I posted something similar before, but it did not gain too much traction, possibly due to time zones.
It would be cool to see a Lemmy online pen pal/chat pal thread. Tell us about yourself and your hobbies in comments! I’m a person in their 20s who likes world football, theoretical maths and physics, and FOSS stuff. I also like the outdoors and would love to share about outdoor adventures. Feel free to send me a message if you’d like to talk!
Hi! I’m 70, so retired and have many hobbies and interests. At the moment it’s beekeeping and coastal rowing that take up most of my time. I took up rowing after arthritis put paid to dinghy sailing, and it’s fantastic. I gave up racing this year but I sort of miss it. I keep bees with a community group, we have 15 hives on two sites. I’m also into photography, hill-walking, knitting, travel, gardening, all the old-lady stuff. And I enjoy tinkering with tech, I run a club website and a blog for a friend. What else? Baking, jam-making, DIY… I’m sure there’s something I’ve missed. Oh, I made a pond and some frogs moved in, so I guess frog-watching? Is that a thing?
I always had penpals when I was a kid. My mother had one when she was a girl too, and finally got to meet her when they were in their 60s.
Go you! I wish I would be cool as you when I’m 70.
I’m into
Ham radio
My life is pretty chill at the moment. Got laid off last month and am still on the job hunt.
That is quite the combination.
Lol, yeah I don’t quite understand how I’ve managed to get into all of these simultaneously.
I want to get into ham radio. Just like the fediverse, it’s decentralized, and it’s the original way to chat across the globe!
Do it! If you’re in the US, you can even take the test online now.
Ham radio
There are dozens of us. DOZENS!
Chef (35 years in the industry) moved family out of the US in 2019, opened a restaurant 4 months before covid, run it with my wife…still here & have a great vibe.
Hike (not too much now, gimpy tendon & old) Bike (shifted down feom road to mountain/trail) Beach (every day in the summer) Travel (so far we have been sticking with exploring more of our adopted country) Eating
I’m 33M, single dad, and recently widowed. My son takes up a majority of my time and I love just about every moment with him. In my spare time I’m learning guitar and enjoy playing video games with friends. My job is in software engineering and I enjoy tinkering with computers.
tech, movies, music and social media.
im one of those “works too many hours” types. If im not in front of a screen I’m hanging out with my family or the feral cats we are rehabbing.
I have a hobby of trying out new hobbies till I’ve accumulated a bunch of stuff, then losing interest and doing new hobbies!
I’ve stuck with carpentry/woodworking, wine / beer making / distilling spirits, and outdoorsy hobbies like skiing / sailing.
Like others here I really enjoy reading, video games, etc. Getting back into scuba!
I have a hobby of trying out new hobbies till I’ve accumulated a bunch of stuff, then losing interest and doing new hobbies!
ah, my people
Biggest problem for me is finding other people enjoying my new hobby, at the same stage of learning, during the time period that I am into it.
I’ve been learning acrylic painting the last few weeks. I’d love to find a forum to discuss this while I’m still into it.
See now I just got tempted to go get acrylic paints and join you. Get thee behind me, satan
- Native plants
- Software
- Sustainability
- Hound dogs
- Graphic Design
Okay so I’m with you on the hound dogs, those fuckers are the best boys, every single one of em including the girls
I really like your idea.
OK so I am 33M, i was addicted to drugs for my whole adult life basically up until over a year ago. I am a spiritual person, for lack of a better term. I have almost too much empathy for my own good. I love music. I play guitar and drums, write and record, for myself as therapy/meditation. I love writing poetry and im just starting to write my own story in a sort of stream of conscious style. I love all types of art, anything that captures the human spirit. I have a ton of wild stories of my escapades. I like lifting and being outside. I never went to college. I am a tradesman. I like to think im a good listener, who knows. I love talking to people, especially one on one. I like to think im honest, too much so. I can be quite entertaining, like a clown or jester. I am content with my life…for now. I’m kind of super into anime lately(3yrs). I’d also like to think I give somewhat serviceable advice, cause i Iived through a shit load of my own mistakes, and I am better for it. I practice reiki, and I believe the oneness permeating all things is malleable to the human consciousness… to an extent. I’m a fkn weirdo. Like a cat, I am entertained by very very small and seemingly meaningless and obvious things. I have an appreciation for life and its experience. I love thinking, learning and pushing the limits of my nervous system❤️
I’m a 28 yo trans woman and switched careers from arts admin to data science in healthcare. I’m learning UE5 in the hopes of realizing a game idea (city-builder/resource manager on a floating Rubik’s cube).
Special interests change regularly and include: electrical engineering, software development, anything space / cosmology / physics, sewing, piano, etc… It’s a problem.
I adopted to cats Shadow Lady and Stinky Jane last year and they are everything to me.
Anti-hobbies include eating, partying, public speaking, and dancing.
This seems fun! Here’s me:
I’m 27, I’m a giant woodworking nerd who also loves video games and hobby electrical engineering. I was lucky enough to turn my passion into a career, where I have a unique job - I program and operate our rather old large format 5’*10’ CNC router, and also do all the hand-cut joinery for the pieces that get ordered that require it. I can talk about CNC routing and woodworking in general for ages. I also love the concept of creating my own electronic and have dabbled a bit with raspberry Pi’s, arduinos, ESP32’s and various sensor gizmos and gadgets. I’d love to use my CNC and hobby electrical knowledge to create my own “cyberdeck” one of these days, and have a large horde of parts for a custom arcade cabinet I’ve been planning to build. Don’t wanna write too much so I’ll stop here - if you’ve got similar interests I think it could be fun to chat!
I really enjoy video games, crafts, dnd, reading, and taking care of my critters. I have one dog, 2 cats, and 10 ducks. I will be getting a puppy next weekend. My dog is a beagle, my cats are just regular tabbys, and the breeds of ducks I have are: 4 French white muscovies, 1 jumbo Pekin, one regular Pekin that’s crippled, 2 cayugas, a golden layer, and a khaki campbell. The puppy I am getting is a goldendoodle.
I work in IT as a tier one help desk tech as a means to feed and shelter myself and my critters.
deleted by creator
Software developer in his 30s. I built automation for a living. I automate my house as a hobby. I automate all things.
(I also live building racecars)
That’s something I want to get into. I want to set up that self hosted software, forget what it’s called, but you can integrate with IoT devices just like you can with a mainstream assistant service like Google Home.
What I really want to do is automate my blinds, which are the chain loop type, so I can say “house, open the living room blinds” like they did in Smart House, the Disney channel original movie (or maybe that was Home Alone 4, but we don’t talk about that one). I found a little motorized device that integrates with these chain blinds but it was a bit pricey. Of course if I tried to make it with my own Arduino etc it would be an ugly mess.
Sounds like you’re talking about Home Assistant maybe?
That’s the one–thanks!
Having used it for years, its amazing. I would highly recommend it.
Of course if I tried to make it with my own Arduino etc it would be an ugly mess.
A few years back, I found I opened and closed a certain window multiple times a day to better control the environment.
Well- devices to automate opening and closing a window, just aren’t something you find for sale- and, if you do- its not going to be cheap.
I ended up spending 30$ on a linear servo, a esp8266, and a couple of relays, and spent a couple hours automating the process of automatically opening and closing my window, at certain times depending on the inside, and outside temp.
It wasn’t pretty at all, but, it was extremely effective… and did exactly what I needed it to do.
I got ADHD so I enjoy a lot of things, top of them are reading, drawing, writing, learning English and Japanese and various IT/tech tinkering.
I‘m working in SAP, though I see that only as a means to sustain myself and conform, but I refuse to see the work as part of my being or personality. I try to be pleasant and funny IRL, which I‘m told works well, but on the inside I‘m a depressed mess. I try to work on that in therapy, but it‘s not super effective for me. Well it helped a bit, as I now have more of a “try to find joy in little things” attitude, but the doom is still all there.
Online, I‘m mostly to offload some of my darker thoughts on the world, which haunt me if I don‘t let them out occasionally. Reddit was my main outlet for that as it had a large variety of “doomer” subs, now I got unleashed on the fediverse, right now looking for some anti-corporate instance or maybe something anarchist to fit into.
I’m into ham radio, tabletop gaming, 3d printing, and tech
I live in a rural mountain area, so I also get tons of outdoor time on the mountains and in the rivers.
What kind of outdoor adventures do you like?
Hey! I’m into ham radio as well. Perhaps we live nearby since you mentioned mountains. I’m in grid DM79.
FM08, different mountains. Glad to see there’s some hams on here though!
Join us at the hamradio@lemmy.ml community!
I love video games, board games, music, and traveling. I used to love programming too, but working as a software dev for as long as I have has kind of killed that passion 😅
Life is great! I feel very fortunate to not have a lot of stressors in my life. I hope that’s more common than it seems these days!
Yeah, that’s why I never encourage people to work in something they love. It will kill your passion for it. Instead, do something you can put up with and find something you like about it. What video games and music do you like?
Oh I completely agree. Funny enough, I never intended to do it as a career. I always wanted to be a pilot. But unfortunately the FAA considers me “medically unfit”, so I had to go with my backup plan.
For video games I’m all over the place lol. I’m a huge fan of 2D platformers, so Spelunky 2 and Hollow Knight are pretty high up on my list. I’ve played a ton of OSRS over the years, but I’ve been taking a hiatus for the last few years. I imagine I’ll start playing again eventually! Besides that, some of my other favorites are Factorio, Terraria, Dark Souls/Elden Ring, and Divinity Original Sin 2. There’s just too many to even name haha.
For music I’m a metal fan, specifically progressive metal. But I really enjoy electronic, rap, and classical as well.
How about you?
Wow, similar thing for me, I have a 'bicuspid aortic valve’s which means the aortic valve in my heart is a bit funky and doesn’t push blood through as it should. And that makes the FAA also seem me medically unfit. I think there is a process to get a medical exemption, but with the cost of getting a license so high already, I just decided to stick with MSFS. I get to ‘fly’ a 737 like I wanted as a kid, learn all about it, but I’m not shelling out thousands and years of my life (okay, maybe I am shelling out some money but I like pretty airports!)
That’s a bummer! For me it’s Narcolepsy, and because the only medication that works for me also disqualifies me, exemption isn’t an option for me.
MSFS really is awesome! The level of detail with the planes blew my mind. Come to think of it, I haven’t tried playing it again since I upgraded my PC. I should give it a shot!
What kind of setup do you have for MSFS?
That’s awesome! Some pretty great games you’ve listed. I also love Dark Souls/Elden Ring and Hollow Knight as well! Those are intense games, but getting the platinum in them is fun. I also love God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mario, and Shadow of Mordor/War. But my favorite game of all time is Zelda and I’ve been playing the new one basically non stop.
I assume you’re excited for Silksong? I just hope it gets released sometime in the next 10 years.
Do you like Protest the Hero?