I don’t like to see so many political posts in all and so many weird images in comment sections
What in the world have I woken up into…
As an Asian/Taiwanese, I do not understand why Hexbearians feel the need to point out what’s racist for us.
The picture of Xi the Pooh is clearly a parody and pointed specifically at Xi and the CCP, and not a general racist insult to Asians. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, in East Asia knows that, including the Chinese themselves. We use/refer to it a lot ourselves on our own social media platforms in Taiwan (習維尼, 習: Xi, and Winnie the Pooh: 維尼), and if you mention any of it on Chinese social media Weibo/WeChat, you likely will get banned from the platform.Kind of reminds me of cultural appropriation gone out of hand, where Westerners feel the need to be angry at other Westerners for wearing Japanese Kimonos or Chinese Quipaos. Like, no one here is offended. We don’t understand why those people feel the need to be angry for us.
Edit: I just saw a Hexbear comment on another thread posting that China doesn’t ban Winnie the Pooh because Disney is able to exist. Well, no shit. It’s in the context of Disney. Put that phrase in any other thread on their platform (preferably political) and see what happens, then can you claim that the CCP doesn’t ban the word Xi the Pooh.
Hexbear: why do so many people want to degenerate with us
Also hexbear: Spams every complaint in other instances with unrelated images
They are so eager to prove themselves the assholes that people accuse them of being, and then they whine and cry about instances defederating from them.
I’m pretty sure the whole thing is a false flag/astroturf to discredit sincere leftist discourse. It seems a lot like a blend of bad leftist parody, and edgy 14-year-olds who fell for it
Sounds like r/chapotraphouse in a nutshell.
Also, I think TheDude was underselling why they were originally banned on Reddit. They were the left-wing version of r/TheDonald. The reason he listed was just the excuse Reddit used to justify kicking them off the platform
what the fuck does that even mean, “left wing version of /r/TheDonald”
like the donald but believing the exact opposite things?
like the donald but believing the exact opposite things?
Yes. I don’t get how you’re confused by that
that’s stupid, then, why would you bother to make a comment like that. Who gives a shit?
r/The_Donald was known for being a toxic cesspool that often went out to harass other subs. r/chapotraphouse did the same thing, they were just on the other side of the political spectrum. The rest of Reddit hated both because they were full of toxic brigading assholes, and if you can’t understand that then you’re beyond hope
This comment is the most “reddit liberal seeing real difference of opinion for the first time” thing I have ever seen.
I’m a leftist (not a liberal, actually leftist). It’s not a difference in opinion, it’s a presentation so outrageously bad it can’t be in good faith. It’s a middle-school mockery of communists, it just makes us look ridiculous to the people we should be engaging with sincerely.
Why is it hard to believe or understand that this, right here and now on lemmy, really is most westerners’ first time interacting with actual communists? A lot of us dems are pretty open minded and a lot of us want the US to move toward socialism. But most of our exposure to communism has just been “communism bad.” So of course we don’t understand the fuller spectrum of leftism, because our fascist conservative party has forced everything so far to the right, and our education system is abysmal.
Then we come here and see a bunch of “stupid libs” memes, which from the outside we can’t understand because we identify as liberals (leftists). You folks give off the same vibe of how our fascist conservatives treat us (own the libs, kill a dem to save America, etc), and I think thats why people assume or equate you with Nazis. We’ve never met real communists, and a lot of stuff on the internet is fake. It’s entirely understandable.
This is the most “American that doesn’t understand the liberal is only considered left in the US” comment I have ever seen
This exactly. I swear the entire point is to discredit and divide. The FBI couldn’t do a better job if they tried. What I’ve been finding really interesting is the stress they put on being “anti-racist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic, anti-fascist, etc”. If you were really those things you would most definitely not need to shoehorn that into EVERY SINGLE COMMENT. “hey it’s a nice day outside, I’m anti-racist anti homophobic anti trans anti fascist btw” Mind you on reddit when chapotraphouse was popular there were a lot of them talking about how they HATE identity politics and basically dismissing anything to do with race. So the pronouns in the names, the constant non sequitors about how they’re actually “more anti-racist and anti-homophobic” than you, etc. It feels like it might just be really deep irony and they’re just memeing it.
I mistakenly assumed that they would be more similar to chapotraphouse, but now I see that the 3 year exile has stripped away many of the reasonable people. I still hope some of these users will snap out of it and realize they are acting obnoxiously and unproductively, but the chances of that happening seem slim at this point.
CTH was aggressively leftist but it was actually funny and self aware. Hexbear seems to have forgotten how to interact with ordinary people.
I mean, I like aggressively leftist and most of lemmy that I’ve experienced feels that way. This hexbear shit feels like anti-leftist agitation though. It fucking stinks of feds. If not at the beginning, they’re certainly there now
You think feds want you to support socialist countries and point out their achievements?You’re delusional.
Say hi to your FBI handler for me.
and basically dismissing anything to do with race.
Show me
Anyway, the rest of your post is basically a deranged imagining trying to cope with leftists whose attitudes are different than you are accustomed to.
This is the exact type of thing I’m talking about. If you’re not a fed you’re doing terrific for them for free
Because I don’t believe things without evidence and don’t like wacky conspiracy theories?
I’m just asking questions bro, debate me!
I don’t know, I’ve actually met people in real life who were sort of like that. It was really toned down compared to what you would read online but it was still there.
Thinking people who disagree with you politically are bots or paid posters isn’t a healthy mindset to have.
I think they’re bots because I nearly exactly agree with them politically. They’re almost exactly my beliefs, but with the most annoying, self-righteous, groupthink presentation possible. That’s why I think they’re a false flag smear campaign to discredit actual leftists.
I don’t think you’re actually a communist. Not a real one at least.
See? This is exactly what I’m talking about. “Anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same as me for exactly the same reasons with exactly the same presentation as me is a transphobic boot-licking liberal!”
You’ve had no political discourse with me by which to evaluate my political beliefs, but disagreeing with hexbear specifically is enough for you to assume I’m not a “real” communist. You see how this just proves my point, right?
I thought thinking people who disagree with you politically weren’t real communists wasn’t a healthy mindset to have?
Hexbears should be sent to the gulag for being cringe
Make posting cringe a crime
I doubt we agree of much. You reek of anarcho-natoism.
Hey look, another hexbear making baseless and incorrect assumptions about my political inclinations, even further proving my point! Keep your corporate shill false flag disinfo to yourself, please and thank you.
Consider the self-flattery of assuming a community that existed in isolation for three years just to eventually make you look bad when they became federated again.
Maybe there is a real disagreement instead?
Then how come the interactions have been predominantly self-righteous name-calling? My issue isn’t with the political ideals, it’s with the presumptuous antagonism.
I’m literally in an org irl and I don’t want to be federated with any of you
Then don’t come here? You don’t have to browse by ‘All’ you know
I like to also be able to see lemmygrad
No. I had an account when the instance was first set up, but I got banned for getting into an argument with a power-user. I wouldn’t say it’s always been like this, but this is definitely what it’s like normally.
We mutated out of a band of subreddit refugees from r/ChapoTrapHouse, but I feel like the current community doesn’t fully live up to what it used to be.
I think it was, by its nature, susceptible to compromise as described above, which has been capitalized upon. Whatever it was, or pretends to be, has pretty clearly been manipulated into a deliberately obnoxious parody that, functionally, obstructs left unity and overwhelmingly benefits neolibs.
Or, maybe, people just hold different beliefs to you.
“People” can engage in civil discourse to discuss those beliefs. That’s not what I’m seeing, what I’m seeing is immediate strawmanning, insults, and overall cartoonish disrespect. That’s not someone with a different belief, that’s someone presenting the most obnoxious possible parody of someone with that belief.
What’s funny is those beliefs aren’t even that different, I’m pretty far left. This is just hivemind soundbite nonsense.
found the fed
Oh, I literally just had a comment on my thoughts on it. Here is it pasted, since I don’t want direct linking to it. TLDR it’s probably majority those 14 year olds, not a false flag.
I don’t think they are pretending to be those things. They truly believe themselves and their interpretation of Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, communism and socialist projects to be true and just.
The only issue is that they come from a specific strain of western leftist that got into the “uwu dank Soviet club” meme of the mid-10s and never evolved past that understanding of the people, projects, policies and states they stan like a fandom. They could take some lessons from the anarchists tbqh, but they’d rather post PPB and “liberals get the wall”. Very annoying.
hexbears are abrasive because we expect most liberals to be venomous and dismissive toward us and not listen to anything we say, even if we operate in good faith. so instead of wasting a lot of energy on a response that will be thrown back at us like dogshit, we’re flippant and cursory. for my part, I actually still respond in good faith most of the time, but I pick my battles.
go the fuck back to hexbear. Your instance sucks so hard you went and created another account on another instance to get around defederation. Fuck you.
We will convince them to like us by spamming emojis knowing that they will take up the screens of our opponents! That’ll show ‘em
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new solution is to block you people on sight
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Don’t forget the 5-10% of them who aggressively insult OP and anyone else commenting in the thread.
Hexbear: why do so many people want to removed with us
Where did you get this idea from? We know damn well why: you’re a bunch of coddled libs who are used to the reddit admins protecting you from seeing any views outside the USA overton windows, and you’re now freaking out at seeing real difference of opinion.
I’m well aware how fucked up the US is. It created al-qaeda. Hell, this is some crazy secret knowledge you can’t learn anywhere, it’s on Wikipedia.
Also a hot take, I don’t like the war in Ukraine. I don’t think it should be happening and I wish it would end because I think war fucking sucks.
Believe it or not, the world is a complex place filled with a lot of countries that do lots of things, both good and bad, and it’s not cool or edgy to just say the US is bad and [insert other country here] is good. Hell, you realize one of the most influential forces in the Chinese government (and a huge influence in the west) is Tencent, a massive profit-focused cooperation. That ain’t communist.
Looks like you replied to the wrong post.
So, the primary reason that happens, and the primary reason I’d vote defederation on them every time, is because their instance has down votes disabled for some forsaken reason. It’s not 100% the users fault, it’s because a comment is the only mode of response they have available for something they don’t agree with. So a negative image macro is their downvote. Due to this, they end up flooding other instances threads and only see a bunch of people who agree with the op of a thread or a post, which of course makes them feel like they need to show their displeasure way what’s been posted. Meanwhile we can see the 500 to 9.2k ratio on the racist hot take.
The way our instances are run is just fundamentally incompatible.
how dare we be obnoxious to the virulent homophobes and transphobes that have been coming out of the woodwork
Was I being homophobic with this post? Because they have been being obnoxious here, posting emojis that cover the screen and calling me a shithead
I just realized your the one who called me a shithead in the first place. Way to be a hypocrite
I don’t think they were calling you a homophobe or transphobe in their comment? They are talking more generally about how Hexbear users make no apologies for responding to bigotry with ridicule.
I’m talking about this comment they made where they called me a shithead
They didn’t call you a shithead though? They said since federation, we have also had to deal with an influx of people whose views we find objectionable. I think they’ve explained themselves sufficiently to resolve that misunderstanding, and I’m sorry that you thought you were being called out individually.
Your sad gaslighting attempts only underlines the problematic behaviour of hexbear users.
I interpreted someone saying “shitheads from here” in a comment to my post as being directed mostly to me but I can see how that might be wrong
I’ll just leave this here
Hi I’m full of shit and here’s proof
Sure, but they also respond to the slightest deviation from their exact opinions with ridicule too.
I disagree with hexbears all the time because I’m one of the resident Anarchists and they still love me :)
Hexbear users make no
apologies for responding to bigotry with ridiculeattempt to be civil or truthful.
What’s hypocritical? You are complaining about all the “political posts” lately and I’m complaining about all the transphobia and racism since we federated
You claim that you only called homophobes out and also called me a shithead for asking how to not see a specific instance.
I just said that “shitheads from there keep showing up in my feed”, I guess that was indirectly calling you a shithead, but I don’t regret it.
I didn’t say we “only call out homophobes”, we call out racists and transphobes too, and I was speaking broadly about experiences since federating, but it’s only a matter of time before it crops up there too.
Just block and ignore these trolls. They want interaction. They’re obviously 15 years old.
That’s just been my experience since we whitelisted this shithole
Accusing people of random blatantly untrue things is exactly part of what makes you obnoxious.
You literally accuse of random shit 24/7
“no u”. This is how you sound.
Its not no u to call out hypocriscy Also show me evidence Cant you believe decided to comment after 2 and half months just to cry over my comment
You: Everyone that doesn’t want to be forced to listen to me is a transphob and I need zero proof!
Also you: Show proof I’ve ever said anything ever!
It’s funny how it’s always the same tactic used. Just say you call hypocrisy out and you are golden.
Show you the evidence of what?
And finally, the famous call out of me not posting enough to your taste. And if I want to post once a year, so what? Are you gonna report me to the hexbear police?
Love how much your seething over me
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No u
You already said you don’t care to look at evidence, and can check out modlogs to see the shit we seeing coming from your instance. You’re complaining about us being rude, we’re complaining about all the transphobes you apparently are cool with hanging out with.
I love that you all default to bad faith arguments. It’s so predictable.
The modlog is literally full of this shit, ‘bad faith’ my ass
You are the one coming to this thread in another instance hurling abuse at participants. Noone cares about your irrelevant modlogs, it is about what you guys are doing outside of your little safespace.
Oh not calling people shitheads, how will you ever recover.
The reason I referred to the modlog is because I’m annoyed by people from your shitty instance showing up in our threads and I can’t wait for us to un-whitelist you
The guy telling op to kill themself was just calling people shitheads?
once again being a Mao bootlicker is not a gender
Mao was objectively correct, you’re the one licking boot for landlords shithead
There hasn’t been any homophobia or transphobia in this thread from what I’ve seen, yet here you are being obnoxious and antagonistic.
It’s been showing up in other threads, like getting your shitty users banned for rolling up with transphobia in our no bigots space
silence anime girl
lol fuck you nato goat
I work in the Raytheon mines to support my family!
(posted from a country that uses the same arms)
Yeah I’m in the US, it’s a fucking shithole, I don’t need to read burger opinions online too
awww, where you gonna go instead? To another Western country?
not even sure what you’re trying to say here, when did I say I was leaving? I certainly don’t have the money for that, you people are so fucking divorced from reality
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Oh shit, you’re the guy that runs the comm with the racist banner
That’s the only time hecxbear users are obnoxious, of course
Dumb as hell saying and believing that shit, okay?
Hexbear sucks so hard you had to create an account on a better server? Or is it to get around being defederated for being obnoxious shitheads?
deleted by creator
Yooo we got them making memes about us, for free and everything
Because we hate you.
Not every publicitiy is good publicity
Don’t listen to hexbear users when they say they “defend themselves” from homophobia and transphobia. One user thought the admin of Blahaj.zone was being transphobic for not allowing politics in every community. Hexbear users will literally just lie about the repamant amount of homophobia and transphobia to justify their existence here.
I actually just abandoned this instance purely because of hexbears sudden federation here.
They’re just a bunch of assholes masquerading as sensible leftists.
I was really sad to leave but I refuse to deal with them.
I made a post like this on my old instance’s main community and it got flooded by 400+ hexbear comments telling me how stupid I am. No, the only real solution is to make a new account on an instance that’s defederated. Good luck.
What instances would you recommend? I don’t really want to leave mine since I’ve been on it for awhile but if it gets too annoying I might want to
Blahaj.zone is defederated (hexbear did it first surprisingly). It’s a very LGBTQ+ oriented place so I’m not sure it’s your cup of tea
It seems like a very nice place, I’ll be sure to check it out some more
I find that interesting because i am banned from blahaj for being a conservative but hexbears swear im a white liberal. I would have thought hexbears and blahaj would get along nicely
When they call you a liberal, they’re referring to the classical meaning of the term rather than the newer definitions.
I think you’re giving them too much credit. They’re just trolling and being very annoying.
I only started trolling because of their relentless abuse. I learned they dont know how to respond if you act stupid and I found that funny
They are saying I advocate free market and laissez-faire economics, civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. Is that right? As opposed to what
I think commenter above means, as opposed to the US-american re-definition of liberal = “Democrat”, somehow. Since the Trump party is absolutist leaning, this makes sense fr them … somehow.
I find that interesting because i am banned from blahaj
No you’re not?
Sorry you are right. I only associate 196 with blahaj so me being banned there makes me not have any reason to be at blahaj. I was one of the lucky few that was given a 2 year ban. The reason was “stirring up trouble tankie style”
If you don’t want to move instances, you can probably reduce 99% of annoying Hexbear shitposts by blocking just 3 communities:
They’re by far the noisiest, in my experience.
You still get their comments when they bridgade normal posts.
Yes, that is unfortunately true.
I like lemmy.ca pretty well. I’ve just recently learned that lemmy.world is defederated, but they’re already one of the biggest instances. All I did was browse https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/list, sorted by usage and skipped the top few entries, and checked each instance to see if they’d defederated. I tried to go smaller than lemmy.ca but I got bored lol
I don’t understand why blocking (or “defederating”) instances is such a core part of the design of lemmy but not actually supported on a per-user basis.
It is possible on kbin and also many lemmy apps.
Connect has it.
Defederating is core to the fediverse. Lemmy just uses a shared protocol to exchange content. And as others have said, Kbin has instancr blocking, community/magazine blocking, and user blocking. You could just create an account on a Kbin instance if it’s important enough. You still get to see the same things.
Kbin has instance blocking, community/magazine blocking, and user blocking.
Kbin doesn’t have instance blocking yet, just domain blocking, which is for hiding posts that link to a particular domain. Domain blocking is also bugged right now, and will just hide random stuff from you.
I mean, if you want to get technical, none of them have any blocking really. Blocking on any fediverse is generally just the equivalent of muting/hiding.
Wasn’t aware of the bug though (as I haven’t tried the feature yet, but probably wouldn’t have a way to notice anyway).
It will be a much smaller thing once user based instance blocking is available
Lemmy maintainers admin lemmy.ml and don’t want to give users the ability to easily block it all lol
Not true, they’re actively working on it.
I thought yall were freeze peach absolutists?
Yeah I think it’s about time to get that feature. As a user I have preferences that don’t necessarily match with the defederation policies of any instance and I would very much like to choose for myself which instances I want to see.
In my case: I’m not interested in polarising, divisive, toxic content and I really don’t care if it’s coming from the left or from the right. But it seems to me that I have to choose a side, because some instances are blocking the right wing extremism and some blocking the stuff to the left, but not both.
Reading subscribed communities only is not an option, because then I will miss out on new stuff. And blocking all these awful communities in “all” by hand is too much work.
tl;dr not being able to block instances as a user is giving me a bad Lemmy experience
Half of all is hexbear posts for me now and I don’t like those posts very much
I guess you can unsubscribe from hexbear communities. And choose to see only the communities you are subscribed to. Idk how SJW works.
They can also block specific comms. It’s how I stopped the AI art posts from filling up my All feed.
That work around isn’t great as you will never find new communities.
The biggest and best get all the hate.
“the worst and loudest”
Is that a spectre I see haunting? Spooky.
We got a few of these spooky cuties :)
Cw: maybe big images
Why are you checking the support page for a different instance
We aren’t, you just don’t understand how federation works.
I understand that people see posts from other instances, I don’t understand why people click on posts from other instance’s support pages. Why not scroll past
The name of our instance is literally in this post’s title what do you expect
This comm is called “main” and the sidebar says it is the “Home of the sh.itjust.works instance.” How is anyone supposed to know this is a “support” comm?
Well that’s normally what the “main” community for any instance would be, announcements and support posts. But I understand if that isn’t really clear
/c/main was our shitposting comm for a while, until it was closed in a controversial mod decision
last i checked it was reopened as a joke and any post/comment without the word “main” in it gets removed
Not to pick sides, but I’ve literally never heard that before. I’ve always seen Main used the same as a General channel. That being said, if it’s truly important, just create an account on Kbin for awhile until Lemmy has the same blocking capabilities.
We could say the same for y’all.
I do scroll past hexbear posts but I would rather just not see them which is why I asked
That’s all fine and good. There are likely dozens of well mannered users on both sides of the federation fence. It’s just the few arseholes also on both sides making it hell for everyone. I don’t see why we can’t just sub to the coms we like and be done with it. But lemmy keeps showing the weirdest shit and the knee-jerk reaction is to comment on it.
Funny how we didn’t have any asshole issues since we defederated from EH and we suddenly have an asshole issue now that your instance whitelisted us…
It’s largely the active sort imo. It’s night and day since we reverted from our custom algorithm.
Right in your screenshot: posted to main@sh.itjust.works
Yes. We’re federated. What’s your point?
Well, you can see this conversation is in a community that has nothing to do with your instance and clearly with the question being asked your reaction should be “Oh, I shouldn’t bother them if that’s how they feel.” but you just can’t resist the temptation to stir some more shit and you don’t even realize that you’re just proving OP right.
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It showed up in my feed.
I love the idea of ditching Reddit, a site owned by a for-profit corporation and run by unaccountable admins, for a decentralized alternative where people have more choice and power over their own content…
…but why do people have to make it so political?
You should ask your fellow hexbear comrades why they turn everything to politics and Chinese/Russian propaganda 🤷 Heck the main community on your side of the verse is basically Shit Reddit Says with an alt-left political twist!
Not my fault you’re the equivalent of the alt-right but on the left side and you give actual socialists a bad rep 🤷
What do we have in common with the alt-right, besides liking guns?
Everywhere that communism and fascism have come into contact, they have instantly been in violent opposition to each other.
I’m not sure what you’re talking about when you say “actual socialists”. What is your model of socialism? What are some “actual socialists” and how do they differ from the people Hexbear celebrates?
Words mean nothing to liberals whenever it’s convenient. Sometimes words go from having meaning to none in the same sentence.
What do we have in common with the alt-right
Your pathological lying and your obnoxious childish behaviour. In fact a more relevant question would be what you have in common with the left at all, because I can’t see a single thing.
Lying about what, for example?
actual socialists
Lol. Lmao, even.
the equivalent of the alt-right but on the left side
“Why can’t we kill half the trans!”
- a nuanced centrist.
Socialism is when the government does things.
Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/watch?v=KyC9WMl3Lck
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.
“alt left” you are a clown. Remove the worms from your brain
I moved here because they took away Apollo and I really liked Apollo. It wasn’t a political decision
They prevented a service through which the users would use it, and the users had no say in it, and ended up having less functionality? Maybe it’s a problem when users can’t have self-determination. I’m glad there’s something that could be done about that.
It’s just a question of how we relate to and use online resources, and who has the power over online communities. That’s not political at all… or is it?
Everything is political. Nobody wants to talk to you about socialism.
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“look mom, my troll brigade instance is brigading again!!!”
You’re an Insufferable pile of garbage.
“Reddit turned to shit because of capitalism” was a widely-spread opinion here already before hexbear federated
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Theres no way yet, suposedly the devs are planing to give that option in the future.
Right now im just not loging into lemmy as much as before, the ambience became way more toxic than the first 2 or 3 months i started using it, and i believe its beacause of hexbearians. Lots of bad takes (pariculary genocide apologism) have been thriving on lemmy since they refederated, whuch was ussually trashed before, so i say they are behind that. And when they have more sane takes, they screw them up by telling you to go read Mao, seriously, Mr “Best politics are the ones that come from a barrel of gun” Mao. He was a fucking thug not a great mind of comunism.
I even re-made an account on reddit ffs, and reddit fucking sucks because my comments get ignored into oblivion no mather where i comment, and its not shadowbaning i think.
So my recomendation is try going somewhere else while the option of blocking instances becomes availabe or touch some grass, although grass sucks since it doesnt fight back when asked about politics and it becomes really old very quickly.
There is about to be - https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/3869
I would love to block that trash completely. Every interaction I’ve had with any of them and their posts has just given me the impression they are just trolls and nothing else. If anyone truly thinks they are leftists, I question your definition of left. They can go and stay in their little instance and show all the bullshit and talk all the nonsense they want to.