yes, i know, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice and horizon zero dawn exist, and id rather i dont know them, so what else you got? EDIT: Please stop with celeste, i get it, celeste is a thing, yall dont need to keep repeating that one
Control is great.
Jessie is great.
Quantum Break would have been twice as good, if you’d played as Beth (same actor).
Recently played Control. Had a blast!
Control is one of my favourite games. Had he hooked from start to end. Great suggestion 💯
This was one of those games I thought was alright when it came out. When all the DLC came out I played through it again and really enjoyed it. But recently I did one last playthrough, and at this point, I think it might be my favorite game?
This game is insanely good. The different ways you can engage in and approach combat makes this really fun just to fuck around in and kill hiss guys.
I may be biased by a personal history of bad encounters in the workplace, but the way one can deck those hoards of pesky hiss mob with whatever falls under hand is CATHARTIC.
The Mass Effect and Dragon Age games. I love me some Jennifer Hale as Commander Shepard.
Portal and Portal 2
All of the Metroid games. Those are a blast.
Thank you. I was scrolling too much to see this. My immediate thought was Metroid. Samus has been running and gunning since the NES console.
Portal, Portal 2. Bonus points for also having a female antagonist and passing the bechdel test
Does it pass the bechdel test? Chell doesn’t speak.
She tries to say “Apple” it’s not her fault that severe brain damage causes her to respond nonverbally
Try Life is Strange: an emotional coming of age game about a photography student with the ability to rewind time. One of my favorites.
-A Hat in Time
-Shantae (Pirates Curse and Risky’s Revenge are my favs)
-Touhou Luna Nights
-Portal 1/2 if that counts
Just wanted to add that Celeste is one of the best games to get into speedrunning.
Unlike most games the dev actively worked with the speedrunning community and made the game as accessible as possible.
You’re timed by the ingame clock and it pauses in between chapters so you can take a breather without affecting your time.
Here’s what it looks like (My PB) I learned by doing 1 run a day and slowly improving (as well as watching other runners)
A Hat in Time!!! It’s like an old school n64 platformer, but so solid and well polished. Both my 11year old son and myself have 100s of hours in it
Life is Strange games! More story then anything, and the dialog is a bit cringy these days but there’s really no other games like it and I highly recommend them.
Specifically the first game (unarguably the best one), its prequel, and True Colours. Life Is Strange 2 has two brothers, instead. They’re all very, very good games that all have made me cry (some multiple times).
They’re also pretty gay if that interests you.
Yeah, these were the very first games I thought of. The first Life Is Strange is one of my two favorite games from the last decade.
deleted by creator
I’ll add Tell Me Why to that recommendation. It was developed by the same studio as LiS, and it has a similar vibe and gameplay. It’s also free on Steam for the rest of Pride month!
You’ll love them if you liked old-school adventure games. I grew up on DOS point-and-click games and it was like a refreshing modern twist on those. Great music and angsty, moody atmosphere, too.
Yes I loved Life is Strange and Before the Storm. I haven’t played the rest, but those two games stories were really good. It was cringe back then too, but that’s what made it awesome sauce.
How has nobody mentioned the Metroid games yet?
Because the only time they gave Samus a significant amount of dialog, they turned her into a mewling idiot.
There are several pages in this thread so these might’ve been mentioned already, but
Mirror’s Edge, the original.
Tomb Raider (2013) and up
If you enjoy the Ubisoft formula, Far Cry 6
Saints Row 2 and up
Mass Effect franchise before Andromeda
Mirror’s edge catalyst is criminally underrated you can’t change my mind
One of the best games I’ve ever played, and I don’t play many games. I’ve even replayed it twice. Criminally underrated female protagonist with a super cool story :))
edit: sorry didnt see its been suggested a trillion times :c
it’s worth suggesting it a trillion times though.
I just finished Control and it’s really good! Jesse is a strong female lead and there’s no male option like some games.
For anyone unaware, Control feels like a triple-A SCP game. Which should appeal strongly to anyone who enjoys SCP.
I love sane clown posse. thank you I will check this out
Their in-depth, yet surprisingly simple breakdown of magnetism has always been one of my favorite science clips.
Seconding Control. One of my favorites.
I would third control. I picked it up from the Humble female protagonist bundle and it was fantastic, loved everything about it.
Once you unlock all the powers the combat and exploration really open up, and the game still has a significant bit of story left giving you time to have some fun with them.Also loved the environmental lore, all the notes and the vids with Dr. Darling are great. Highly recommend the game.
Amazing game, definitely one of my all-time favorites and the most fun I’ve had with a combat system. The atmosphere of the game is fantastic as well, pulling so much tension out of every new supernatural office space you discover. I’m absolutely thrilled they confirmed a Control 2 recently, I can’t wait to get back into that world with all its lore to discover. I feel like I need to play Alan Wake now too since they’re connected.
Alan Wake is pretty interesting from a female perspective, because it’s a male hero but it’s good a pretty good female supporting character in the Sheriff and the plot with Alice is really interesting in light of the idea of fridging. Also, the sequel will have a second playable protagonist that’s a woman.
Definitely. Control is an absolutely fantastic game!
Hell yeah! Jesse is such a badass
I know it’s already been said, but Control is one of my favorite games ever and it has a well-written female protagonist. It’s a must-play.
Also Returnal.
Subnautica (obviously?) - Female protagonist trying to survive long enough to figure out what happened to her sister on a frozen planet.
Gris - A very lovely and emotional story about grief.
Just to be explicit, Subnautica: Below Zero is the entry featuring the female protagonist, Robin, not the first game.