Every year, I will put christmas music and sit to play Super Mario Bros on the NES at least once, since I grew up with it.
Minecraft. I’ve been playing since Beta and host Minecraft servers in my homelab for my friends. I don’t think I’ve gone a whole year without playing it in a very long time.
minecraft is the best, especially with mods
I’m playing another run of chronotrigger right now. played it on SNES (natively, believe it or not!), Playstation, mobile, pc, Nintendo DS, it’s just a fun game with characters I like.
My current meta is to make it to the first time you can travel with the gate key, grind in 65M BC until I’ve got full screen magic attacks, then happily cruise through most of the rest of the game spamming attacks I have no business having. Later on I get charm and use double charm to get all kinds of nice goodies, finish up all the quests and lavos never saw it coming. Usually by the time I hit lavos I’ll have gone through all 3 black omens.
great that you still find new ways to experience your childhood game!
Usually by the time I hit lavos I’ll have gone through all 3 black omens.
Lmao. My favorite move is to get every single possible mega-elixir and never use them because you know, you might need them next time.
omg I know. Charming those two headed snakes over and over again and by the time you get to lavos it’s like “oh, nevermind but maybe the stonger boss after lavos…?”
Oh man every now and then I’ll break out a classic for nostalgias sake. In no particular order
- Super BomberMan
- MinerVGA
- Warcraft II
- Super Mario World
- City Connection
i love the warcraft franchise except reforged, so much fun!
Costume Quest has great Halloween vibes. It captures trick-or-treating magic perfectly.
thats cute!
I replay Final Fantasy 7 in its entirety (including Gold Chocobo and both WEAPONs) every few years. Other than that, I pull out the old NES and fire up some Tecmo Bowl every once in a while, too.
so much fun!
Spyro the Dragon
Playing the reignited trilogy nowadays, but always played them on ps1 here and there.i loved it on ps1
I always return to Zelda 2 even though it’s ridiculously difficult. I also airways replay Super Mario Bros. 3, Final Fantasy 6, and Castle Crashers.
i have watched game grumps playthrough zelda 2, i loved it!
Dude, The Legend of Scrumf is a classic! I love when Dan takes the wheel with a childhood favorite.
There’s not one specific game but every year I revisit at least one game from my childhood. Crash team racing, tony hawk 4, resident evil 4, metal gear solid 3, crash twinsanity, guitar hero 3, cold winter, medal of honor vanguard. I’m thinking of revisiting croc, mercenaries 2, prince of persia, or marvel ultimate alliance this year.
i played so much crash team racing, i was obsessed breaking the ghost scores!
Commenting because I want to be the change I want to see on the internet.
I try to revisit Kingdom Hearts every few years. Same goes for Metal Gear Solid 3. I play F Zero GX pretty frequently (on Dolphin emulator now, self ripped from a modded Wii). I’ve almost completed every challenge there is on there, only a few staff ghosts left. The speedrun tech in it is pretty compelling. I also “”””speedrun”””” Super Metroid on my laptop in hotel rooms late at night when I’m traveling. I’m not very fast 😥. I’ve been playing versions of Minecraft for most of my life now, I started on version 1.3 ish. My mind was blown when they invented the hopper, so many features in one block. I’ve played vanilla and heavily modded, java and bedrock, alone and with my girlfriend. It’s a special game that will never get old.
I always end up back to playing KH1 & 2 as well. I didn’t like 3 though, which makes me sad
Story-wise 3 doesn’t have the magic of 1 and 2 but the gameplay is some of the best in the series!
Master of Orion 2…. At least once a year when I’m traveling, I fire up the Good Old Games version of MOO2 on my MacBook. First off, it’s amazingly fun. Second, I can play it on the m1 MacBook for 20-30 hours with music muted and brightness down to 20%.
It’s the perfect game to cross the pacific with, to get over jet lag with… to forget about crazy meetings in remote places with….
damn i wish i could do things while traveling, i get so dizzy i can just listen to things :/ sounds great for you!
Smash Brawl. Nothing gets you in the holiday spirit like a ragequitting sister
gg haha
Super Mario 64! I still have a functioning Nintendo64, but I also have the official switch version!
i love watching speedruns of sm64, so cool!
Whenever I’m having a bad mental health week I’ll do a run through of Psychonauts. Psychonauts 2 was amazing and I’ve got 103% on it but the original just scratches that itch. Especially Black Velvetopia.
I am the Milkman. My milk is delicious.
The Secret of Monkey Island!
Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask. Was the first console game I ever played, and it holds a very special place for me.
so nice :)