For me, I’m nearly 40 and I really love Avatar the last Airbender, reading YA novels, and sometimes I make pasta with fun shapes, just because I can.
What do you enjoy?
Every so often I still indulge in the “don’t step on the cracks” game while walking along the street :-)
I literally did this just yesterday walking to the car from work. Then I had to figure out what actually constitutes as a “crack” and what is just a "purposeful indent’ in the sidewalk. I decided that the indents that separate the squares in the sidewalk do not actually count as cracks and its ok to step on those.
Yes, but you’re liable to break your dad’s spine that way.
Me too!
It’s a habit at this point. Mentally I know it won’t break my mama’s back, but emotionally… emotionally, I -have- to step over it 😅
Gotta protect your momma’s back!
Switching song lyrics for immature lines.
Jingle bells, Batman smells…
🎶Robin laid an egg🎵
Riding on the shopping cart like a scooter
Yes! I get many looks. Here’s a late-thirties man with a bald head, gleefully grinning like a maniac while careening wildly down the parking lot aisle on a squeaky four-wheeled vehicle meant for vittles.
Late 20s here, same!
There’s a lot of things. One easy one is I enjoy coloring in. And I really like teddy bears.
My daughter has a stuffed fox that I genuinely like to cuddle with when she lets me.
Stuffed animals in general are dope.
I love coloring! And now I can afford all the cool sharpies since I’m an adult.
Pretending to use The Force to open automatic doors.
Oh, it isn’t just me then…
I love avatar the last airbender too. I haven’t found a show like it since. Besides that, I still like anime (though less nowadays because of some sexist parts)
Dino shaped chicken nuggets
You’re all just being human. You’re not childish, just being human.
Sleeping with a teddy bear
I should probably get one seeing how I often end up just hugging the blanket when I sleep.
I vaguely recall an article linked on the SITE THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED that something like 40% of adults sleep with a stuffed animal or comfort object
😅 Coloring books. Dino nuggies. Chocolate milk. Cartoons. Plushies. Fairy tales.
Also, ATLA is amazing no matter what age you are 🤩
Chocolate milk.
I like banana flavoured milk too
I was really bummed out when I developed lactose intolerance, but I was shocked by how good the Silk Dark Chocolate soy one was.
Also found some brands sell it lactose free here, but unfortunately they’re harder to come across in stores.
Pokemon games. I played all the games up to the Gameboy Advanced, missed the DS and have purchased all of the switch games. My wife and I actually buy both versions of each game so we can trade and battle.
Stuffed animals and fun shaped foods/objects. I want the Super Mario macaroni to go with my Dino nuggets so my stuffies and I can have a nice dinner.
ATLA is awesome. Worth enjoying at any age.
I’ve got a decent collection of stuff animals. They’re nice.
- Magic School Bus. To this day there are a dozen episodes that cross my mind all the time.
- What my father calls “crap pasta” — animal or cartoon shaped noodles in a sauce that’s 40% salt.
I thought there would be more, but nothing else is coming to mind.