For those of you who use Raspberry Pi’s in your home environment, I’m curious as to what you use them for. What applications are you running on them? Do you have your Pi’s setup in a cluster?
I own a raspberry pi 4. Every time I try to use it, I spend half my time trying to fix the stuttery/non responsive UI by fucking with the compistor and such. And then I give up.
I eventually got a new gaming PC and turned my old one into a Linux server, and haven’t really touched my Raspberry Pi since.
I’ll give you $5 for it!
And I’ll give you $10 for it
Try running a server image on it without desktop and then logging into it over the network from another device like a laptop via ssh
My usecase required a GUI. I was trying to have a mini PC connected to my TV to watch live sports games in a web browser (pirated streams). I was getting micro stutters with a raspberry pi, which made sports unwatchable.
I had similar problems doing the same thing with a Pi 4.
RPI4/400 is perfectly capable as a little home server. All it needs is a good SD card.
Owntracks,photoprism,monocker,brave go m-sync,libre photos,wallabag,radicals e,Baikal,Firefox sync,Joplin web,webdav server,jellyfin,vaultwarden,wireguard
Get an eMMC module ($10) for the Pi or buy something similar with one built-in. Much faster and more reliable.
I snagged an enclosure with a little adapter for a SATA m.2 drive. It’s amazing!
Hey where? I need that! Have a spare m2 and want to use it!
This is my case! It only takes SATA m.2 drives, which which I also had a spare of sitting around!
So now I have this badass SSD pi4 4GB and all it does is share a 5TB hard drive between all my computers through OMV.
I need to learn how to do a docker. I HAVE FAILED at docker and Portainer. All I want is to have it also torrent through a VPN.
Edit: OH AND I FORGOT it turns your rubbish mini HDMI bullshit ass dick connectors into REAL HDMI
Hmmm, I’m just using OMV on mine to make it a server that I can use to transfer files around my house.
Do you have any tips on where I could get started doing more? I haven’t had success with Docker or Portainer and I’d love to have some software hosting files like OMV, and a torrent client running through a VPN in another container.
OMV is quite limiting and maybe a little heavy for the pi(?)
Docker is straightforward Idk what to say You install docker and docker compose on host and run some compose.yml’s to spin up your services
I’m an extreme a Linux nub… would you happen to have any further reading or videos you would recommend? Without OMV, how would I share my HDD on my network?
I use
There are many dockerised fileservers
Magnificent, I’ll look into this!
If I re-set up everything outside of OMV, will I need to reformat the HDD that’s being shared?
Removed by mod
I’m running an Argon for that sweet SSD action as well!
I’m only using OMV right now and it works, but I’d LOVE to get a container with torrents via VPN… I can’t do it, though. I’m awful at it. Do you have any resources on how to set up Portainer? It changed recently, and was a weeeeird process to set up in OMV.
This lemmy instance is running on my Pi
Lets see…
- nord vpn client
- qbittorrent (through nord vpn)
- proxy server (through nord vpn)
- wireguard vpn server
- ssh client so I can port forward through the vpn server to/from connected clients
- jellyfin
- ntfy (self hosted notifications)
- pi-hole (vital for the local dns)
- nginx
- gitea
- wallabag
- minecraft server
- container registery
- smb share for my friend (I help them with content creation)
- smb share for a live recording profile I set up on android
Those are just docker containers, it also is a backup server for all the devices I own. It also runs all non sensitive data on an unencrypted partition then will auto decrypt the sensitive partion through ssh via my desktop. This means my vpn server will always run so I can connect, wake on lan my desktop, decrypt it and log in. Im sure I’m missing things.
My list is very similar but I have my Pis in a k3s cluster with a NAS for PVs. That allows me to not worry about what physical device is hosting the service, and I built it so I can intermix amd64 devices when I start adding in my used laptops into the mix.
I have one pi (rpi 4b) that I still use. I have it in an Argon One V2 case for the daughter board that lets me boot from an M.2 SATA SSD. I got tired of the corrupted SD cards. It’s actually reliable now.
Anyway, I mainly only use it because in the event of a power outage, as soon as power is restored, it automatically turns on. If I’m not home, I can SSH back into my network and send a WoL packet to my actual server to turn it back on.
The pi also runs:
- Scrypted so I can view my ring cameras in the Apple Home app and so I get the “someone is at the door” notifications on my Apple TV
- Pi-Hole
- Pi-VPN
It runs the KBin instance I’m using to reply to you :)
Also Adguard home.
I have a Pi4 running octoprint, pi-hole and some of my own containers.
The rest I run on a Hetzner VM.
I have one Pi 4b for my Homeassistant. It is fixed to a wall, next to the routers, running 24/7.
I did not want to include this on my other Homeserver to avoid the dependency.
I use rasp as Bluetooth receiver for my home assistant sensors (Ruuvi tags mainly)
This is basically my setup except I don’t have any other homeserver stuff yet :) (I will once I build my new gaming pc, planning to use my old one for that stuff)
RPi 4B > DietPi > Pi hole + Unbound.
Yeah but they’re really only good for single purpose things I keep killing sd cards trying to do more.
Boot from USB is your friend! Use a USB to SSD connector and boot from SSD. Havent had a single storage problem since I switched to SSD :)
I started doing that recently.
I use it as a media remote for my computer via infrared. IR sensor sends analog data to an arduino which converts it to digital and sends it to a raspberry pi which then invokes commands to control media on my computer by invoking rest apis on a “unified remote” server running on the computer.
Feeling impressed here…
If I want to have this, too: is there a kinda tutorial or quick-setup, or is it more like 6 weeks of tinkering? :-)
It actually turned out to be easier than I thought.
The infrared reader (arduino code) is based on
The code running on my raspberry pi was written in Java using spring boot which is probably overkill but I am more comfortable with java than python so I used
to read data from the pi’s usb port and just sent instructions to the unified remote server which does most of the heavy lifting. I used
as a reference along with some verbose logging on the unified remote server to see what codes needed to be sent over the rest api.
Happy to help you along if you want to give this a go :)
Yes, it’s probably pretty demanding of the hardware but my Pi4 4GB runs:
- Heimdall
- Portainer
- Vaultwarden
- Flatnotes
- ownCloud
- FreshRSS
- Paperless
RP4 running Home Assistant. Running HA in a docker container is harder than running it as the OS on a Pi4. Running HA is how I get into this, i kept trying to put more crap into HA as addons before realizing i should set up a proper server.
I assembled a handful of temp/humidity sensors (that are actually running on Wemos D1 minis).
What makes it harder in the container?
Maybe it isnt as bad as i remember, or maybe i tried doing HA Core on the debian server or something… maybe it got better or maybe im a fool? (I definitely am a fool).
I guess it just as much came down to that I already had the pi, so just running it on that like i had for a year was less hassle than starting it via docker on the other machine?
No HACS support out of the box. (HA as docker)
The only use for RPI is kodi and Mainsail for the printer. All of them boot from NFS, so no storage issues. Everything else is x86-64 or docker containers on those Intel/amd machines.