I’ve been thinking about martial arts and how really it is useful these days since a lot of places will have criminals hiding firearms or in the U.S. some states have conceal carry.

Whilst it contains discipline and it is enjoyable to train in a club for, say Karate, I just think it might not be that useful in places where firearms are commonly held, all it really takes is for someone to take safety off, aim, pew pew and that’s it.

I suppose I probably get this thinking from kung fu where it’s seen more of an art form then actually being a serious bone breaking form of combat

  • @linearchaos@lemmy.world
    112 hours ago

    The board breaking is just a small grift to increase your confidence. When you start out the person holding the board does most of the work to break the board. It’s several belts before the board start getting thick enough to put up a fight. All those boards are cut across the grain leaving short fibers that are able to snap.

    You are training to dodge and block, Even redirect your opponent and use their actions against them. That’s not nothing. A lot of places will tack on a little disarmament and self-defense or run a class with that is the primary goal, But honestly you don’t want to use martial arts to try to take on someone with a gun or a knife unless it is absolutely necessary because there’s a high chance you’re going to get got.

    Combat training is extremely useful, even play combat training, It puts you in a situation and has you react a certain way taking out some of the uncertainty and worry out of the situation. You start planning instead of reacting. But for the most part if somebody is threatening you with a gun or a knife you’re better off not trying to take it off of them and beat them up.

  • @Tramort@programming.dev
    114 hours ago

    The groin strike rule was repealed for a time. BJJ still dominated.

    I’m not a martial arts person. I couldn’t care less. But it’s weird how vigorously people will argue against what seems self evident in the closest things we have to a no holds barred setting.

  • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
    523 hours ago

    Fighting seems cool in movies.

    In real life, it’s police, lawyers and prison.

    There are few stupider life choices one could make other than fighting in public.

  • ALoafOfBread
    191 day ago

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been very useful to me. My cardio has improved dramatically, I am much stronger than I used to be, and I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment out of going from absolute trash to slightly less trash over 2 years.

    But I don’t expect it to really help me in a fight. If I did get into a fight, I certainly would do better than if I hadn’t trained; but one thing I’ve learned from fighting people for like 8hrs a week is that it is REALLY easy to fuck up and get hurt in ways you wouldn’t expect. The outcome of a fight is unpredictable - especially when the other person could have a weapon. The best martial art for self defense would be running.

  • @LordCrom@lemmy.world
    41 day ago

    Getting to black sash in northern Shaolin is a personal challenge. It’s great excercise, good community, gets me out of the house.

    6 years in and 2 forms away from black. I’m almost there

  • I feel like I read somewhere that if you can’t run away the best thing to do if in arms’ reach is run into them as fast as possible. Fuck trying to hit anyone in the jaw with a punch, just run into them, knock them over and keep running. Third best thing (eg they have a knife) is to continually evade without even trying to retaliate as it’s a lot easier to keep dodging out the way than it is to attack and they’ll tire quicker.

    • @dreugeworst@lemmy.ml
      71 day ago

      definitely don’t run towards them if they have a knife though. although I wouldnt know what to do against a knife wielding attacker if I couldnt run away in general

      • @RedAggroBest@lemmy.world
        41 day ago

        The old addage is “nobody wins a knife fight”. Only solution is to disarm them and you are 99% going to get cut. Just gotta believe you won’t get cut bad enough to stop you from stopping them

        • @Revan343@lemmy.ca
          422 hours ago

          The old addage is “nobody wins a knife fight”

          One guy loses on the pavement, the other guy loses in the ambulance

  • @meowington1@sh.itjust.works
    142 days ago

    Yes, it is useful because it make your body better.

    Let’s give an example: Assume you are in the shootout. You have the gun, so they are. You are quick reflect because you are trained, which make you moving and shoting better than those weeb on high.

    Another example: You hear a gun shot. You run for 2km without breaking the sweat. Because you are training to enduring and stamia daily, you can run for a while without tired.

    But I think, reflexing, enduring and stamia are most useful when you are in danger. Just act fast, and run the hell out of danger.

  • @golden_zealot@lemmy.ml
    542 days ago

    When faced with a firearm or a knife, any self respecting martial artist will tell you the one technique that will save your life.

    Running the fuck away and or taking cover.

    When it comes to hand to hand combat, understanding the dynamics of how to protect yourself and control the opposer like in Jiu Jitsu is very useful and can also potentially save your life.

    But no, if they have a weapon of any kind, get the fuck out of there.

  • cabbage
    1403 days ago

    If you want something that could actually be useful in real-life situations, pick up running.

  • @Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
    882 days ago

    Define useful.

    Will any martial art make it a good idea to engage in a street fight, ever? Will any martial art prevent you from getting shot, stabbed, or ganged up on and beaten? No. Your best bet is situational awareness and a keen sense of GTFO.

    However, martial arts are physical activities. They involve precise movements, and allow you a safe space to build conditioning. All of that means that, even if the techniques of the specific art you practice are fundamentally useless in the situation, you’re going to be just better able to use your body effectively. Hopefully to run.

    I’d say the biggest thing a martial art has over a traditional sport is conditioning yourself to take a proper hit. Beyond any technique, the first hit is usually the deciding hit in a street fight. Knowing what it’s like to be hit, and being able to not immediately crumble, go further than any technique.

    • Maxe
      212 days ago

      My trainer always told me, even after years of training, that the first choice should always be running away instead of engaging.

  • @corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    462 days ago

    Yes, but not for what you may think. Ritualized shouting and flailing is cathartic and great cardio. And when you’re doing it in a regular group, you don’t look as dorky (see: Line Dancing) and peer pressure will influence you to stick with it – and that’s the biggest failure mode of any workout plan.

    Also, stretching is neat. Sometimes there’s meditation. Always there’s making noise and angry faces.

    Somewhere, in there, you may learn two things: how to dodge something coming at you; and that you should always try to flee if you can, flee if you almost can, or negatively reinforce the person hurting you until they stop and then you can flee. The cardio helps with the fleeing.

    And I can’t under-state the utility in fleeing. I’ve done the hi-ya, twirled a stick, played shooty-pow-pow and rat-a-tat; and, still, fleeing is the option with the best outcome.

    • @okamiueru@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      This. Anyone actually seasoned in martial arts will back this up. Exceptions to this are trying to sell something.

  • Zloubida
    2 days ago

    I begun judo a few weeks ago. The teacher was clear: it may not be useful in actual fight, but we don’t fight often in the real life. But it’s great for your body, spirit and it will teach you how to fall without hurting yourself. And these things are way more useful than self defense.

    • @vzq@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      2 days ago

      I got up to judo brown belt as a teen and it has saved my ass countless times. Not in fights, but in silly ass falls. Having good instincts when falling is a lifesaver.

      • @whyNotSquirrel@sh.itjust.works
        192 days ago

        I had a few bike crashes: 2 times breaking the same collarbone + some head trauma. All of it could have been avoided by knowing how to fall, head first is bad, elbow first is bad and also chin first is bad. After learning how to fall I should also learn how to use a bike maybe 😅

        • JustEnoughDucks
          2 days ago

          I just had a big fall on my electric bike this spring.

          There was a brick sticking out of the brick bike path and I flipped over the handlebars into the street. It was the one day I forgot to grab my helmet leaving for work.

          My hands got a bit cut up and my shoulder was slightly bruised, but I was completely fine! I only got a yellow belt in judo years ago so falling and basic throws are all I learned, but that probably saved my ass from getting a hurt elbow, wrist, or hitting my head.

        • teft
          2 days ago

          All of it could have been avoided by knowing how to fall

          That is so damn true.

          I’m a downhill biker but I learned a bunch of combatives in the army so I know how to fall really well. My friends are always surprised when I walk away from a crash that should have broken something and all I have is a scratch on my shoulder.

          My secret is just go limp. Tensing up is when you hurt yourself in a fall.

      • southsamurai
        52 days ago

        Gods yes. Just the falls I’ve taken since becoming disabled that I prevented injury because I know how to fall safely would make the time spent training worth it.

    • @AA5B@lemmy.world
      82 days ago

      The best physical training I ever had were: judo and working in the dish room of my college dining hall where the floor was always wet and slimy with food. Between the two of them, I never slipped again. When I saw an ice covered stairway or slope, I could go shooting down it with confidence I’d stay on my feet. Between the slippery floor while carrying breakables and knowing how to fall, falling was just not an issue.

      Of course now I want me some of that “youth” back