Strange New Worlds S02E07 just leaked

    2 years ago

    I want to like this show but the characters are just so lame.

    I grew up with Star Trek New Generation and captain Picard was just great. But these guys all feel like really bad actors.

    I found myself wanting them to stop talking or get killed in the show. They are so triggering bad. Nobody else feels like that?

      102 years ago

      Anyone in particular? I don’t feel taken out of the story by the acting.

      I sometimes think the writing is a bit too obvious, but I guess its hard to come up with something original in a universe with this much content. The actors seem believable to me. I enjoy it because Captain pike feels like the captain, a captain Riker would be.

      • sethw
        22 years ago

        The choice to make spock a “Big Bang Theory” Sheldon comic relief was very bad, for example.

          2 years ago

          I’m only on the end of season 1 but it’s so super cheesy. He basically went “let anger into my heart”, then proceeded to hit the wall a few times, and now he can’t control his emotions anymore.

          It’s so teenage level, all of this. They could have created something great here but they clearly didn’t care, and just put C level actors everywhere and hoped the audience wouldn’t notice how bad it is.

          The previous episode was about how the entire ship became like in the book the doctor was reading, followed by some horrible acting from the entire crew.

          Yeah I guess I don’t know why I am watching anymore. I shouldn’t.

          • doleo
            12 years ago

            Shit, just wait until you hit season 2. In amongst the passable episodes there’s so much bad sitcom material. The tones shifts so dramatically, its hard to know what kind of show you’re watching.

            A lot of people are lapping it up, though. The star trek fans that I’ve spoken to, online, seem to think it’s the best show for ages.

        2 years ago

        I think it’s hard to describe why we don’t like something. I think part of it is because of the annoying personalities. But they won’t be annoying to you, or you would have picked up on it by now.

        I think most people seem to like the show. It’s doing better than Picard I think, which was also crap in my opinion.

        I did like the Orville though, because it did have some actually funny scenes and decent stories.

        2 years ago

        Already have, sadly. It was the only one I liked since Star Trek Enterprise.

        So much shit in the latest star treks that has much more to do with promoting the “woke” culture of 2020 and nothing to do with space exploration or story telling.

          102 years ago

          Star Trek has always been woke. Nichelle Nichols was one of the first black women to feature prominently on TV in a lead role. She was also one of the first actresses to have an interracial kiss on US television.

          If you can’t see that Star Trek hasn’t always been about equality and diversity and learning to accept those who are different then I’m really not sure what you’ve been watching.

            2 years ago

            I love sci fi, and I loved these star treks very very much, they are excellent:

            • Star Trek Voyager
            • Star Trek Enterprise
            • Star Trek New Generation
            • Star Trek Deep Space Nine

            However, these ones are awful:

            • Stat Trek Strange New Worlds
            • Star Trek Picard
            • Star Trek Discovery

            I think the entire “woke” thing has become way too much in the last ones, to the degree that it’s annoying to watch.

            I think it’s similar to watching TV shows with too much sex. I mean, it’s not enjoyable, it’s just annoying. Or watching Fox News for 5 minutes and wanting to jump off a cliff.

            • Timwi
              12 years ago

              I’ve not heard of a show called “Star Trek New Generation”. Are you thinking of “Star Trek: The Next Generation”?

              Are you sure you’re a fan?

        • sethw
          2 years ago

          promoting the “woke” culture of 2020

          this isnt a problem, it’s the nature of star trek… the problem is they didnt do it through thought provoking metaphors, they just point at literally the problem with a grimace and that’s it. The TOS episode with the half black half white face aliens at war with the half white half black face aliens is an example of how they could take more interesting angles that still promotes being awake to systemic injustice in the world.

            2 years ago

            Yeah I felt there is nothing interesting going on to keep my attention. They are exploring space - there should be tons of really interesting scenarios. Remember the entire Q thing with time travel and different consequences from all that, both morally and technologically. It made me feel really excited and interested in the choices that were made.

            But in the last few shows, it’s just missing. The big focus seems to be on throwing as many different races into the show as possible and make that the actual focus of the show. It was never the focus previously.

            The crew here is annoying. For example, they keep reminding eachother how they are the best of what star fleet has to offer, but they can’t act worth a damn. When she ship is being threatened to be destroyed, they don’t look like they even care.

            So I think you are right, it’s not the wokeness that is so annoying but it becomes so much of the focus since there is no good story or acting going on.

            If I have to watch “strong black woman” for the 100th time, it does tend to get really annoying. Can we have a good story in star trek please? That was the point of the previous shows at least.

        • SaltySalamander
          52 years ago

          Imagine not realizing Star Trek has promoted diversity and inclusion since the very fucking beginning.

              42 years ago

              Hey friendo, your post was short and there wasn’t a ton of room to read between the lines. Most people that shorthand the issues of corporate sterilized inclusivity, imo the actual issue with the writing, into the word “woke” (don’t forget the quotes!) don’t have a very nuanced or original take.

              If you have a more detailed or nuanced opinion you’re likely to get less blow back.

                32 years ago

                I haven’t heard the term “corporate sterialized inclusivity” before… But yes, the main issue with the show is maybe that.

                It’s ok to get blow back, I don’t mind. But the feedback was stupid at first. Basically “you are racist because you don’t like the new star trek, it’s inclusive, don’t you get it?”.

                There is good storytelling and there is shit storytelling and this show could as well take place on earth, as an episode of Charmed.

            12 years ago

            At least I liked Orville. It gave me quite a few laughs. And bad acting is fine when it’s supposed to be a bit funny.

        • Timwi
          2 years ago

          Have you tried Star Trek Prodigy? It definitely has much less of the woke angle you describe compared to Discovery and Picard.

          Edit to clarify: I have no issue with diversity and representation, obviously. In fact, I’m more annoyed by the right’s misappropriation of the word “woke” than I am with shows that are hamfisted about it. Nor do I think that Prodigy is any less Star Trek. I just like the writing more and think that its representation is well executed.