goes from big tech to big tech as a representative of celebrities on all instances
Some might even switch.
I wonder why you have that stance. Can you please explain?
I’ve already gone into this elsewhere. You’ll find it if you scroll through my comment history, which isn’t very long.
You can also read about the “enshittification” word that’s been trending, or how this dynamic is nothing new and how the outcome is predictable given events that happened a decade ago with Google and XMPP.
At some point, history just repeats itself. Meta is a fucking terrible company that offers no real benefit to humanity, and will only serve to make things worse.
People like Elon Musk, at the very least, provide narratives that are realistic about what we’re up against.
What people (apparently?) don’t realize is that Meta is aware of the political landscape, and they’re using that to their advantage.
They know that the left is so invested in their hatred of Musk that they’ll be welcomed by them, but what the left doesn’t realize is that Meta is a Trojan horse.
My opinion is that billionaires shouldn’t be billionaires - it should be a crime to have that much wealth.
That said, they obviously do have that much wealth; the world obviously works a certain way and you must accept that if you want to improve things in any real capacity.
People see some billionares die in a sub accident. Yes, it was their fault. Yes, it was incredibly fucking stupid. Yes, the father was a bastard for being so ludicrously careless that he killed himself and his own son.
But they die and we laugh about it and make fun of them because it makes us feel better about ourselves.
And that’s a weakness. It’s low - undignified and an aspect of the Internet and its humanity that should only be treated with scorn.
Then you have these people hating Spez and what he did to Reddit while literally promoting the exact same inevitable outcome for Lemmy by cheering Threads on.
Where is the coherency? There is none - it’s just mob outrage, and that level of incoherency is counter productive.
Slow down. I hear you, but we can just defederate with meta, right? Worst case we set up a new server with how we like stuff incase our server’s admins don’t want to
but we can just defederate with meta, right? Worst case we set up a new server with how we like stuff incase our server’s admins don’t want to
Not exactly. Technically that might be true, but what will probably happen is that Meta become so ubiquitos is that they’ll influence the landscape such that no one else will want to use a non-Meta instance; that’s their goal, after all.
If they could’ve, they would’ve. They(social platform companies) have shown time and time again that they can’t maintain it. (Facebook’s holding on somehow, that’s the only exception I know of)
I really don’t get the recent Elon hate. He has always done some shitty things, like labour issues and I have always called that on.
But free speech is a good ideal and it just screams of sjw controlling the narrative. That’s not a good thing, the hate is unjustified lately.
…have you not been keeping up with the news??
Not really.
Starship was really cool. That’s about all I have seen. Then he supports free speech which is a real good thing
He wants to fight Zuckerberg which is pretty lame but that’s post what I’m talking about