you guys are out here deleting people who are against this stupid protest? Don’t worry I’m gone. Like most of the community you’re letting down with this. DE relied on the massive community for posts and engagement. Disappointed to say the least.

  • Kayn
    1 year ago

    I removed the post because I didn’t feel that a post that only mentions the blackout in general is relevant here. There was no intent to silence voices that speak out against the protest of r/Warframe specifically.

    Discussing the r/Warframe subreddit specifically will be allowed on /c/warframe for now. r/Warframe will be opening up in a restricted form on June 21st, when the 7 Crimes of Kullervo update releases.

  • @Encinos
    211 year ago

    The blackout was aimed to build a better environment for every community out there, so that you don’t have to scroll through 3 “He gets us” ads before you can see your beloved Wisp’s assets. If you cared about the Warframe community so much then help build a good one here. Be the change you want to see in the world.

      131 year ago

      Dude literally came here less than 24 hours ago and did nothing but ask the sub to reopen. I doubt he has it in him to build a good community here.

      • @AToxOP
        41 year ago

        Bro you have been here three days. Calm down

      • Convict45
        31 year ago

        I get the impression that Tenno would have slept in on the day the rest of the void kids toppled the Orokin.

    171 year ago

    If you think you can do a better job than the mods you are free to open your own warframe-themed subreddit and moderate it. You have no right to demand anything of the mods when most of the community is backing them up in this too.

    • @AToxOP
      1 year ago

      Most of the community? Hardly. How many members were in the reddit? How many are here? Edit. Just looked. Less than one thousand people. Can you do me a favor and remind me how many were on the reddit?

        1 year ago

        Why would I, it’s not my argument to make. If you have problem with the protest open your own subreddit as you’ve already been told to, you are not entitled to free moderation services.

        • @baconboyloiter
          1 year ago

          It’s less about having a space on Reddit to discuss Warframe and more about the several years worth of information and content that already exists and is now inaccessible. Also, the community is no less entitled to “free moderation services” than third party app developers are entitled to Reddit API access… Those “free moderation services” wouldn’t even be necessary if the sub was made read-only. I like RiF and narwhal as much as the next guy, but having to switch to the slightly worse official app is way less frustrating then suddenly losing access to a bunch of information. The mods will risk losing the support of the community if they inconvenience the community more than the admins do

            81 year ago

            I think everyone is aware that brand new tech like this can’t compete directly with reddit, a megacorporation with literally thousands of employees and a 10 year headstart, in terms of convenience or stability. There is also the sunk cost of having been on reddit a while and having it already configured, setup and filled with data.

            Personally for me, that is hardly excuse to not try something new and maybe improve the situation a bit in the long term. After all following that logic we’ll be using reddit 50 years into the future as well and nothing will ever change, which just sounds horrifying to me. I also know most people don’t care about this beyond the basic convenience so yeah, the moderators will have to find a balance how much they can push it but it’s only been a week, larger and more important reddit subs are still locked too, and some by public vote too.

            tl;dr Of course it is less convenient, but there are other good reasons to be less dependent on reddit.

            11 year ago

            Actually, if you add “cache:” to the post you are trying to access, you will get a cached version of the post, allowing you to see its contents. This would’ve taken a 2 second google search to figure out but thats probably too much effort for you isn’t it?

            • @baconboyloiter
              1 year ago

              This doesn’t work in all situations as demonstrated by the 404 error I receive while trying to access this page. Someone else was able to help me find this post using the Wayback machine yesterday, but I question the reliability of both of these methods considering the wayback machine only had one capture of this page from 2022

  • @KliuqardMA
    121 year ago

    It was removed because another mod felt the content was misplaced (as it should’ve been in meta).

    It was not meant to be a malicious removal and we’re aware it’s not a good look.

  • @Grunslik
    111 year ago

    As for DE’s reliance on the community, have you completely forgotten their own forums? Yes indeed, they have their own place for the community to come to give feedback. They don’t have to rely on reddit for that.

      41 year ago

      I went to find Warframe info on Reddit yesterday and couldn’t due to the lockdown (obviously). I just swapped my search criteria elsewhere and ended up in the Warframe forums with the answer I needed. People need to come to the realization that Reddit won’t be around forever and you need to also be able to find information in other places as well, it’s a good skill to have in life.

    81 year ago

    There’s a meta community for this.

    I would like to have the subreddit set to read-only so I could see old threads, but if the mods decide that a full blackout is better, hey it’s their subreddit. (Until spez kicks them off and installs a puppet mod team at least)

  • Dystopia
    61 year ago

    There is no irreplaceable content on the original warframe sub, and a lot of people are more than happy to help/answer questions anyways. There isn’t an excess of posts drowning anything out either so if someone has an answer to your question, there’s a good chance you probably won’t have to wait too long for a response.

    You’re probably better off looking at the wiki anyways for information, Reddit is horrible as an aggregator. Usually you have to use Google to find a specific post from Reddit, and even their search results have been returning less relevant results.