I’d recommend Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition. Go check it out if you haven’t yet.
If you have, why don’t you have a pork bun in your hand?
Factorio, just don’t expect to have a life left…
The facory must grow, of course.
I have 1600 hours in Elite Dangerous.
no other game comes close to the same atmosphere. i’ve invested hundreds of hours and plan to buy a flightstick for elite
If other games had the atmosphere you couldn’t land on them though.
Fallout: New Vegas. You don’t need to have played any of the other ones. Obsidian did an amazing job missing some of the stumbling blocks Bethesda usually hits. Its a game you can tear through in a few hours, or spend years getting lost in.
The hardest part is letting go.
Stardew Valley
Been wasting too much time on this lately. Bought DiabloIV for 70€ only to play it for a week or so and spend all my free time on stardew valley with my gf…
Outer Wilds. Yeah, you’ve probably all played it, but if you haven’t, please do and let the rest of us watch. It is very special.
Depends who you’re talking to really but I would say Borderlands 2
The Mass Effect Trilogy. If that counts as 3 games, then Mass Effect 3. I just love Multiplayer.
Age of empires II, I’ve been playing since its release 20 years ago and it’s aged like a fine wine.
Yeah, definitely depends on who I’m recommending to. If it’s someone who’s pretty familiar with games, I think it would be Elden Ring. Love the sense of exploration and discovery in that game.
Super Mario World.
Good variety in enemies and levels, hidden secrets, an evolving world as you progress, simple controls that are easy to understand, but also require a degree of skill to master. It’s also a game that’s enjoyable for ages 3-100, in my eyes it’s one of the most ‘perfect’ games.
Zelda Ocarina of Time or TOTK. Most if the Zelda games really.
Hollow knight. It is a challenging game but the gameplay and aesthetic are phenomenal.
NieR It changed me, I resonate deeply with NieR, one of the few games that actually made me emotional
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This is a niche game and I’ll look like an old fart, but Shining Force (1, 2 , 3, Gaiden) is (are) my all time favorite game(s).