I love it when the stars align on my feed
“Are you awake?”
He asks at 14:00 on a Saturday when the two of them are sitting around or doing chores
I like to play a game where I try to ask in the worst way that will get a yes.
Current high score: “I want to kiss and hug you naked squishy-style”.
My record
The wife has a penchant for taking off her underwear and throwing them as hard as she can at me. They are light, so I don’t mind.
Chastity belt… CLANG!
“what! A chastity belt? ughhhh that’s going to chafe my Willy!”
I see you are a man of tights
Doesn’t matter, had sex.
we just get a bit more handsy than usual and make sexy eyes at each other, it works well
What does “sexy eyes” look like exactly?
We’ve been together 16 years, married for 14, and we are like two teenagers who have been left alone by an inattentive parent or teacher. If we are in arm’s reach we are touching each other, if nobody is looking, we are making out, if the door is locked, we’re either undressed or we’re working on it.
Good for you guys! Here’s to the next 16 years!
With Frank’s quote from It’s Always Sunny and Philadephia
I got my magnum condoms and a wad of hundreds; I’m ready to plow!
“Hungry? Would you like some sausage? I have cheese sausage for you” (Never works but it’s funny)
“Got two minutes” (works more often than you’d think but it’s normally expected to only be 2-5 minutes)
“What are you up to tonight? Do you want to come over to my side of the bed?” *wink (after having a king size bed I will NEVER go back)
To your cheese sausage I would reply “And for you, I have tuna patte.”
OOo, we having Hors d’Oeuvres over here!
We send each other a squirrel emoji via text
Married. A look, even indirect, is enough for her to know exactly what I think about. It’s scary when she asks me if I’m hungry before I realized that I was (must have been passingly looking over to the kitchen/snacks without even realizing it). If i look at her boobs for 2 seconds she knows, even while looking in another direction/at a phone. It’s kind of scary. I guess I am really obvious without knowing it. I do sometimes wonder if she can read my mind.
You’re lucky to have her. I’m happy for you.
She can.
People think we’re joking here but we’re not
“I’m kinda horny”
“Should we bone tonight?”
“When do you wanna have sex”
“Hold on let me brush my teeth”
These area a few of our regulars!
I gave up asking, but when she’s down it’s a straight forward „wanna have sex?“
Why not approach indirectly like complimenting her legs, whispering “I want you” in her ear. These often work for me, and even if it doesn’t, it gets the mood between us so that we can foreplay and cuddle.
If I’m conscious I want to have sex. If I’m not conscious, wake me up.
A little context behind my answer.
Among my friends, we have this weird but I guess clever safe word tradition. So you know how, when someone is dreaming, if they question the dream (e.g. saying “this is a dream” or “this must be a dream”), they wake up? We decided to use that as a “quitting word” for everything. If we’re making a YouTube video and we say “this is a dream”, for example, it’s the secret cue to cut the movie. If we’re playing some kind of role and we say the phrase, it means come back to base reality. So on and so forth. And while none of us are very sexually-minded, sex we decided would be no different. If we were to have sex, a phrase like “this must be a dream” would mean to stop the session.
So then it was asked one day, how do we do the opposite? How do we cue a session of sex, video-making, etc. to start? We say the opposite. We signal immersion with something like “where are we, is this real”. That is our unsafe phrase. Different nonverbal circumstances/signals would cue what exactly we refer to.
where are we, is this real
Sometimes I question that. I’d be fucked.