frostpunk was by far my favorite game of all time and this is one of the few game announcements I’m legitimately excited about

I’m looking forward to seeing how they’ll make the transition from the city must survive to the city must not fall, and I’m wondering if they’ll pull some ideas from the refugees scenario

sorry for the fangirling but I love 11bit soo much
(also it’s really based that they sell on gog)

    82 years ago

    This game gave me a stress that I can’t really express in words. Something about getting so close to the end and barely hanging on. They really nailed the anxiety and pressure that comes with a situation like that.

      62 years ago

      Strangely, I did not have this experience. Nobody died on me on my first playthrough and I was always able to plan ahead and react in time. I had time to enjoy the music and graphics, but there was a bit of a disconnect between the dramatic music and nothing dramatic actually happening to my settlement as everyone was housed, reasonably warm and well-fed. Even all of my decisions up till the end were as ethical as possible within the limits of the scenario.

      I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I spent my younger years with extremely challenging city builders like Caesar 3? I still loved Frostpunk though, despite it being far too easy.

        42 years ago

        How much did you pause? I felt like I just kinda let it go at full speed and paused as needed which I know put me in rough spots.

          32 years ago

          Quite a bit, I think, but only initially. Once my city had become a well-oiled machine, it wasn’t really necessary anymore.

          • ivyOP
            42 years ago

            found the min/maxer :3
            but yeah, if you play the game proactively you can prevent a bunch of the hard choices
            I found just playing the game at normal speed with no pause can definitely spice it up and made me feel like a desperate administrator just trying to make everything good enough

    • ivyOP
      22 years ago

      I had a similar experience on my first playthrough
      ||when the stuff with the mines happened in a new home I was actually devastated for the volunteers||

      also somehow the game managed to make me feel cold while I played lol

    62 years ago

    I played the first one, from GOG, and loved it. It was a “fast flame” for me meaning i played 3 weeks straight, got my fill, and felt done. But I will absolutely look into getting FP2.

    32 years ago

    I’m so excited to feel perpetually exhausted and like every single gameplay choice I make is wrong, lol. I used to dislike games that had me perpetually feeling on the brink of failure, but Frostpunk made it feel almost… cathartic.

    I hope they keep the radial city design. Not just thematic, but intuitive, clean, and more interesting than rectangle grids. Looking forward to the great art and music, too.

    22 years ago

    I love Frostpunk but it’s one game that I have to play in bursts because it makes me completely depressed after a while. Definitely excited for the sequel but I’m going to have to psych myself up to actually play it. :)

    • ivyOP
      12 years ago

      yeah lol it definitely takes a lot of energy to play
      I haven’t played for ages but one of my friends has been playing on it for the first time on my pc and it’s awesome because I basically get to experience it again through him XD

      it does a really good job at making the decisions have weight behind them, but it I found they could definitely get pretty depressing

  • DonnieNarco
    12 years ago

    I tried this on Game Pass but couldn’t get into it. Although, I probably didn’t give it a chance by only playing it for maybe an hour. I might have to give it a go again!

  • BrainisfineIthink
    12 years ago

    Never got into Frost Pink - those kind of games just stress me out too much. Glad that fans are getting a sequel though, I know TONS of people loved the first one!

      32 years ago

      I just want to appreciate the autocorrect ‘Frost Pink’, it sounds so pleasant. I want to turn it into a name for something. My next DnD character, perhaps? Coconut ice? …should I start a pop metal band? :P

    12 years ago

    I really liked the priorities this game had. The endless mode (and to an extent the basic gameplay) wasn’t the strongest by city-builder standards, but the four or five “story” scenarios the game presented were all really unique and had their own twists and turns. Not incredibly replayable, but was super memorable.

    I hope the sequel understands how good this tradeoff was and doesn’t try to become someone’s forever game.