You were disabled and realize it is not getting better, and no one seems to be able to fix the issue. You’re stuck laying down most of the day, you have enough mobility to function at home, but anything outside of home leaves you in bad shape beyond your control where you are not professionally functional. What do you do to earn a living and survive?
This is not a hypothetical for me.
I’m lucky enough that I’d be able to just continue to do what I currently do, and write code.
Anything on the phone and or computer.
There are also services in 1st world countries that help you get setup
Anything from Programming to helpdesk to customer service to ASMR and anything else in between is possible.
You can do it. This is good first step to ask.
If you can divulge your country and or state there may be people on Lemmy who can direct you to specific resources
Southern California
You file for government disability. Hopefully during the filing process you can struggle through survival for a few years because the govt disability filing process takes a few years until MAYBE being approved, but everyone is always denied the first time, then you have to appeal and go through the several years process again. This is one reason why so many people are homeless by the way.
I tried that. I’m in a weird position where it is impossible to prove what is actually wrong with me in a way that I can get through disability. I did it once and was denied because I can’t prove anything conclusive. I’ve been to everyone reputable and a few less reputable; 12 neurosurgeons or specialists. They all spend 5 minutes reading the radiologist’s report, don’t see a thing they want to operate on, and spend another few minutes talking you out of the room. None of them seem willing to solve problems and look deeper.
You may have something different but if you have me/cfs you need to hit up the support groups, you can prove disability with a 2-Day CPET test.
I’m not in the US but many of the Americans in my support group were denied the first time they applied and got it on the second.
I’m not sure what the acronyms mean.
If it is ME/CFS come over to !
We’re not very active but try to keep up with the state of research.
A CPET is a cardiopulmonary exercise test. The 2 day CPET is when you get the test and then get it again 24 hours later.
People with me/cfs have different results than sedentary controls, so it’s a good way of helping prove disability.
If you didn’t know what ME/CFS is (myalgic encephalomyelitis) then you haven’t been diagnosed with it and none of this applies to you, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case you had.
I don’t have ME/CFS, but thanks for the reply. I’m kinda in a worse spot in that I was an amateur bicycle racer before I got the broken neck and back. I don’t ride like I did back then but I’m still relatively fit. My problems are related to simply holding posture. Even for a 2 day test, I think it would struggle to really show my issue. If I do anything sitting or standing for more than a few minutes I start degrading fast. I can push through the pain for quite awhile, I just get really stupid and lack attention and focus. That by itself is not the real problem. The real problem is that pushing like this will make it impossible for me to sleep much at all. The next day I will be a good bit worse than the first, but if I do it again, the cycle will continue until I shut down like a mindless zombie and I am flat out unstable after a couple of weeks without sleep.
I can ride a bike for an hour and a half but I know how to set up a road bike so that my back is completely neutral. The damage I have is super rare and from getting folded over backwards. My damage is thoracic (between the shoulder blades) almost all back injuries most people experience are in areas away from the ribs. Where mine is, it makes posture feel like lifting weights; doable but not for very long.
That sucks in terms of proving disability in your country (you would be eligible already in mine but since disability here is only half of minimum wage it’s not really the solution like it is where you are).
But it’s really fantastic that you are able to do so much!! That’s way better. You’re going to be able to work from home lying down. Lots of cool ideas in here.
I think you should still apply for disability every year. Maybe find a support group or organisation for people with broken necks/spinal injuries, they might know some aspects of the process.
Good luck to you. I know what it’s like to lose everything, and I really hope you are able to rebuild some kind of life for yourself.
Well fuck this sounds familiar… I fucked up my shoulder 12+ years ago but didn’t really notice how bad it got over time and now my arm hurts with most things I do. However, I’m not old enough for them to want to risk anything.
Everybody isn’t denied the first time. Some disabilities are blue-lighted which means automatic approval. I had a hemorrhagic stroke back in 2020 and I was trying to return to work till I found out I needed brain surgery. I applied for disability and it was backdated to the date of my stroke,
One of my disabled friends does tech writing. Basically takes the documents the nerds make and wordsmith it so its understandable by laymen. IDK what it takes to get into that field now though. But it is something that might help give some ideas :)
Communications or English degree usually. My boss used to do copywriting which is not far off and also doable for a person with a mobility disability. Doesn’t pay very well though.
Job #1 is researching all available disability programs you can apply for.
Aight. Since you are in California, get connected with the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). In a general nutshell, their main goal is to help people with disabilities get gainful permanent employment.
You will need verification of disability and from your attempt at claims you don’t have any, but any disability will work to include anxiety that raises to the level of disability, depression, anything already verified by medical professionals.
They can also provide funding for college to help you get a job. They can pay for tuition, fees, parking passes, school materials.
Also I think all states have a department similar to DOR.
I feel you friend, this isn’t a hypothetical for me either. That’s literally just my life now. I used to work delivery, 12+ hour days walking 10+ miles per day. Buy after a dog attack standing for more than an hour a day just flat out hurts. Enough that I can’t really focus on anything productive. Thankfully I can still cook and tidy up while my partner makes enough to support us.
Mostly I read. Libby was an absolute game changer for me. I spend too much time on lemmy for sure, but it is what it is. I wish I had a better answer for you friend.
What do you do to earn a living and survive?
No working anymore. I retire. Social security will take care of me.
(Things may be different in your country).
there was a guy 25+ years ago who was drunk driving and got in a big accident. ended up quadriplegic, and killed a couple leaving an orphan behind. he devoted his life to making up for it. he got a job as a financial advisor, cold calling strangers 200+ times a day, dialing with his face, until eventually he made like $7Million at UBS.
cold calling strangers 200+ times a day
oh wow he became a different kind of asshole
Citation needed.
Pirate a CAD program, learn how to use it, then pay for the certification test.
After passing, you apply for CAD designer jobs or do Freelance CAD. You’ll have a leg up on everyone else if you have that certification. Many of these jobs are remote and don’t require college.
CAD programs may seem daunting at first, but they are actually pretty straightforward. If you can do basic math and play video games, you can do CAD.
What CAD program is most useful nowadays? Would that als apply for a program like Fusion 360?
Fusion 360 is a watered down version of Inventor, so kinda?
Top CAD programs are: Solidworks, Creo, Pro-E, and Autodesk Inventor. Solidworks is probably the most in-demand.
The best answer here is something work from home in the tech field. Find what interests you most is best tho
Programming (React, JavaScript, Python and anything AI are hot and tend to pay well once you’re in the industry), 3D Modelling, 3D Animation, Game Development, Digital Design, IT / InfoSec work (may need a few certificates to be competitive), Call Taker (these can be brutal, but good companies exist).
If you’re able to walk around somewhat and can sit for very long periods of time, truck driving may be an option (again, depending on your disability specifically). Truck driving is in extremely high demand and pays pretty well, and may even hook you up with hotel rooms if you get the right benefits. You will need to be able to sit in one spot and drive for many hours sometimes though, like 12+ hours.
Writing is also an option, as is drop shipping / starting a print-on-demand company on Etsy (though these will take a while to get rolling).
I work in an office typing on a keyboard all day. I could easily do this job from home.
Any job that fits that description will suit you. There are quite a few of them nowadays.
Work from home customer service
This can’t help in the short term, I would consider learning steno. It used to cost thousands to rent specialized equipment to do it. Now with Plover (foss), the software component is free. You just need a keyboard with n-key rollover to do it.
I wouldn’t actually recommend learning on a standard keyboard. I personally use an ortholinear for typing, and that’s what got me into plover.
One way this would help one disabilities to make money is that with high-speed internet, you can caption internet broadcasts or remote company meetings. There are nonprofits that you would work for to find companies that need your service.