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    63 months ago

    Currently still playing modded with sibling. We’re doing well, the winery is chugging along. We finally bought the golden clock, with no help from me constantly buying the biiiiig bombs.

    63 months ago

    Don’t know how to marry people but I’m figuring it out myself without googling as to get the dopamine of accomplishment :)

    I’m also trying to get all the strawberies in Celeste and I reached the 100 mark yesterday 🥳 I only had to Google one so far.

    53 months ago

    I just started and I am so confused about everything. Playing on console makes me wish I had a keyboard.

        43 months ago

        I think I just don’t know how to do anything yet and it’s confusing trying to figure out the controls because the game doesn’t tell you which buttons to press at the start to interact with inventory and so on.

    43 months ago

    I just continued my farm, which was started to try the new version. I decided to play it slow and relaxed instead of maxing out income like I did last time. I think I just got to the end of Spring Year 1. Barely any fences. Just got a coop and 1 chicken. 1 scarecrow and maybe 30 squares for crops total

    33 months ago

    I just picked up my old farm on Switch, now that Switch has the 1.6 update. Always takes me a while to get back into the swing of a farm when I haven’t looked at it for a while.

    Need to grit my teeth and dive to the bottom of the Skull Cavern. I’ve never made it in any of my farms. Any tips?

    • @HipsterTenZero
      43 months ago

      use crystalariums to grow 100 jade. Head out to the desert trader on Sunday and trade them all for staircases, then just climb straight down to the bottom

      • TGhost [She/Her]
        43 months ago

        This week, The true way, regarding Mister Qi :D,

        Well i got the luck’s statut buff, Pumpkin cooked buff, The good day of fortune, Espresso buff, used a desert totem and home totem, and i farmed bombs on my way, by collecting ores, just one staircase used 😅

    • Bombs, staircases, luck, and speed buffs. There’s a secret note that leads to a permanent luck buff and that’s nice to have but not necessary. You’ll want a stardrop luck day though, the higher your luck the more likely ladders and drop shafts spawn. Ruby and jade in crystallariums can be traded for spicy eel and staircases (on Sunday) at the desert trader. Spicy eel is great because it’s both a luck and speed buff. I also like diamond to trade for triple shot espresso but you can just as easily buy coffee and cook the triple shots yourself. Bombs from the dwarf or trade quartz for them at the desert trader. Bring salad for health. (The best food buff is the magic rock candy and if you’ve got one it’s a good time to use it instead it the spicy eel but they’re not exactly easy to get.)

      Use a desert warp totem or similar so you don’t have to wait for Pam to take the bus.

      Bomb the shit out of the floor as you go, don’t worry about collecting ore (that’s not why you’re there), and use staircases on infested floors. Pro strats often involve the slingshot and explosive ammo but it’s not necessary.

      Or just staircase all the way down, lol. The game definitely mentions you cheesing it, but it’s a totally valid strat.

    23 months ago

    Just started a new save! Took me about three hours to update my mods, download any new cool ones, and iron out any bugs, but now I’m remembering why I procrastinated doing this…

    In all seriousness, I’m half way through spring and having a blast!

  • @HipsterTenZero
    23 months ago

    no map update this week, i’ve been eyeing other things.

    I will say I’ve got plans however. I want to make four more sheds. One to grow Fairy Rose year-round in pots. Another to make Diamonds. Another to make Jade, and the last one, uhhh, i dunno. Maybe another brewery shack. I just want an even number, eheh. Part of me wants to make a dedicated preserves shack, but I just don’t produce enough cucumber roe for that, and salmonberry / blackberry jam doesn’t seem worth the investment.

    Once I get the island hut repaired, I’m gonna go all in on year-round starfruit production too. I like my steady supply of Ancient Fruit, but I want some big numbers to make the fairy dust I’m gonna be producing worth it.

    23 months ago

    The farm is coming along great, have a consistent income stream going and working on modernising the farm with production and storage going into sheds.

    Robin earned big bank in fall of year 2 as it was non-stop construction on the farm.

    So far I have 2 coops with 10 chickens, 4 ducks, 4 rabbits, 3 barns with 5 goats, 4 cows, 6 sheep and 4 pigs.

    Looking towards have 12 chickens, 4 ducks, 4 rabbits, 4 dinosaurs, 6 goats, 6 cows, 12 sheep 6 pigs and 6 ostriches eventually.

    In Winter year 2 now and working on getting my silo setup complete - thinking about 8 for a comfortable winter storage with wiggle room

    Have my fruit trees grown and using the greenhouse for my tea and ancient fruit for now.

    In regards to skills

    Being a shepard is pretty cool as I have access to daily wool when they are high hearts.

    Like the crabs pots without having to refill them and probably prefer it a bit more than fishing

    Mining is alright, the convenience of extra ores are great but I feel that the other specialisation gels with my playstyle more

    Foraging for extra timber feels better than I thought as hard wood is no longer an issue when maxed, although I do miss the organisational convenience that the foraging tree provides

    Scout surprisingly feels better than I gave it credit, feels good to hit enemies for 200+ with the lava sword, although it is a toss up between better crits or shorter cooldowns

  • Just finished the CC in my current playthrough and it’s still the first week of winter, I’ve had the greenhouse unlocked since mid fall though, the rabbits foot was the last thing I was missing, I didn’t get lucky on a serpent drop and got the rabbit a bit too late for a fall completion.