• @jballs@sh.itjust.worksOP
    362 months ago

    Last night I was playing with a random group of people on a suicide mission. I found the super samples and said in voice chat that I was going to drop them at extract. A few minutes later, a level 23 guy ran to extract and picked them up. I said in voice chat, “hey, can you drop those samples back on extract so we don’t lose them if things get rough?”

    No response. I figured he must not have voice chat turned on. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll be fine. We start doing the rest of the mission and about 15 minutes later, I see that he dies and has dropped the samples. I’m not with him at the time, but I figure he’ll pick them up when he can. Things get hairy for a bit and everyone dies a few times, but we finally finish the last objective.

    Then I notice we don’t have the samples. I check the map and see there are some sample icons, so I figure that one of those must be the super samples. But after running to pick them up, we still don’t have the super samples. So I say in voice chat, “Did anyone see where that dude dropped the super samples?” And it turns out he DID have voice chat turned on, because he responds, “Sorry I lost them.”

    I will admit that I lost my cool. I didn’t say anything, but I kicked him from the game. I probably shouldn’t have, since I should have used it as a learning opportunity. I was just frustrated because I specifically said what I was doing, then when he made a mistake and took the samples, I told him immediately and he didn’t listen.

  • @snekerpimp@lemmy.world
    252 months ago

    Accidentally picked up samples, didn’t realize I was on extraction. Instead of talking on chat or typing in chat, I get shot in the back of the head and booted. My bad, didn’t know my slight lack in situational awareness totally ruined your playing experience.

    Just say something, don’t kill and kick.

    • @jballs@sh.itjust.worksOP
      102 months ago

      You know, as he was running away from extract not listening to me, I considered blasting him in the head and then dropping the samples back on extract. But I figure that would have been a dick move. But in the end, maybe it would have been more humane than letting him play for another 15 minutes, losing the samples for the team, and then kicking him.

      • @snekerpimp@lemmy.world
        122 months ago

        You gave the common courtesy of talking. Even if he didn’t have a mic, he would have heard what you said. Warning/attention shot would have been warranted after saying something.

    • @lobut@lemmy.ca
      102 months ago

      I don’t know, I played until the end. I thought I was doing alright, I died way less than the others and was pulling enemies off the guys whose game I joined. When we finally got into the evac ship. I got in there and sat and then he shot me and then got in themselves.

      Turns out I had Democracy Protects and just stimmed while I was still sitting in there. Not sure why people have their panties in a twist.

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Man, super samples was such a a hassle till I bit the bullet and went to level 9.

    Level 7 is swamped with people who shouldn’t be there, but are just for the super samples.

    9 actually seems easier, because the people there tend to know what they’re doing. Soloing an objective when 3 titans show up isn’t great, but surprisingly manageable if you’re good at kiting and can hit headshots with the quaser when they start to spew.

    • @jballs@sh.itjust.worksOP
      82 months ago

      I just posted the whole story below. What’s fucked up about the situation is I kicked the guy from the group, but I don’t even need super samples. I’ve been running 9s with my regular squad and have like 80 right now after unlocking 3 of the new upgrades. I kinda feel bad for kicking the dude, but at least maybe he learned something.

  • @MrNesser@lemmy.world
    92 months ago

    Just had the host leave at mission 2 of 3 (level 7) we hadn’t even gotten any SS yet.

    I think I’ll be pushing to lvl 9 soon

      • @Carmakazi@lemmy.world
        72 months ago

        I got a CTD while I was hauling 20/23/3 samples to an extract with 50 seconds till landing. I’m sure that guy thought I was a degenerate.

        • @jballs@sh.itjust.worksOP
          22 months ago

          If you’re on PC, try validating your install files in Steam. That usually fixes it for me if I’m crashing after a patch.

            • @jballs@sh.itjust.worksOP
              2 months ago

              It actually runs really well on the Deck! Aiming is a bit hard on controllers, but I’m sure it’s the same as playing on a PS5. Only slight problem is the font sizes are small. So reading stuff is a pain, but it doesn’t affect the core game play.

              • InEnduringGrowStrong@sh.itjust.works
                12 months ago

                Works fine on the deck for me although I had to turn the graphics down a bit.
                I mostly use the trackpads instead of the joysticks.
                Gyro for the finer aim.

                When I hold the stratagem bumper, the joysticks become dpads to punch codes.

                Make sure you don’t have half rate shading enabled, otherwise any text is completely unreadable.

            • MarauderIIC
              12 months ago

              Played on it today. Worked fine! My only complaint was that I had a bit of a hard time seeing enemies.

  • JoYo
    92 months ago

    this mfer watches me drop the samples as we hunker down for extraction, walks over and picks them up right in front of me with a fresh EATs in my hands. one guess as to what happens next.

  • @Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.world
    82 months ago

    When I was a lower level and first started playing on suicide a dude got on the chat and said “I dropped the samples at extraction” I thought he died on his way through on the way to the next mission and got called in somewhere else. I didn’t put two and two together that he did it on purpose. So on my way through I grabbed them. A couple minutes later my brain made the connection, and i just kept my mouth shut and decided to protect them with my life. To add to this story, I am a firefighter at a quiet station, during down time we play games but in the off chance I get a call I have to leave. So… 10 minutes later, I got a call. So unmuted my mic, told them I had them , and told the dude I was standing next to that I was dropping them and I have to leave and before I even opened the menu to drop them every one of them emptied their guns into me and took them. And I closed my laptop. I found the whole situation funny. Especially when you are first playing on suicide it is PURE CHAOS and your running around screaming.