Hi guys curious if in the past with reddit did you use push notifications (via first party app, 3rd party apps, or desktop).
Do you wish it could be expanded to Lemmy?
Or do you think push is to addicting/bad?
Curious on your thoughts
Personally I wish they’d never been invented, I don’t let any apps send me notifications other than chat apps and even then with no sound and all group chats are muted permanently. I can’t stand the constant ping of apps trying to get you to engage with them, I want to engage on my schedule not anyone else’s especially some Silicon Valley product manager’s. Even in this much quieter state not having my phone feels exactly like not having my baccy felt when I used to smoke, until I got into the Fediverse I was tempted to pull the plaster off entirely and throw it in the sea.
I’m also a bitter and cynical software engineer who should under no circumstances be consulted for UX advice, so it’s probably wise for Lemmy to implement them.
I mostly never had many group chats (aside from family) so I kinda doged the issue for the most part. That being said I can under stand the annoyence/expectation of having to reply immediatly (I have read reciets turned of in many chat apps with certain exclusions).
As per lemmy they are kinda in a back in forth on enabling it since push notifications would typically rely on google firebase messaging or apples push notification service (for power effeciency purposes). Catch22 is it could go against foss/privacy.
I would like to have push and know we will in future. I used redreader which would pull for replies once an hour and notify me if anything was new. Though that is less “push” notifications and more “pull” notifications
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I used Joey and it did have push notifications. I turned off all notifications, though. It got really distracting. I prefer no notifications on lemmy, but I know other people want it and that’s fine.
I don’t like push notifications at all, so no. I only have a couple enabled on my phone and refuse to have them at all on my computer. I’m fine with them being an option, but they should be explicitly opt-in.
No on both. I wouldn’t mind it though as long as i can turn it off.
I find them useful so I can see when someone replies to me. It’s a thing that apps have, I kinda expect Lemmy apps to have it.
Currently my work around is MonitoRSS and a discord channel to scan my lemmy inbox every 10 min. It kinda works but the down side is their are times I might see a messageon lemmy then discord notifies me later.
I suppose lemmy apps could use a polling based system but I wonder if their is a way to enable push (granted if one is willing to make the privacy trade off and use apple push notification or google firebase push notification).
The web-UI uses WebSocket to get notifications, which provides fairly low latency (at the cost of having to have a WebSocket eternally open). I’m not sure which (if any) of the Lemmy clients make use of it other than the web-UI, though.
I think it would be nice for the people who want the option.
However, Lemmy and other “message board” types of applications/services don’t really register to me as something that needs immediate acting upon. If someone replies to a comment of mine, I don’t think (or hope, at least) they would expect me to reply back in say five minutes. I do get an email notification, which my email app is set to check for new emails every 45 minutes.
The exception I could see to this is for moderation actions - if someone reports a comment/post for example, or someone signs up for my instance (though I could see that being a bit annoying on larger instances where someone could be signing up say every 5 minutes), that would be nice to get instantly.
That is something that I really like Android’s “Notification Channels” for. If an app implements it properly, you’d be able to receive push notifications for just moderation actions, and leave it turned off for comment replies.
I (personally) do not find push notifications to be addicting so-to-speak, but I do use a wearable so that the things I do find important to have push notifications on for (such as messages from family) I can see/“feel” those come in instantly.
I did use push notifications with Apollo. They’re useful if you want to engage with people responding to something you posted.
Fair point. (I love with apollo specifically how you could reply in the notification shade without even having to open the app).
I’d like it as an option to turn on for things like replies to posting an item for sale in my local community. I’m over any sort of thrill from my phone thinking I should interact with it more.
When I used the official Reddit app before I saw the light of RIF, I had push notifications. I didn’t have them on RIF except when I opened it, and I found that to be a lot nicer on my psyche.
I have email notifications enabled on Lemmy right now, which turns into a push. But I don’t really mind as much because the conversations here are nicer, and it’s usually replies to me trying to be helpful, which are nice to see.
One thing I like about lemmy (at least for now) is since communities are a lot smaller than reddit their is a limit of new content that can be generted per day (if you sub to 20 or less comunities).
This kinda helps avoid the reddit doom scrooling (I’m guilty of this especially during the blackouts and spez issues).
It had gotten to the point that I didn’t even like opening rif because I would get nasty replies from people who had no idea what they were talking about. I’m not sure if it’s a troll tactic or representative of the average age of a redditor.
That is the biggest problem with reddit, they let all of their users engage in all of the public communities and moderation is simply non-existent.