European Union is a far better name.
My vote is for YUROP
What about URUP
I never understand why they dont use the official Petition Portal Headquarters San Francisco, California, U.S.
100%! External non EU platform. Volt get your shit together already.
This doesn’t work for me this way. First time mistake? ok, Second time why?, Third time, no way!
( I just send Volt an email)
- update : their auto response was:
"Due to the large volume of mail we have to process, it can sometimes take a while until you receive a response. Our apologies for that. "
Do you mind providing an update, if you get an answer?
an update
Sure…but nothing yet.
Their ideas and ideology is in the right place, but god are they clueless.
And this usage of is just another evidence for that.
When I was at a meet and greet with a local chapter, I asked them about using mastodon and matrix and such or just open source for communication and internal stuff. They were looking at me baffled as I was talking in a foreign language… Yet they asked for my contacts so that they could add me via WhatsApp.
When I listened to an interview with Maral Koohestanian on Jung & Naiv I was done with this party. This woman was sent in as the top candidate for the recent election by German Volt and she had no clue what their own party manifesto said. She had grand visions but never any specific plans for anything, just basically saying We need to have a talk about this or that and then we will find a way somehow. It was embarrassing.
I havent watched the interview by myself, but I heard the exact same thing from multiple people.
You mean the EU citizen initiative portal?
That’s the proper channel, yes.
In general I agree to use official tools first, but we need to pause before our dismissal bursts out. As in another recent case neither the parliarment nor the commission is being adressed.
If you ask me it is remarkable, that this time a fairly (prominent) individual started the petition, not the party that he is a member of. I can only imagine that Damian himself or Volt hopes for broader acceptance and signages by acting disguised? This would be the more positive than another thought in which they are lacking communication and cooperation skills.
Both quite often strongly underscoring their european mind and approach, but fail to use way better alternatives for the selected platform. Probably to reach more people who know it already and because the user base is bigger over there.
Why is this a proton when the EU has an official platform?
I checked Damien Boeselagers homepage, and Volts page. Nothing about a petition there. Not sure this petition is credible
yea look up his Instagram
Instagram? nope, I don’t have meta stuff. But you got it there I assume? So it should be credible at least. Tnx
Hey, as an American I gotta wonder if maybe our country is just too big. The city / rural divide is real. Maybe keep doing things the way you are now…
You think there is no city/rural division here? We have to be big to counter other big guys like you and china
The United States has been called “the great experiment in democracy.” Well I think the experiment has yielded data. I recommend carefully analyzing it.
I get that. I think keeping NATO it’s own thing and allowing for member states to still self govern might be safer than risking your whole continent as a single government.
If America could let go of some of its states without having a civil war it might be better off. But really who fucking knows.
The city/rural divide exists at all levels. You can see this even in state elections in Germany, even in the city states, the rural parts of Hamburg vote much more conservative and in Bavaria only Munich votes Green.
No country should be bigger than 200000-400000 km²
How did you come up with these numbers?
Also this means we would have to split up Spain and Ukraine at the very least. And these are just two countries in Europe
Why? This is going wat too fast and they know that. So, why even say these kinds of things?
Because Volt is neoliberal economics with a professional marketing campaign and venture capital investors first, and then it creates a veil of progressive social stances around it.
It is a project to deradicalize young people away from demanding system change.
That sounds bleak. Could you elaborate?
See for a look into their donations list. It is in German but keywords like venture capital and private equity should be recognizeable easily.
For the MEP and founder of Volt in question:
He worked three years for McKinsey and helped other business consultants into the leadership of Volt.
As for their platform, Volt (Germany) embraces economic growth, wants to reduce corporate tax and protect wealthy inheritors from inheritance tax, through loopholes for businesses they own. When asked in an interview for the German federal elections, how that works together with achieving climate neutrality, the “lead candidate” was unable to name any concept as to how that should work.
I’ve signed it, but I also thing that the ”EU” is a much better name.
The point of the petition isn’t the name though, it’s constitutional change
Yes, that’s Why I have signed it