Do you have examples of movies that have a huge spike in stakes almost at the end?
Examples: Se7en, Rogue One
Please use spoilers if you want to explain why
It’s not the last 15 minutes, but Hot Fuzz has an amazing shift in tone.
The same applies for the other two movies of the Cornetto trilogy.
The Sound of Music, surprisingly. The first like 90% of the movie is them singing and frolicking through fields, then it ends with them being chased by nazis. It’s such a radical shift in tone.
Really??? I only had the first VHS in the two tapes set, so I’ve never seen the second half. I thought it was just an upbeat musical.
There are a few hints at the Nazis early on and throughout, but yeah. The last 15-20 minutes are car chases, tense hiding scene, and a standoff. Nothing like the movie up to that point.
I assume it’s probably meant to be like how it happened in people’s actual lives. Rumors of Nazis, things happening, and then suddenly they are there and your life has been completely upended.
Fuck Rolf!
Well Liesl was definitely down. At least in the first act. But yeah, Rolf brought some serious intensity to the ending scene.
This episode looks made for you:
Cabin in the Woods
One of my favourites, I could watch a whole series about the two operators.
Bone Tomahawk is a great example of this even if not necessary the last 15 min. Most of the movie is a pretty ok western. Bad stuff starts happening and it’s still a pretty ok western. Then there is 1 specific scene that goes so hard, you’ll want to forget you ever laid eyes on it. Then it’s back to western movie but now you have to remember the shit you just saw 🤣
I’ll watch anything with Kurt Russell in it
Me too thanks
I had to rewind three times cause I swore I kept missing something important that made that significant or something. Needless to say I was glued to the screen until the credits rolled.
I watched this without knowing anything about it, & the flip of tone took me totally by surprise. Will never forget ‘that scene’!
While I appreciate your take, I’m just gonna go ahead and recommend people avoid bone tomahawk. It’s slow, and at the end of the movie it felt like literally everyone working on the film phoned it in, from actors to the writers.
Jojo Rabbit goes from a heartwarming dark comedy about a boy that is living through WW2 and his imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler, into something very different that is too much of a spoiler.
To be fair… he does heavily foreshadow that scene.
Currently my favourite movie
From Dusk Til Dawn
Eh not really the last 15 minutes, more like the second half.
Still, it’s the best example of an extreme shift of both tone and genre that I’ve seen.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It felt like mostly nothing happened for 2 hours. There was some decent dialogue and a lot of references to 1950s and 60s Hollywood. There is some build up, but not much payoff until the last 20 minutes. Then everything goes off and you are reminded that this is a Tarantino film.
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I would argue seven doesn’t go from 0-100 in the last 15 mins once the first murder happens its takes off from there
Considering all the murders, it almost feels more like it goes 100-0.
But I do like the question
I would say Cloverfield Goonies Lucky number slevin Avengers Endgame The Matrix
Especially with Endgame as hype movies go, once the movie started, and that scene with Hawkeye just locked the entire audience in for the ride
I like the question, too. Would just need to go through some list of movies I’ve seen to think of answers since I haven’t paid attention to this side too much.
Not the last 15 minutes, but Sunshine really takes a turn.
There will be blood
As excellent and twisting as that movie is, nothing about it is 15 minutes.
Oh ya it’s super slow, except for the last 15 min
Maybe mother! I feel like it gets exponential more chaotic towards the end but that might take place over more than 15 minutes
Like a fever dream that just keeps getting worse…loved this movie!
If you are interested I asked ! about movies similar to mother! and The Fall where things kind of spiral apart and people had a lot of decent suggestions. Here is a link to the post.
Great link!
Videodrome was on the ol’ VHS replay list for sure!
Thanks for this!
The mist, which I think was a Steven King book first I think.
One of my favorite movie endings of all time. People were so mad in the theater. It’s was incredible.
I feel like paranormal activity fits this. Most of the movie is pretty light with activity until the end when it ramps up.
The Incredible Weight of Massive Talent
Such a great film!