Knowing that most Nintendo games don’t really have options to tweak the game like not even being able to turn the music off or rebind controls in game, so what options would you like to see weather it’s basic thing that basically most pc games have, a easier mode or some accessibility options.
For me while I like that Mario Kart 8D has some accessibility options I wish the auto acceleration made it that the A or Y button toggles it on and off just so it could be used in battle mode
Also that Items had a toggle so you don’t have to hold the button to drag a item for those that need it
For smash bros I wish their were option to make a single button short hop instead of what they did was pressing both jump buttons to do a short hop
Also to take smash attacks off of the attack button that if I do a smash input I do a tilt instead cause I can’t get used to doing tilts on the other stick even after years of using it
Fully customizable control schemes. It’s ridiculous that in our accessibility focused present state of gaming that you can’t just swap around buttons on the switch. It should be in all Nintendo first party games and integrated at the system level
I feel like Nintendo has taken many steps back in this regard.
We used to see this more, even in their first- and second-party titles. What happened?
Yes, this; Luigi’s Mansion didn’t let you invert up and down and took me forever to complete some of the water level boss.
Overall better control options is all I want. More accessibility options is always good, but I dont know a first party game thats needs an easy mode.
They are usually already easy enough for even new gamers, or already have an easy mode implemented in some way.
This is a thing with a lot of eastern video game developers, but Nintendo for their size specifically really needs to step up in this regard.
The OS level controller binding was a good first step, but until they have it at a game level, it’s just not as helpful as it aught to be. Realistically, this stuff should be programmed into the game itself, but barring that, Nintendo could fix this largely with an OS update tomorrow that allowed for OS level rebinding of controls that saved per game.
I think it would be great if all games had full language options, changeable at any time during gameplay, without having to create a user in a different language or start a new save.
I’d like to be able to switch the language of the games in game itself. Currently Nintendo games use the language of the system so even if you have user accounts set with other languages they would get the system one.
Zelda TOTK for example allows me to change the voice language at any time from the settings menu but the text language can only be changed if I set a different system language.
Please give us options to speed up the movement of the sticks, Zelda BotW and TotK somewhat has this but I find the sticks a bit slow. Pokémon on the other hand doesn’t have this at ALL and it infuriates me that I have to spend ages spinning the camera around.
I love the save state options on the steam deck. I would love if that was on all the Nintendo consoles.