I’m gonna call it Twitter even harder now.
i’m going to stop calling it twitter when twitter.com redirects to x.com, and not the other way around
at that point i would stop talking about it, because X is just too stupid
His obsession with the letter X is like that middle school kid who used to talk about how many girlfriends he got and how good he is at being a bad ass…
Basically, he’s a less likeable version of Zane from Hypnospace Outlaw.
He’s a wannabe Steve Jobs who has chased his own one letter legacy for 30 years, pathetic.
“X” already happened. Musk even stole the logo.
BTW, there’s a Mastodon instance at https://wayland.social/.
By stole the logo you mean it’s the same letter?
I guess he’s claiming the font having that little white separation between parts of the letter is some unique identifier, but so many fonts and logos do this that I don’t think it passes a distinctiveness test at all.
I wrote that meme out in a comment like a month ago because I was too lazy to put the text on the image, so thanks.
Tight reference.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you want him to fail, help him destroy Twitter’s brand.
Call it X.
I has worse brand recognition, terrible brand loyalty, and if only highlights that the product has changed for the worse.
my little bit is to say “what’s twitter?” (sigh, alright then… X) “…what’s X?”
Yeah, I ve got such a hard twitter right now
Call it Xitter. Pronounced like “shitter”.
I’m sorry, but due to cultural norms the name Twitter is rooted deep within our modern language.
[PERSUASION] Maybe a free little blue check will do the trick
Or what?
[INTIMIDATION] drop your daughter’s dead name and I’ll drop your site’s.
- [THE DARK URGE] Imagine feeding Elon to a large flightless bird.
Narrator: You imagine throwing a burlap sack over his head. His underlings would be extremely displeased with you, but he wouldn’t put up much of a fight himself.
Narrator: You can think of someone who would be extremely pleased with your offering, however.
Elon: You’re looking at me funny. Is there something you need?
[THE DARK URGE] Give in to your desires.
[PERSUASION] I have an investment opportunity that I think you would be interested in.
Can I see your wares?
No, nothing. I was just lost in thought.
You know you’ve played the game too much when you can hear how the Narrator would read those lines.
And you know you’ve also watched too much Thunderf00t when you can hear how Elon would read his line too…
Dee Reynolds?
I started a DU playthrough and laughed almost as hard as I alt-F4ed the first time I picked one of those fantasize options and saw what happened. 10/10 addition to the dialogue tree
What game has “THE DARK URGE” dialogue options? I was imagining Fallout before, but this makes me think it must be some newer one.
Baldur’s Gate 3. Go play it. Now. Sleep is for the weak.
What perk gives ypu it?
When you create a character, you have the option to play an Origin Character, who are the other companions in the game like Shadowheart, a custom character with your own backstory, or a Dark Urges character, who is also custom, but has the additional backdrop of having dark impulses, like wanting to murder random characters.
Don’t forget potentially useless proficiency skills.
A rogue with wis as a dump stat provably shouldn’t be making too many medicine checks lol.
Ive only messed with that origin once.
I’m still exploring builds, not so much because I’m unaware of the RAW stuff, but to see how its implemented in BG3. I haven’t left act one yet, lol.
Ok guess I just overlooked it.
I think it’s the bottom right option.
I very quickly learned not to trust the Dark Urge to stop at imagining the act.
*roll a nat 20
“Get fucked, shitbird. I didn’t buy your bullshit even when people thought you were techno Jesus.”
5. [ELON FANATIC] I agree, my liege. Do you need help convincing others?
I’d delete my save if I hit this option, just to be sure.
So, you’ve been playing way too much BG3 too?
Define “way too much” please
30 hours a day
The only thing that gets me hard is billionaires not getting their way.
So when you win the Powerball you’ll have to be a masochist to fuck?
I mean…im already a masochist when i fuck so…I…I really don’t know how we got here to be perfectly honest.
If I win the Powerball I’ll be able to afford a good Dom.
Now the real paradox: if I can only cum when billionaires can’t get their way but I’m a billionaire and my mistress denies me orgasm, what happens? Does the universe implode on itself?
We obey the laws of mathematics in this house!
Nah just donate to charity until you’re well below a billion. Even a hundred million sets me up for life, and it has the added bonus of not being so much that my descendants end up as fucking idiots like Musk.
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The problem is, is that if you engage with anyone outside of the internet, they have no fucking idea what you’re talking about when you call it “X”.
It’s so fucking stupid of a name. Even worse than Facebook changing to Meta.
You can ask people to call it “X” all day, every day, but you can’t just change the name of your brand/product to a single letter, that people use every day for other things, and expect it to work out for you.
Facebook the product is still Facebook. The only name that changed was that of the company that owns Facebook, which makes sense as that holding company also runs other products like Instagram.
Google made a similar move in 2015 when it created Alphabet to hold the non Google parts of Google.
In both cases the renaming was on the coorporate side. They made no effort to loose the old trademark, and continue to operate under it today.
The only high profile case that comes to mind that is simmilar to Twitter is when Comcast rebranded itself as Xfinity in 2010. In that case, it worked because: A) Comcasts reputation was way worse than Twitters and B) people don’t have that much of an option anyway. In the otherhand, the rebranding failed in the sense that everyone still knows them as Comcast.
I honestly thought Comcast just bought xfinity at some point. Also fuck xfinity
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I think they DID buy xfinity, then used the name because they were done wiping their ass with “comcast”. I only say this because I distinctly remember having both xfinity and comcast showing up as internet options on some old house listings.
xfinity wasn’t an acquisition, it was just comcast rebranding trying to separate itself from the stank of comcast. It did occur during a time of acquisitions of other cable networks, but that’s been true of comcast for 15ish years. both domains still work for customers.
Ahhh, so it could’ve been a local acquisition changing their names on ads before Comcast finished the job, or maybe vice-versa somehow. Interesting.
Largely true but as a small aside, Google is still a company (within Alphabet). Alphabet is purely a corporate structure, and all branding still has Google on it. Whereas Facebook is now only a product, Meta is the company brand with its own logo and products named directly after it (like Meta Quest).
In defense of Zuckerberg – and there’s something I never thought I’d say – they changed the name of the company so that they could introduce new brands. They were not dumb enough to rebrand the successful products. It’s just now Facebook by Meta.
Oculus quest, though I guess it wasn’t actually a success
Oculus is by far an infinitely superior brand name
That I agree with
That was totally his idea, the idea of a fucking imbecile, I bet he fired the entire PR and marketing departments, because he thinks he knows better.
An imbecile narcissist. He probably thought he could literally take over the mindshare of “x”. Megalomania seems like his brand, though, so no surprises there.
I’m just glad he’s not an American so he can’t become the next Trump.
Dude, don’t give them ideas.
When I go to x.com I end up on twitter.com
So Elon says it’s 𝕏 but my browser still says it’s Twitter
Wonder how much money he blew on that domain only to not even make it the canonical one.
He probably can’t change it without breaking something lol
Probably third party apps. Gotta keep those smart fridge Twitter clients running! Musk even memed about it a while back.
Since he tried to name PayPal X also, I’m assuming he’s has it forever. Like Bezos and relentless.com.
Even back then a single letter domain was probably worth tens of millions.
Maybe he’s just fixated on some sort of sunk cost fallacy. Now that he’s finally in control of another online service he feels he needs to use the domain he spent untold amounts of money on just so it didn’t seem like a waste.
No, he literally had to buy the domain back from Paypal in 2017. Paypal owned the domain for years, even after firing Elon in 2000 for trying to switch to it.
Funnier yet, when you go to https://𝕏.com you also end up on x.com which redirects to twitter.com.
That’s funny, when I do it I end up on nitter.net
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I personally prefer xitter, pronounced as shitter
GTA IV had a Tw@ Internet Cafe so I’ve always kind of thought of it like that.
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I’m partial to Twixxer myself
I like calling id xD
I’m so tired of these woke CEOs and their snowflake whining over misgendering their companies. There’s the name that a company is assigned at birth, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to change the way I’ve always called them (for my whole life and ALL of god-fearing Christian history) because some liberal snowflake CEO one-day wakes up and simply declares, “twitter is now X” ffs.
The facts of the
birthincorporation certificate, DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS little pissant mUsK… GET OVER IT!/s since satire is dead.
Mr. Pibb, Dr. Robotnik, Sierra Mist, I’m not using your woke “Pibb Extra, Dr. Eggman, Starry” nonsense!
Oh, that’s what that was about? I honestly just assumed Starry was some crap knock-off that the restaurant just happened to have that day. Not really sure what the motive would be or why they’d expect the reaction to rebranding a nearly 20yr old product would be any other assumption. I’m going to disagree with them. They should be glad I’m not calling them Sprite.
Yeah… I thought the same, that it was some knock-off company’s bootleg Sprite, wasn’t a very good idea, especially since the product packaging looks like Sprite’s
Ugh, it hurts that there are losers out there who say this shit unironically.
“The Chaser” is a satire site. You’re getting really angry over something that never happened.
Image Transcription:
X post by user The Chaser @chaser reading: ‘Stop calling it Twitter’ says guy who deadnames his own child. Underneath is a photo of Elon Musk’s face with a barely visible Tesla logo in the background and the link to the article at chaser.com.au
[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]
Good human.
Thank you, fellow human! 🤖
I think you may have misspelled tweet /s
Does Lemmy support alt text? I don’t remember seeing the option.
People usually put it in the post description below the image, from what I’ve seen.
Legend says if you say Twitter 13 times inside of a Tesla at 4:20am, Elon Musk will appear inside the car
More likely that the autopilot kicks in, locks the doors, and drives into a lake.
That’s going to happen anyway when he enables The Code, he just has to wait for enough people to buy them to save the climate he’s actively helping destroy with rockets, then he gets all them tree hugger no good hippies in one go!
/foil hat
Probably just disables your car
And if you say Twitter 69 times inside of a Tesla models S3XY at sharp 4:20am, Elon Musk will cum inside the car
X is a fucking stupid name
No, X is a letter. But it doesn’t matter what you call a shitty product, it’s still a shitty product. I’ll also keep calling it twitter.
More Fun In The New World was great though.
Sure Elon, I can provide this service to you for just $8/month. It’s great value honestly, I have expenses to continue to run my life and just $8 will happily contribute towards that.
Double that and you can rest assured that the X I will pronounce will be verified to have come out of my own mouth. Not someone else’s, mine.
I’m bad at math, but Elon Musk is worth $229 billion dollars, which I think is enough to give every person on Earth $8 a month for a while.
If you call 3 months “a while”
I would, yes. You wouldn’t?
No, I wouldn’t call 3 instances of payment (for a total of $24), “a while”.
Okay, well maybe three months isn’t a while to you, but I think most people would consider a quarter of a year to be a while.
It would be one of the greatest redistributions of wealth ever, sadly.
lol so funny this guy thinks we’re just gonna stop calling it Twitter
Can I call it “Twatter” instead? It seems way more fitting.
Xitter with the ‘x’ pronounced as ‘sh’.
Xitler same pronunciation of x
“The Chaser” is a satire site. This never happened.
No. I’m exercising my Musk-given right of ultimate free speech and will continue calling it Twitter, just because I feel like it. Musk would be proud of me standing up against censorship. Oh wait…
“i’m so sick of this annoying guy” say people who won’t stop thinking or talking about this annoying guy.
“I’m so sick of these people who won’t stop thinking or talking about annoying guy” say people who are talking about this annoying guy.
“I’m so sick of these people who won’t stop thinking or talking about people who won’t stop thinking or talking about annoying guy” say people who are talking about people who won’t stop thinking or talking about annoying guy.
Be the change you want to see.
Nah bro you’re supposed to say
“I’m so sick of these people who won’t stop thinking or talking about people people who won’t stop thinking or talking about people who won’t stop thinking or talking about annoying guy” say people who won’t stop thinking or talking about people people who are talking about people who won’t stop thinking or talking about annoying guy.
I think he’s a fucking idiot asshole bigot, but it’s still fun to watch him make the dumbest decisions ever for attention.
Has someone done a LEAVE ELON ALONE meme yet?
… And all of this could have been avoided if he just renamed it “Twitter by X”, so make Twitter part of the X super-app that he wanted to build.
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I could call it that but then nobody would know what the fuck I’m talking about. Maybe at least pick a name that’s unique?