Spoiler your message if you want to.
Idk which one to share, or how obscure it really is.
An evoker exposed to a blue sheep will say ‘wooloo’ and turn the sheep red
Signs on walls don’t actually touch the wall, they float a fraction of a block in front of it
This is the best one I’ve seen here.
The most powerful explosion is not end crystals (with an explosion power of 6), not a charged creeper, (also power 6), and not the initial wither explosion (power 7)
The most powerful is…
It is a TNT minecart that maxes out the velocity bonus and randomly hits max power of 11.5
notch says mobs are all the same gender (there’s only one in mc) so that makes all the mobs that can breed gay by default
actually it goes deeper then that, with gender just not existing in minecraft all together. animals display characteristics of both genders (ex. cows have both horns and otters)
Those are features of biological sex, are they not, rather than gender? But gender doesn’t exist in Minecraft either, except for the player’s own if applicable I guess
Notch before money sounds kind of cool eh?
Subversive, I like it
If you dig deep enough there will be a big hole
Creepers’ unique shape come from a bug that made pigs like that (tall with feet close together).
This isn’t really trivia for anyone who played back then,
But you used to be able to play Minecraft for free back on the official website with no download required. Even online servers. It wasn’t an updated version of the game (Minecraft classic), but if you paid for the game it would be and still not be download required to play
Is this different from how Minecraft classic works these days?
I guess the trivia for me is I had no idea they brought it back, at least for classic, not the full game (which is not possible to do anymore apparently). I just tried it out and it seems very similar if not the same, except the multiplayer seems to work different.
I remember playing scripted capture the flag games on public Minecraft classic servers with the server browser listed directly on Minecraft.net
I don’t see anything like that remaining, but it looks like it lets you invite people directly to your world instead
This is what the server browser used to look like: https://web.archive.org/web/20120210141815/http://www.minecraft.net/classic/list
you can do that unofficially with eaglercraft.com these days, I think its running minecraft 1.8 in a browser?
Going even further back, in the very beginning you could only play Minecraft in the browser. The java client came later.
I used to play Minecraft in a browser before I bought it! This was back in 1.8 beta, right before 1.0 release. I was surprised to find out that it saved the files in the same place so I was able to resume playing immediately after buying it.
i’m blanking on better ones, but endermen originally had green eyes and emitted smoke particles, and endermen see eachother as having green eyes. (you can see this by possesing one in spectator mode)
Do you suppose that’s why the end portal frames, eye of ender, and ender pearls are green or were they designed after? I know the end portal frames originally had a weird blue texture but I also don’t think that was ever meant to be in the official release.
I would actually love to see a resource pack that replaced all of the purple accents in the End with green ones.
There is only one item which requires 5 different items to craft
Item Name
Rabbit stew
5 different items?
Yes. Corrected
block fact
Prismarine changes color
In Java Edition there is a
bugmechanic called Quasi Connectivity, which allows you to power some redstone components from 2 blocks above, which normally wouldn’t work. This is because they just reused the door code for blocks that aren’t 2 blocks tall.Here is a great explanation of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJICW6BTJ74
The entirety of Beta 1.9 update cycle that wasn’t officially published before release 1.0. tons of weird things about that version, and tons more I’d like to know if I ever had the chance to ask someone who was working on the game back then.
For example:
The temporary end portal texture. This was never meant to be seen/used by anyone at Mojang, but clearly some amount of effort went into it, so what was the vision behind it, if any?
(Image taken from u/IWillDestroyYourEyes on Reddit)
I have so much random crap about this game I’ve learned over the last decade or so lol.
The main guys name is Steve.
I’ve never played Minecraft and have absolutely no clue or deeper trivia about the game. Sorry.
Mob is short for mobile.
It’s a jargon term from game development “mobile entity”.