The festival is an international event held in Berlin that was set up to encourage change from within the government. It showcases good practice examples.

The wheels of German bureaucracy may move slowly, but the pop-up museum will not be around for long. It will be consigned to history on June 25 and hopes to take a large chunk of red tape with it. Only time will tell if that €500,000 investment was well spent.

    811 months ago

    Now, the Initiative for a New Social Market Economy (INSM), a market-liberal lobbying organization, has created a pop-up museum designed to turn up the heat on the German government

    While funny, the group behind it certainly sounds scary. We don’t need more neo-liberal policies.

      211 months ago

      The Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM) – New Social Free Market Initiative – is a neoliberal German think tank and advocacy organization with headquarters in Berlin that was founded in 2000 by the employers’ organization Gesamtmetall.

      What could you possibly have against them?