Wondering how people’s experiences are regarding the use of ultrawide monitors on Linux these days. What kind of setup do you rock?
Am thinking about getting an oled monitor as my next monitor and current setup is two 32inch monitors where one of them is vertical. But been keeping a keen eye on ultrawides for a while but not sure its for me and how well it’s supported with Linux. I’ve read KDE supports it well, but what about when gaming? Also what’s the current state of oled and hdr support?
Also, please add your monitor brand+models, would love to see what peeps are rocking. Personally been looking at the Alienware AW3423DWF.
Edit: I’m looking at screens that are oled and 2k resolution.
Let me know your experiences, tips or recommendations!
I’m a sucker for window managers, so my preference is towards more displays, rather than bigger ones. It’s mostly been dual horizontal setup, but I’ve rocked a triple vertical setup once that’s been absolutely glorious for browser, terminal, and email client.
Gamingwise I would also suggest sticking to a multimonitor setup. It’s easier to drive a smaller resolution.
OLED is a physical thing - OS and userspace doesn’t care about it. HDR - not absolutely sure as I don’t have a monitor to test, but I’ve definitely seen wlroots merge support for it.
I’ve tried both and I prefer Ultrawide for the following reasons:
- Less cables. Cable management is already hard enough as it is.
- No borders in between screens. Looks amazing when watching movies and for gaming.
My current monitor is a GIGABYTE G34WQC.
Have the non-curved version of that, prefer the curved display at that size but it’s a nice display regardless, at the distance it sits not really an issue, just preference, definitely recommend.
Built in kvm is fantastic for using with my work machine, used to use 3x 1080p displays, just like this more for pretty much everything I do.
Once you go UW, you never go back…
Just try it out haha
don’t be mad at me, i went back. found out I really like the vertical space.
Race traitor
Not trying to argue with you or anything but i never really understood that sentiment. Don’t you have the same amount of vertical space on an ultrawide?
not because i went for a 4k tv, but normally yeah
I have an ultrawide with a 16:9 on either side mounted portrait. I get the vertical space and the ultrawide.
i run some games in ultrawide window (if they don’t offer fov control), so i get the ultrawide too. but i do still prefer 16:9 so the game fills my whole field of vision
works fine on KDE, I use a 34" and wouldn’t go back to a two monitor setup. Maybe two ultra-wides stacked vertically? But not 16:9.
I do use kwin with tiled windows, btw, with the new Krohnkite.
Cool thanks, what brand+model is your monitor?
it’s a curved viotek @ 144hz, not the best quality, but it was the cheapest with these specs back then
I use a 34" UW as my main and a 24" as my secondary works great.
Ultra wide is better. If enough space an ultra wide and another 16:9 monitor. Games look so nice 21:9 and wider without the bezels of the older solution for ultra wide with multi monitors
I would kill for a 32:10 monitor
I much prefer Multi-Monitor on vesa arms. Works better with the way I work, less hassle in games that don’t like unusual aspect ratios.
Have personally found an ultra wide to work better as the secondary monitor. Can use it like 1.5 screens.
No issues on the various distros tried. The difficulty appears to be when having both hdmi and displayport connected instead of 1 or the other. (More than likely wrong just what I’ve experienced)
Can’t speak to hdr but found the hassle of ultrawide compatibility on games to be not worth it. Most work out of the box but play a good bit of older games and those can have some hiccups.
I use a 49" ultrawide. I find a window manger work very well with it.
Edit: one downside is getting proper wallpapers for it that are not stretched or cut
What’s the model and brand of your screen?
It is a dell ultrasharp U4924DW
What card are using to drive that lol
Or this not gaming set up?
I use a a 1080TI. I do some occasional gaming like Minecraft, used to play GTA and the like. Nothing competitive.
Not an ultrawide or multi-monitor user (single 4K 27” miniLED for me), but hdr support is so close to being perfect but not quite there yet. The support has finally been added to Wayland git and is coming in the next update iirc, but at the moment it relies on your window manager’s implementation (KDE’s works great) and doesn’t work for gaming without running gamescope (steam’s window manager) in a window. The only issue I think will remain with HDR after the next update is with apps that stubbornly use X instead of Wayland (steam is the one that kills me here), since X won’t ever support it so those apps will be SDR.
In terms of OLED support, they don’t need to be treated specially to work so any of them should work as normal - only thing to be aware of is that WOLED panels made by LG (used in asus monitors too) use an uncommon subpixel layout and you may have to set it manually or fiddle with your text rendering settings a little to see it perfectly. Samsung panels (like the ones Alienware uses) use the normal layout so no concerns if you go with that. Otherwise, screen dimming / turning off after a period of inactivity is a common feature and should be good enough for protecting from burn in. The only other OS-level feature I’ve seen related to OLEDs is shifting sustained bright pixels around to share the load - not sure if anyone’s made this on Linux, it sounds awful to use so I’ve never looked into it.
Someone else already mentioned old games not supporting ultrawide well, but worth adding if you go OLED you can just run it 16:9 and the letterboxing won’t be nearly as obnoxious as on a standard IPS/VA/TN/whatever monitor that would be blasting ugly blue/black light from the “disabled” areas.
Thanks for the detailed response, very insightful!
I have both lol, dual ultrawide setup. My main monitor is a 1440p 165hz ultrawide, and i have a 1080p 75hz ultrawide mounted above it that used to be my main monitor before i upgraded. A decent amount of games support ultrawide from my experience, but for some reason mostly japanese games often times don’t support it. Usually you can find guides to edit the exe to enable ultrawide support, but i haven’t had much luck with that myself. I don’t have an oled display or use hdr though, but from my understanding you might be able to make it work in games by using gamescope. For other types of content hdr isn’t really there yet, but the good news is that the required wayland protocol recently got merged, so it should be a matter of time before it will eventually be working. I usually always have atleast 2 windows open on my desktop next to each other, and ultrawide is really great for that because it gives each window more width to work with, so you have lots of space.
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I did multi monitors for years and switched to a single 34" 3440*1440 ultrawide both at work and at home and I have never considered going back. I use a curved msi at home and a flat samsung at work. I would go larger size or higher resolution eventually but ultrawide is really nice for cad work so you still get a good work area without the sidebar eating into your view/modeling space. For normal use, I just do window snapping so I still get the function of two work areas.
Same here. In the end, my second monitor was a window with chat and one with a browser while I was gaming or watching a video on the other. I can do that with one ultra wide as well. I have to alt+tab anyway.
i have a 3 monitor setup for work machine and a 49" 32:9 ultrawide for my home machine. i like them both because of the things i do on them.
my home rig is regularly for gaming. a single, large, high ppi, high refresh rate, ultrawide monitor is amazing for a gaming-first setup. there is flexibility for off-work productivity here where i split 1/3x3, 2/3-1/3, or even 2/3-2/3 with 1/3 overlap.
my work rig is regularly for programming, communication (chat, video conference, email, ticket comments), time management, word processing & diffing, testing web clients… i have to do a lot of things. the structured 3-monitored layout is great for me to keep everything in its place and flip between them frequently.
both multi-monitor and single-monitor setups have their benefits. all that matters is that you choose according to your preference and expected use-case.