The subreddit’s open again. Is it over? :(

  • Kaldo
    201 year ago

    Unless the server goes down here, nobody’s forcing you to leave :P

  • @TelosBoltor
    161 year ago

    Give it time, when the 3rd party API shuts down on 6/30 and mods can no longer moderate as needed, you might see some returners

  • The25thBam850
    141 year ago

    I’m not going back to reddit just because the sub is open reddit will still fall to pieces.

    101 year ago

    Nef Anyo has reopened the content mines and would really like it if Solaris United would go ahead and stop this whole protest thing and return to them like good little slaves.

    No, this is not over. We all lift together, and spez will not win.

      1 year ago

      “Step right up my vengeant angels. We got a system to save! Sign here love” - Little Duck


      “No other species works for autonomy. No other species works to own their own body. No other species takes such pride in their enslavement. Solaris divided, we are slaves. Solaris United, we are a force! The future can be different. Believe. Resist.” - Eudico

  • @LubricatedSnake
    91 year ago

    Here’s a secret, I was never on Reddit to begin with, only a lurker.

    81 year ago

    Nah. I’m not going back. Even IF they walk back ALL of their bullshit, Reddit has proven to be utterly incompetent. And that is a BIG if in the first place.

  • Dystopia
    1 year ago

    I’ve mostly been answering questions in help threads here, never really had much to post. There’s probably some random things I can make a guide for though.

    It also seems like there was a bit of an issue for Reddit Mobile users. They couldn’t see the message directing people here while r/warframe was set to private.

    Not sure how much attention this site is getting from within r/Warframe right now. Neither of the currently stickied threads have a reference to this place. Someone could message a Mod to see if they would add a link, or even make a post about how to get started on Lemmy and finding communities since it’s a little awkward at first with everything being decentralized.

  • Rylatar
    61 year ago

    I’m planning to stick around. Sadly the mobile Lemmy app is not great yet on iOS but I plan to stick around especially once Apollo goes under. And I’m not great at being a regular participant and being social but I’ll gladly keep answering questions that pop up as much as I can.

    51 year ago

    It’s only over when we let it be over. Which is an easy to say cliché, but even with only a few people we can still have fun and valuable discussions here.

    One thing I do hope for is that we get more people to start them - I’m horrible at that part, in my 15+ years in reddit I created literally only 2 or 3 threads… Either way, Rome wasn’t built in a day, I’m not giving up just yet.

  • Raji_Lev
    41 year ago

    I may occasionally still lurk old.reddit (until that gets the axe anyways), but as far as posting, I’m pretty much done with that, until/unless sp*z fucks off and the rest of management pulls their collective heads out of their collective asses (I’m not holding my breath).