Big fan of commandline tools such as vim, htop etc. What is in your opinion must have tools?

  • Ramin Honary
    1 year ago

    I have mostly replaced all command line stuff with Emacs, but there are still a few CLI utilities that I continue to use, whether I am in the CLI directly or whether I am using Emacs:

    • tmux or screen (terminal multiplexing)
    • bash (shell scripting)
    • grep, sed (filtering, formatting)
    • ps, pgrep, pkill (process control)
    • ls, find, du (filesystem search)
    • ssh, nc, rsync, sshfs, sftp (remote access, file transfer)
    • tee, dd (pipe control)
    • less, emacs, diff, patch, pandoc (text editing)
    • man, apropos (manual)
    • tar, gzip, bzip2, xz (archiving)
    • hexdump, base64, basenc, sha256sum (data encoding, checksums)
    • wget, curl, (HTTP client)
    • dpkg, apt-get, guix (package management)
    • mpv (media player)
    • ldd, objdump, readelf (inspecting binary files)
    • zfs (maintaining my backup filesystem)
  • ds12
    41 year ago

    fzf for quickly matching file names especially deep in the directory hierarchy

    ripgrep for quickly searching for text content within files

    dtrx for handling the right extractions of different archive types

  • I basically live in nvim. Being able to configure my editor in an actual programming language makes it so much more useful to me than vim could ever be.

      • Yes, Vimscript is way more intuitive than Lua in a lot of ways. And as far as programming languages go, Lua has some strange design choices that I’m not the biggest fan of, either. However, it really does open up a lot of possibilities when your configuration is programmatic.

  • CupcakeRob
    1 year ago

    zoxide, makes file navigating so much easier.

    btop is gorgeous ofc.

    cheat, for cheat-sheets.

  • Litanys
    11 year ago

    I personally like bat, fd, rsync, btm, btop, rg, and nix. Nix is a package manager tho, so that’s a whole bag of worms.

    11 year ago

    They might have specific uses that most users might not need and there may be better alternatives but some of the ones I’ve been using are:

    CISO - A command line tool for making compressed ISO files that can be used in emulators and some video game consoles running custom firmware.

    RAR - The Linux version of WinRAR, which doesn’t have a UI like the Windows version does.

    Flatpak - Probably well known but in case a newer Linux user sees this, it’s used to download and install flatpaks from Flathub.

  • @jdkfbdjdfhfkndd
    1 year ago

    i use kibi as a text editor

    not a cli tool, but i also have a terminal client called alacritty

    also doas instead of sudo