more to come on our next warframe update soon, but some great little QOL things have snuck in from the team…

  • gear preview for duviri once you hit rank 4 in opportunity
  • steel path toggle for simulacrum
  • duviri defense being reworked to have less waves / better pacing
  • @TelosBoltor
    101 year ago

    Thank god for duviri defense changes, everyone in steel path always quits on defense because of how painful it is, its already too much of a slog to hit 10 weekly with the dumb exp reqs

  • Dystopia
    81 year ago

    It would be nice if they looked at Exterminate spawns/total kills required. 300 + kills is somewhat excessive with the way spawns currently work, and larger clusters of spawns would be helpful.

    • @WarfarmerMcDonald
      11 year ago

      It drives me nuts that 10 years in you’ll sometimes have long periods where nothing spawns. Getting to within 10-30 seconds of the end of a void relic mission and still needing 1-2 reactant is nerve wracking.

  • @gamingchair1121
    71 year ago

    ooooooh steel path simulacrum

    time to test against enemies that don’t die to my vectis in one hit lol

    or… hopefully at least

  • @Akemi
    61 year ago

    I’ll never understand why the put the warframe/weapon preview behind opp. 4. I’m glad it’s in, but why put it behind a rank cost at all?

    • @shogun
      71 year ago

      Same reason you can’t autosocket ayatans until MR10, I presume.

    • @KliuqardMA
      61 year ago

      Someone made a good point that the systems in Duviri can be overwhelming to players if offered all at once. Putting something like this into an upgrade confirms that the players makes an intent to understand and use it, rather than getting overlooked.

    • @_N_
      1 year ago

      First impressions.

      I think what he meant was he didn’t want the UI to be too overwhelming at the start. Edit: which is what Rebb says a few minutes later.

    41 year ago

    I hope circuit’s defense will be more comparable to other mission types there now. I assume they have collected data to set it appropriately.

  • Xuerian
    31 year ago

    All useful stuff, looking forward to it.

    Not all the stuff it needs, but it’ll get more work.

    21 year ago

    I wish they would give a specific date for the update. Even on the Prime Time stream right now they’re only saying June. At least there’s only a couple weeks left though

    • Dystopia
      51 year ago

      A lot of the time it’s waiting on cert for consoles. That’s also why we currently have the hot fix freeze right now, they can’t make any changes until after this update is pushed.

        21 year ago

        yeah, I’ve heard the timeframe of about 2 weeks thrown around in regards to the console cert process in the past so I think I’ve been operating under the assumption that is what we’d be expecting from the time of the hotfix pause.

        glad we have a date now though!