It’s hard to choose, there’s just so many great songs. Maybe it depends on what you’re in the mood in.
Right now, it’s “In My Life”.
Rocky Raccoon.
I can’t hear it without smiling.
It’s such a fun little song.
While my guitar gently weeps. I don’t know why but I just love that one.
Something. Followed by Michelle.
My wife says “Blackbird” and she is right ❤️
Ooof. This is like asking me to pick my favorite child! Probably something off of Rubber Soul.
Eleanor Rigby, by far. Very different, and one I have always enjoyed since I was a kid
Have you heard Zoot’s cover? It’s very different again but I love it.
Tomorrow Never Knows
And your bird can sing! Specifically the recording from Anthology 2 where you can hear John and Paul laughing
Pretty hard to choose, TBH. I’ll go with 3:
- A Day in the Life
- Here Comes the Sun
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Those would probably be my top 3 normally.
I never really listened to the Beatles that much, but for some reason Strawberry Fields Forever really resonates with me.
It almost feels like a perfect song to me, not sure why.
I’m between Don’t let me down and Eight days a week.
I Saw Her Standing There
It’s certainly not one of their many compositional masterpieces, but I really love this song because of how quintessential it is of that very early British pop invasion style with the catchy twangy guitar melody.
Eight Days a Week. Generally not a huge fan of the Beatles but that’s a banger.
Paperback writer!