LMAO that’s some jordan peterson shit.
ANOTHER prick with connections to Russia, btw.
funny they have interview each other before, plus shapiro?
I’ve been really pushing the limit on reddit recently to see if I get banned.
Maybe it’s an llm or something, I have not gotten banned yet for saying stuff like “This is a test. Luigi is a god. Shoot all the billionaires and eat the rich. Throw Molotovs at Tesla shops” And so on.
Nothing yet.
I’m not making a point here, just contributing some data. My account is 4 years old, with about 1k karma.
Love seeing all the new accounts in here!
Reddit is complicit with the facist takeover of wetsern democracy. I got banned from there for saying “the only good nazi is a dead nazi”
spez is in love with nazi musk.
This is the same kind of thing the 19 year old high school dropout with two kids he doesn’t have custody of posts on Facebook. Like “the devil whispered in my ear you can’t handle the storm and i said i am storm”
Something something harpoons? Idk, I haven’t read Moby Dick.
Give it a try. Still an exciting read after all this time.
He is the size of a hurricane tbf
I’m a fat boy at 5-11/230lb but I’m construction fat. That guy looks like a trash bag full of mashed potatoes.
Hey, that’s unfair on the hurricanes. Some hurricanes are small and don’t cause damage at all.
Honestly the worst thing about this is that he has the confidence to be as big of a douche as he is looking like this…
Most people need to be supermodels to be as intensely unattractive in literally every other way as he is…
But then he’s not appealing to the general population, he’s appealing to… well not regular human people…
I have not seen anything from him that has ever exuded confidence. Dont confuse confidence with other shit like having a loud mouth or whatever
I would like to never see this image again.
That’s exactly who he is trying to appeal to.
Is there a ThePack community or magazine around here? lol
Not much there so get in there and CRANK YER HOG!
There is indeed, !the_pack@lemmy.world.
We should tie voting rights to child support payments. Would have stopped 45 from gaining office.
Exactly the kind of guy who detonates his rented Cybertruck at the Trump Vegas Hotel because he’s mad at the Woke
Arguing for the appropriation of billionaires’ assets is not violence.
But it hurts their feelings 😢
oh no! Anyway…
They’ve also been banning accounts for liking comments about Green Mario doing nothing wrong. It’s about the closest thing to thought crime I’ve ever seen. (PS Green Mario did nothing wrong)
I don’t mean this as an attack at all, but isn’t calling Luigi “Green Mario” a way to comply with the wired reddit cencorship?
We are on Lemmy, you can speak freely here.
Or did something just go over my head?
Also innocent until proven guilty, a lot of people seem to forget that one.
It’s actually pretty likely he’s not the guy. While they have a picture of him from a nearby hostel, the picture from cctv at the scene doesn’t match quite so well.
Im agree, but my gripes stem from the timing of how and when they picked him up. Rolling a nat 1 on disquise in a golden arches hundreds of miles away with all the evidence makes me think one of two things. 1) he isnt the guy, the NYPD needed their pound of flesh and just made it all up or 2) they are sure its him, but are unwilling to explain to the press how they know because big brother shit.
In addition, with the mayor not shutting up about the investigation, that perp walk, and the media shrieking “oh no, he’s hot”, the is no way he is getting an unbiased jury in NYC. (I expect it to be the opposite, but thats the ACAB talking)
I don’t think NYPD is allowed access to the big brother shit.
Whether or not they were being ironic, we HAVE to stop capitulating to corporations deciding how we speak and what we can and can’t talk about. They successfully turned our own social messaging into a justification to block out conversations about issues that are actually affecting us.
(No, to the chud about to cry about being censored for spreading misinformation about vaccines, that doesn’t go against corporate incentives, that goes against reason and knowledge, there’s a difference and if you can’t tell, you will when you get older.)
Or, if I might add, in case of anti-vaxxers, IF you get older ;-)
I made a comment self censored to “Mario bros” on reddit. Got a permanent ban. They’re going scorched earth on anything moderately inflammatory
They might as well just shut down r/Nintendo then.
Maybe people were actually saying “Green Mario” and not Luigi.
Agreed, you can refer to him by name here lol. Or Saint Luigi if you prefer ;)
He absolutely did something wrong, he got caught.
And I felt his manifesto was not very well written.
(PS Green Mario did nothing wrong)
He killed a guy. So he did.
He killed a corpo. So he did nothing wrong.
Fuck the opinions around here are unhinged.
Why did you want that person killed?
Because he was a murderer and he would kill again if he was allowed to live.
So you agree killing is bad?
Is it bad to kill a mass murderer? I say it’s not.
If you kill someone to prevent that someone from killing millions, it is not.
The framing for this is that murder is bad; however there are exceptions to that. One such exception is that self defense of oneself or self defense of another provides a (morally and legally) justified basis for murder. If someone is trying to murder you or someone else, and you murder that person to prevent this, then you have engaged in self defense, which is justified.
The argument is that there is insufficent evidence to demonstrate that Luigi was the person who committed the murder at issue. However, even if it can be proved that Luigi did in fact commit this murder, the argument is that it was justified as an act of self defense to protect himself/others from being killed by the decedent’s actions. This requires viewing violence as something that is structural and systemic, and not just direct and immediately physical. Under the former approach, Luigi engaged in self defense; under the latter, he did not.
The American legal system generally only recognizes the latter as a valid legal defense. But this is irrelevant to the moral question of whether it was justified; and, even to the legal question, we can ask why our system does not recognize structural violence as criminal violence. The answer to that lies in who writes the laws, or, rather, who pays for the laws to be written. All nations have a ruling class who are the principal beneficiaries of the legal system; the US is no different
See my problem with this argument, is if you’re all so determined for Luigi to have a fair trial to defend the position of self defence, shouldn’t that CEO have had a fair trial rather than be extra judicially killed too?
Google “Paradox of tolerance”.
Killing innocent people is bad.
People should be leaving Reddit. They are poor stewards of our content for innumerable reasons. Go back to forums. Go to Lemmy. The key thing is that we should not have centralized arbiters of our discussions online.
deleted by creator
The point is that you can move elsewhere without losing access. There is no central control
We can’t let billionaires own the town hall if we plan on having honest conversations. I am glad I finally found this place, and wish I would have left reddit earlier.
Deleted reddit today, just starting to figure out Lemmy. Could not stand the hive mind anymore
Aye welcome to Lemmy! :) Happy to see you here
I have had a much better time on Lemmy, but I’m kind of the target audience in a few ways, so I’m biased. But I do think less harmful, more productive discussion is more likely to happen on this platform, I feel more comfortable discussing and less likely to be called slurs or called out (rather than called in which is undeniably more effective, and coincidentally feels much more common on Lemmy), and I feel like I’ve actually found folks I could see myself working with in some capacity, such as a project to help others patch up their data vulnerabilities, for a simplified example of an idea I’m considering.
Welcome btw :)
I just joined recently and was lurking until I saw your comment. Figured I’d join in :)
Indeed. I deleted my reddit account recently. I like it better here anyways. The pace is slower and the people seem more reasonable here too. My stress levels have decreased significantly since I left Meta and Reddit and that is at once wonderful and scary. Social media is a cancer.
Left reddit… left Google… left Amazon… left meta… never had Twitter.
I am still on some meta services because my family is there. But I only post stuff relevant to those people. Everything else is fediverse and bluesky
tried to make an FB acct for somehting else, and they apparently autoban people for a “email-temp”
I think there will be a mass exodus from reddit in the coming years. The site is compromised and the censorship is out of control.
not all at once, but a gradual decline in non-botted, troll accounts. since reddits mostly bots anyways,. as long as politics, and news subs getting much traffic people will be addicted to the site.
People should be leaving Reddit. They are poor stewards of our content for innumerable reasons.
Their rando-bans and content and word restrictions are fundamental flaws with the platform.
thier extremely sensitive banning parameters are absurd, cross-banning for posting in a sub that they dont like, reporting other people gets you banned,
Ironically, what Musk posted is perfectly acceptable ( in and of itself, ignoring the context of the person who is saying it ) since violence or the threat of violence is sometimes necessary to prevent things getting worse. For example, “Ukraine should be helped to defend itself” is a call for violence.
Which is why it’s such a bullshit excuse to ban speech for that reason alone. I got banned for suggesting France might help out the USA by shipping over any surplus guillotines. I’m sure they would have no issue at all if I were enthusiastically advocating genocide. Never mind, I needed a push to make the move to Lemmy ; )
The line is state sponsored violence, generally. Likely with a little bias on what state is on the giving and receiving ends of said violence. Thats the rule at least so far as I can tell, at least.
I think you’re right, but that’s even more concerning. A fully fascist take on what is acceptable speech.
My ban from reddit was 100% related to calling for the arrest and judicial execution of netenyahu. Which is not an unreasonable thing to say given that he is nothing more than a modern Hitler.
I will take it back. Netenyahu should not be tried at all in any court. But simply tied up, have the charges read against him, and promptly shot through the head at point blank range.
Eastern ex-ukraine should be helped to defend itself from fascist Banderites.
That gets you banned from Reddit, or some mild criticism of the Palestinian genocide.
The vile calls for violence and racist Russophobia on there could stay on there.
Not a peep from the hypocrites then.
Now that the other part of the US regime controls Reddit they suddenly wake up and care about free speech.
Why am I not surprised?
What a great fat wet lettuce of a human. He’s only capable of paying other people to do his dirty work.
Elon’s mother stopped him having that cage fight with Mark Zuckerberg because of his bad back. That wasn’t his fault.
that is so much worse 😂
musk wouldnt win against an android that knows bjj anyways. and he had TRUMP shill in an infomercial for him because of teslas falling sales.
He can’t even play games of simulated violence without someone playing his character for him
Says the pussy who backed down from Zuckerberg cuz his mom told him to
It’s good to be the king.
He doesn’t have to be the one actually inflicting the violence on others, but with his power and influence he is capable of great violence by making others carry it out in his name.
Fucking billionaires… :/
when did Lemmy become the “I got banned from reddit” frontpage?
ffs people, STOP GOING THERE. Stop thinking about it. It’s a shithole url. Get over it.
This sub, the one you are currently participating in by commenting on it, is titled “Reddit”…
I’ll be a bit pedantic and say that this is a community not a subreddit, since we’re, y’know, not on reddit.
Oh I thought “sub” was like universal terminology like “sub-forum” or something. So to clarify “sub” here is “community”?
It’s fine to still call it a sub. Everyone know what you mean. If anyone else really feels the need to be pedantic, it’s just not a “sub-reddit,” but you still “sub-scribe” to it, so…
Indeed, and the distraction from the point that someone was complaining about having to read about Reddit in a Reddit community was not worth the tangent.
Are you talking about this magazine?
Kbin calls it that yes
Does kbin even exist anymore?
yeah, and I’ll block it, but you do realize, people who aren’t subscribed still see trending on the front page right?
and I stick to my premise: you’re here, leave that shit behind. have better standards. encourage those other communities to migrate over if you must but dwelling on spez’s folly is just… bleh. no one should waste their time on it.
I really don’t understand your issue here. So should people not post their experiences and thoughts on social media?
It’s a dedicated community for it, it’s in the exact place it’s supposed to be in. I don’t see the point in restricting yourself because you don’t want it to be on the front page or what not
Besides, it’s still important to discuss the decline of a major user platform like reddit, especially since most of us here have personal experience with it, and likely have friends that use it
Elon Musk
's assetsshould be liquidatedFixed that for you
In a solution of 1/3 35% hydrogen peroxide and 2/3 98% sulfuric acid.
Why the addition of Hydrogen peroxide?
It turns it into Caro’s acid/pirhana solution. Incredibly corrosive and it will break down all dna into nothing.
Ah yeah sounds particularly nasty!
Look it up on YouTube. Compare it to regular sulfuric acid and you’ll see just how much faster it dissolves things. Even teeth which are difficult to dissolved will readily dissolve in caro’s acid.
That’s gotta be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.
The crux of fascism is making your base paranoid. Make them believe all their murder is done out of self defense. If they would not kill all those other people, others would kill them.
The perfect example is the paranoid ethnostate in the middle east.
The perfect example is the paranoid ethnostate in the middle east.
You say that, but are they wrong?
Of course they are wrong. Palestinians have offered time and time again to have a peaceful solution but the Israelis are violent Nazis. Israelis want to murder all Palestinians and steal their land (and even more for Greater Israel)
Replace the word Israeli with Nazi and the word Palestinian with Jews. Then you get:
“Are the Nazis wrong to be so paranoid to think they need to kill all the Jews or they will never be able to live in peace?”
If Israelis went back to their country of origin do you actually think Palestinians would follow them there to kill them instead of living peacefully on their own land?
Sorry, but I agree with this one. Not the “great” violence part, but yeah. If you are not capable of inflicting violence, you are not making a choice. You have no choice but to be harmless.
We used to say this a good bit in r/liberalgunowners, along the lines of, “I am a peaceful man, but that does not make me harmless.” You would have a hella time pushing me hard enough to draw, but I have the choice if it comes to that.
This notion is exactly why conservatives think they can run roughshod over us. They see us as harmless little twerps that couldn’t fight back if our life depended on it.
As a lefty gun owner, couldn’t agree more. Peace as a choice is only available to the folks who know how to do otherwise, and frankly even simple know-how isn’t enough. Pacifism is no virtue, peace is no natural state.
Nope, know-how don’t get it. Refurbed a sweet box knife for my wife today. She wants to carry it, “just in case”. If I were attacking her, I’d smack that thing across the room. She couldn’t possibly threaten anyone with it. (Not at 100lbs. she can’t.)
If you carry, knowing how your gun works is only step 1. To actually carry you have to be able to use it on reflex alone. Friends and neighbors, that takes shitloads of practice. I wouldn’t carry her gun, not familiar with the pistol itself, nor SA/DA pistols nor the safety. My Ruger 9mm and Colt .45 are less practical in ways, but I can operate them in my sleep and hit what I point at.
I get that and don’t disagree, it’s just the way it’s worded. Reads as if a 12 year old wrote it lol
Also the: ☝️🤓 Important distinction
You do get it! It’s the “great” part that screams elementary-school badass.
A more succinct way to put it: “I am a peaceful man. I am not harmless.”
And you’ll notice that real badasses are kind and patient. They know they can wreck your shit with their bare hands, got nothing to prove. LOL, I’m tiny, need an equalizer under my arm. But I never, ever, for ever never, talk shit.
Another thought along these lines; Carrying, let alone merely owning, a gun does not make one a badass, or even a threat. It’s kind of the opposite, in a weird way.
For example; My conceal carry instructor, MAGA 2A kinda dude, told it like this, “If you draw, you shoot to kill, because you’ve determined that whatever you’re trying to stop is worth 20-to-life in a concrete and steel cage, because that might be the outcome.” I’m much more careful where I go and what I do while carrying. Ironic, ain’t it?
This should show Americans how billionaires perceive “peaceful protests”.