How do you sort your posts in subscribed communities? I’ve been sorting by active, but I keep seeing older stuff that I’ve already seen. Is there a better way to sort?
I do Top Hour or Top 6 Hours, because commenting on newer posts increases the probability of getting virtual internet points and I love virtual internet points
I use hot because active is nearly always stale.
I think active is the one that will bump the post with new comment to the top, like steam forum or something
Used to sort by Hot but by the second or third page it always show me content from months back, even as far back as 8 months ago. Now sort by New.
I read somewhere that there was a general Lemmy bug with Hot and/or Active not refreshing without a server reset. I’ve heard people say that Best 6 or 12 hours is the best for now.
Yeah, in my current instance we have to reboot the server every few days or everything stop updating. It’s annoying.
deleted by creator
Subscribed > posts > new
Hot is the best way to see new, good content consistently. Sorting by top or active will show about the same posts, in my experience.
I typically sort by top + all, then top + subscribed to see the most-engaged posts of the day first; afterwards if I still want to browse I sort by hot + subscribed or new + all.
New 4 lyfe
I sort by new.
I sort by Hot if I haven’t logged in for a while. Then when I’ve read through them and looked at everything I want to there, then I sort by New.
Default: New Manual: New Comment
currently I use hot, though I’m not really all that heavy of a user so the stale posts thing isn’t really a problem for me.
All by new. I’m curious to see new stuff, but I’m finding that I’m still interested in the same stuff I was on Reddit, so I’m always contemplating switching to just subbed.
In the main frontpage sort by hot or by top of day. In individual communities, sort by new by default but depending on how many days I’ve been away, I may sort by hot or top of day/week. On communities I mod, I switched between new and new comments to make sure I don’t miss anything. Would be cool to have a controversial option.
I flip around between different styles, but the most important thing is having hide read posts active. Without that enabled, there’s just too much old shit that filters up to the top.
Is there an easy way to mark stuff as read without opening the post + comments? It always kicks me back an extra page when I back out from a post (read post I found on page 3, hit back, end up on page 2), it’d be nice to be able to just clear stuff from page 1 marking it as read so I could dodge this idiosyncracy.
I am tired of this question being asked 10 times a week