A sister to Banshee, with a very different theme. The queen of ESO - Saryn!

Release date: 2013-03-18

Passive: Status Effects inflicted by Saryn’s weapons and abilities last 25% longer.
Spores - Inflict a target with a pox of Corrosive spores. Spread spores to nearby enemies by destroying them or killing their host. The longer the Spore spreads, its damage will increase.
Molt - Shedding her skin like a snake, Saryn leaves a decoy behind to draw fire from enemies.
Toxic Lash - While active, attacks deal additional Toxin damage; this effect is doubled for melee strikes. Instantly burst spores when attacking afflicted enemies.
Miasma - Releases a poisonous miasma that deals Viral damage to enemies in range. Foes afflicted by spores are more susceptible to the mist.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints are obtained from defeating Kela De Thaym on Merrow, Sedna.

  • @HipsterTenZero
    51 year ago

    If you run a Saryn in SO/ESO I thank you. So many shitty weapons leveled thanks to leeching her silly affinity numbers.

  • KeegenOP
    21 year ago

    This is the frame that has earned me the majority of my pre-Circuit Focus Points in ESO. I’ll forever remember her for giving me the comforts of Zenurik’s reliable energy generation before I got myself a full rank Arcane Energize. She’s still my go-to frame whenever there is a “Do X zones of SO/ESO” Nightwave challenge, not having to deal with Simaris’ bullshit is great!

    • 0x0
      21 year ago

      I farmed most of my focus before I got Saryn, but I 100% agree. Khora is still my favorite since it’s a more active approach to farming, but when it’s time to chill… Saryn or Mirage all the way.

  • @CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    Fun frame to do lots of silly synergies with be it self spreading spores with breach surge or chain explosions with toxic lash and sobek.

  • Dystopia
    11 year ago

    My main use for Saryn is mostly using it to add/substitute elemental buffs onto weapons. This works together with the Galvanize Shot style mods to make gimmicky builds usable on high level enemies.

    Spores/Venom Dose: A ability which spreads a persistent damage over time debuff between enemies, and forced Corrosive procs which is very helpful when trying to prime enemies for Galvanized mods. It’s Venom Dose augment allows you to buff your weapon with Corrosive Damage freeing up mod slots on the weapon to be used for a different elemental combination, or one that is usually not possible like Viral + Corrosive on the same weapon. It also does not combine with existing elements the way something like Thermal Transfer would, so you don’t need to worry about your weapon randomly doing Gas/Blast damage in the middle of a mission.

    Molt/Regenerative Molt: A quick status cleanse ability and provides a distraction to help relieve pressure. The augment is QOL, but is pretty helpful for anyone that doesn’t have access to an alternative healing method.

    Toxic Lash/Contagion Cloud: Toxic Lash is a little weird, its functionally a multi-shot buff dealing toxin damage with a forced toxin proc rather than a direct weapon buff like Venom Dose. Unlike other single element buffs, this will not combine with other elements to change elemental combos, and it will not dilute elemental combos. Contagion Cloud is functionally the same as the old gas procs which created an area of Toxin damage. Generally not very useful against Grineer (without armor stripping) but still useful against Corpus/Infested. This ability does have an issue where a kill from the extra hit will not count as a weapon kill, which may make triggering certain arcanes like Pisotleer/Deadhead difficult to do against the Corpus.

    Miasma: A forced Viral proc on enemies within its range, does not scale with duration so it’s not really useful if you’re trying to use it to debuff enemies. It does however greatly increase the amount of damage Saryn’s Spores deal to enemies. This ability isn’t too useful on it’s own, so if you aren’t making use of Spores, this would probably be the ability you would replace with something else from the helminth.