Besides Viral Damage and status chance, obviously. I’ve been slowly wringing all the MR out of my favorite primer, my Kuva Nukor, and I’ve gotten to the point where I’m not sure if my mod selections are quite worth the slot… and I’ve got plenty of capacity to work with.

This is my current build. To me the point is that it applies max stacks of Viral ASAP, as an added bonus it’s Kuva element is Radiation which prevents buffing enemies from doing much of anything. As is unless I’m on SP the Nukor can and will kill most enemies quite efficiently.

So, what do you do with a Viral Primer once it primes Viral with all the gusto is can?

Edit: Taking all the suggestions here’s what I’ve got:

This is looking pretty awesome now.

  • @sandriver
    62 months ago

    Secondary Encumber for your arcane is the big one. Then I usually just use Primed Heated Charge so it can do some basic heat inherit priming.

    • @Kaldo
      32 months ago

      I remember reading that Secondary Encumber only works on the first target hit, not on any other chained beam victims, so its not that good on nukor though

      • @sandriver
        12 months ago

        First part is true, but you can still do the standard Nukor sweeping motion. It racks status so quickly enemies will still be primed beyond what the weapon can natively achieve.

    • @HalashamOP
      22 months ago

      Hadn’t thought about Encumber, thanks for the tip! Definitely gonna grab it.

  • Dystopia
    22 months ago

    Seeker for punch through to prime more enemies at the same time?

    2 months ago

    Honestly, put cascadia flare on it and run viral heat, it’ll stop being a primer and start melting things. If you want to go super hard into priming, swap the bonus to magnetic and use the rad fire rate mod to run viral rad heat or electric. I reccomend heat so you can use cascadia flare but conjunction voltage and electric would be more convenient if all you care about is priming. Give damage a go though, with viral and big heat you hit max viral and stack up huge amounts of heat procs quick, and they’ll do significant damage, AND let you use cascadia flare which is super nice. I mean don’t let me decide your playstyle but if you feel like you’re stuck priming for steel path you don’t have to!

    12 months ago

    Couple suggestions: Eject Magazine to make it reload when you have your melee out, Embedded Catalyzer for extra status chance, heat element so you can slow roast something if melee doesn’t work. Secondary Encumber is a good choice too.

    • @HalashamOP
      22 months ago

      I’ve got 150% status chance already, does more help past 100%?

        12 months ago

        Hell yes it does! You can get multiple procs in one hit. It’s like getting orange crits.

        • @HalashamOP
          22 months ago

          Very nice! Will have to see what I can do.