I’m planning on building a PC soon and, while I have done plenty of research, I’d like to hear advice from people who have experience in the area personally. It’s also just nice talking to other people in general, lol
https://pcpartpicker.com/ or https://pcpartpicker.ca if you’re Canadian is very helpful for drafting up a build or shopping for parts, specially if you’re a newbie. You can even find recommended builds on there.
Don’t skimp on the power supply brand. Buy a reputable one. Buy one with headroom if you plan on upgrading your GPU at a later time.
Watch some build videos from tech YouTubers and watch the steps they go through.
For gaming start with the GPU and build around it. Pick a CPU with a reasonable price that will not bottleneck it. YouTube reviews are your friend here. Watch a few with your CPU and GPU pairing and get an idea of the average and one percent low marks.
For your first PC, stick to air cooling. Pick a reputable brand.
I personally like gamersnexus reviews for all the parts you can. They are very methodical with benchmarks. Ask questions here as you will have many.
You may be building a PC for a use case other than gaming. If that’s the case you may want to pick another part to start your build around. For instance, developers have a different workload compiling code and would focus more on CPU and threaded workloads.
Basically know your use case, budget, and ask specific questions as you learn from videos and the community will help you produce a great result.
I would absolutely use “PC Part Picker” because as you assemble the various components, that site will tell you if there are incompatibilities. For instance whether a power supply will fit in the case.
And if you don’t have someone to bounce ideas off of, this is a pretty good site that was recommended to me to help narrow your choices.
If you plan on doing anything with linux fuck nvidia. It’s such a PITA. Biggest regret of my build.
Trust me, I know (I tried running Linux on my current NVDIA PC… Never again). While I plan on running Windows (mainly due to how much support it has for like. Everything) I do plan on running Linux on a laptop in the future and possibly dual booting
I love dual booting. If I need to quickly check mails or search the web linux launches in an instant. If I need to game I dont care about longer boot time anyhow.
Yeah, that’s why I wanna dual boot myself, except there’s some software I need on Windows that isn’t available on Linux along with games. Also, what distro(s) do you use? I’ve already picked out a few candidates for what I’ll use, but it’s nice hearing firsthand experiences
I’ve been using Debian because it’s easy to use basically. But it’s no good for tinkering. It takes ages for packages to get moved into the stable channel and testing is exactly that and causes headaches. But if you want a stable and easy to use OS Debian is great. Set it up once and you’re set for a long time.
But I like to tinker so there is a clutter of packages I’ve installed but don’t use and I’ve lost track of them and the configs. It runs but needs cleaning up (again).
Which is why I’m going to switch to Guix. I’m hoping to replicate the same basic set up on my laptop and desktop with only minor differences. Guix allows the declaration of the entire system and if you use the same file it will always be set up exactly the same way. Plus the fact that I can roll back the entire system to a previous state sounds really appealing for someone who likes to break stuff. That said the declaration files and anything to do with Guix itself uses Lisp and as a lisp noob I’m expecting a lot of headaches and tabbing to the manual. Also package installation and so on seems rather unintuitive but the manual is well written and exhaustive. It’s more of an adventure for sure but the OS is stable and ready to use out of the box.
I’ve never heard of Guix before! From what the official page tells me it seems like a pretty in-depth os, and I wish u luck with it!
Ooo never heard of Guix, just did a little research on it. I am looking to switch to a declarative distro as well. I seem to have the same tendency of breaking shit when playing around with different packages and running different projects locally. I have been looking at NixOS, have you heard of it and if so, why did you choose GUIX over it?
Slightly different advice from what others have said, but while building it, I’ve always used an anti static wristband, grounded to either ground or the pc case. Maybe I’m overly paranoid, but that’s what I was taught, and haven’t had any issues with ESD so far
There’s not too places you can damage things when installing, but I think the most understated one is the USB 3.0 header that you connect from the case to the motherboard. The plug is super tight and very difficult to remove once you put it in, so I recommend only plugging it in once you’re ready to start using your machine. I know too many stories of people breaking it and not being able to plug in USB devices to the front of their PC case because of this.
@PurrJPro ah, so *this* is what a Lemmy thread looks like from Mastodon, then.
The fediverse is amazing!
Start the build outside of the case, use the box the motherboard came in as a table. Install the cpu, ram, hook up the psu (fully modular if your budget allows), power on and make sure all works. Easier to troubleshoot this way.
I highly recommend PC Partpicker for compiling all your components (although I don’t typically follow the listed purchase links). The comparability checker it has can save some real headaches!
Otherwise, some general advice:
Remember the motherboard standoff screws. Most cases these days have them pre-installed, but my first rig did not. And I bent the mobo a little bit before realizing my mistake. It still worked in the end, but it’s now my #1 cautionary tale about PC Building.
Do yourself a favor, and make an attempt at proper cable management. It’ll make replacing components so much easier down the line.
Get a fully modular PSU (if in your budget). This will help with #2 above immensely.
Read the manual that comes with your motherboard. It usually has a lot of guidance for assembling the computer, especially if this is your first time.
Have fun! PC Building/Gaming is one of my favorite hobbies, and I’m always glad to see new people getting interested in it!
Good luck, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
This is all spot on advice. The motherboard and case manual should be open and nearby as you build the pc.
Don’t forget to buy thermal paste!
Most coolers come with it preapplied these days, but it’s still good to have in case you need to reseat your cooler.
Also don’t forget to remove the plastic film(s) they put on the CPU/Cooler and everywhere else!
Lota of great advice here but my must have is a tray to put all the screws and other small bits. Far too easy to lose stuff. iFixit do a good one but you can find an equivalent lying around im sure.
It’s difficult to know what advice might be helpful for you without more context, but the one mistake I made with my last PC build was choosing a small form factor case. I thought it looked really clean not to have all that wasted space inside the case, but it makes any system changes much more arduous trying to squeeze my hands into tight spots.
Also when I needed to upgrade my gpu a few months ago and filtered to ones that would fit in the case there was literally only 1 option, it wasn’t my first choice but it was close enough I went with it instead of dealing with the hassle of buying a new case and rebuilding everything. I know for sure I will need a new case the next time I need a new gpu though.
The other thing I’ll mention is to make sure all your bios settings are configured correctly: resizable bar, XMP, etc.
Save everything that comes in your motherboard box. Don’t be the fool (me) who needs to buy m.2 screws on Amazon.
I end up saving everything from every box, haha. I still have all the cords from my modular PSUs sitting in my basement, still in their little bags
My only advice is know yourself well. Know what you’ll use this computer for. I knew that I was going to use my PC as a glorified Stardrew machine so I skimped on the graphics card. I knew my real goal was digital art so I got a good CPU and tons of RAM.
Love my PC and use it every day.
I found PCPartPicker really useful when I last built a PC:
It helps you pick compatible parts, and links to sites you can buy them from. I’d still shop around for the best price after building your list(s), but it’s a great place to start.
I’d agree. I’ve built dozens of computers over the years and these days I always use PCPartPicker as the starting point for my builds.