I’ve seen quite a few homes with no tvs to be seen, like what are yall doing with your time? I couldn’t imagine a family room without a tv.
I was wondering who the hell still watches TV. My whole life is on my computer
Eventually your computer chair and counterstrike posture give you chronic shoulder pain. Then you have to migrate back to the couch and the gamepad. It’s the circle of life.
I just sit at my recliner armchair with my laptop
Don’t have TV for almost 20 years now, don’t miss it a bit. There’s only crap on TV, nothing I wanna waste my time on, and adverts all over the place. Who wants that?
Scrilling Lenmie.
Screlling Lonmie.
Skriling Lomnie n cheking stonks
imagine someone spending most od the time on watching TV. I hate TV
Things I do:
Wood carving (I mostly make small pedants)
Aquarium stuff
Designing my own ttrpg system
Cooking & baking
Writing diary
Smoking Weed
I mostly make small pedants
that’s quite niche
I have TV, but I don’t use it. I mostly use computers for games, and coding…
Gaming is more fun than programmes for me as I like my usage to be interactive rather than passively consuming.
There’s gaming, going outside, chores, and cooking. I like investing lots of time into cooking. And healthy amounts of sleep. And other hobbies I guess.
I have only a projector. It means I can only watch TV at night. It’s been good for me as I read more
I have a TV but without connection to any “linear TV” service. I use it as big monitors for my computer.
For entertainment there are streaming services like Prime Video. I also use Twitch a lot.
I bought a projector and purposely didn’t buy blackout blinds for the room it’s in. It means when the weather is nice outside, I can’t sit on the couch and waste time. If I’m desperate or sick then I’ll use my laptop.
It ended up in me spending a lot more time outdoors and getting back into climbing. Keeps me healthier and sane tbh.
ALR screen!
We do have a TV set but it’s used only for things that could be rather easily done on a variety of other devices, like gaming and streaming. So what do you do that necessitates a TV set?
I mainly use it for gaming, our house is too small for a dedicated gaming room.
We have two rooms, nothing is dedicated.
So you’re not using it as a “television” device either, there you go.
I do have small kids and thus not a lot of time for myself. The time I do have I spend on martial arts, kettlebells, learning to play the guitar or just hanging on the couch reading and trying not to fall asleep. If the kids are awake I’m mostly doing stuff with them like playing with Lego, role playing or whatever they feel like in the moment.
I don’t understand how you can watch tv with all of the other things you could be doing tbh.
I’m my mind, sitting in front of a device that only lets me watch things it decides on the timeframes it decides whilst blasting me with ads is one of the last things I want to do with my time.
Almost anything is better
Sleep and escape from reality
Good books and weed
Spend some time with the kids, go for a walk with the dog (and kids), read, relax, work out, buy groceries, watch shows / movies on a laptop, make love, play games on a PC, go out, go for a drink, meet with friends… so many possibilities