Seeing the other post here about YouTuber that went downhill and seeing content creators I am familiar with makes me sad. But how about those that still makes great, high quality content?
Technology Connections
One of the most informative channels I’ve ever watched. I recommend his dishwasher video, because everybody is doing it wrong.
Been on reddit for over a decade, never heard of this channel. On lemmy since a few weeks, I keep reading about him and his dishwasher video at least twice a week.
And yes, I’ve watched it a couple of weeks ago, it is good. I’ll have to watch some of his other videos sometimes
I love his videos on CDs and LaserDisks
His one about basic style rice makers is fantastic
Always knew those pods sucked for more money. He did convert me to the powder tho
He’s a big Fediverse guy, too. Very active on Mastodon.
Hi o/
Absolutely love him.
Ze best
Was going to comment this
Overrated and borderline insufferable.
But… dishwasher episode!!
No, it isn’t informative if you’ve ever read the manual to your dishwasher. Dude bought a car then a house and goes around explaining things about them that are clearly explained in owners manuals. He does some interesting videos like the pinball machine or jukebox tear down, but the rest mostly non-substantial filler. Dude needs to stick to electromechanical tear downs.
Tom Scott
Won’t he stop doing videos in like a week?
I think he’s gonna slow down on his main channel, but still upload. He does have a second channel as well. Tbf he’s been doing his thing for 10 years
The back log is great and still very watchable.
There’s no backlog if you’ve seen them all #notastalker
I remember subscribing to his channel 20 years ago.
And Dan Olson (Folding Ideas)
Dan’s videos have gotten better over time.
I JUST recently found out about his Donkey Kong 64 Nightmare stream and just how much fucking money he raised for charity by torturing himself for 58 hours.
He’s an angel.
CGP Grey
I can’t get enough flag videos
Tom Scott is a beacon of YouTube quality.
He never had a phase where all of his videos were 10:00 for the algorithm, he never jumps on topical shit for clicks, he just talks about genuinely interesting shit, and has gotten to do so on a higher and higher budget.
He has diversified, and has other channels that interface with other YouTubers in gameshow and stuff. But it’s all still legit content.
And a deep cut from 9 years ago. Same kind of content. Slightly lower quality but… Guys been doing this kind of “hey I think this is neat let me tell you about it” for a decade, without becoming a dingbat.
You get the idea.
Unfortunately not for much longer, though
I fell in love with him after the execution of the Dasani video. Walking backward ten minute single take, amazing:
Video icon has giant red text saying “NOBODY SURVIVES”. Open with Tom Scott standing at a gate to the Chernobyl exclusion zone
“Today I’m here to talk to you about something dark, something that has produced so much pain, something that decays life itself. Me standing in Chernobyl actually has nothing to do with it, because pulls up a laptop showing a game I’m referring to League of Legends”
Primitive Technology
He’s mastered the bronze age and is making progress on the iron age, all by himself.
Kind of skipped bronze, since there aren’t ready sources of copper and tin on his property. But yes his experiments with iron processing have been interesting. Pretty incredible what can be managed with such simple tools.
Poor access to iron, too. He’s putting in a ton of effort to get like 5 grams of actual metal from the iron bacteria.
EthosLab - most authentic Minecraft YouTuber around. No trash clickbait, cringeworthy attempts to appeal to children, ad spam, etc. Just a dude chilling out and playing Minecraft.
Battle(non)sense - Tests various input lag reduction tech + strategies. Input Lag: Low DPI vs High DPI - turns out increasing your DPI can significantly reduce input lag! AMD AntiLag+ vs Nvidia Reflex - turns out not only does AMD’s solution trigger anti-cheat, but it also offen increases system latency.
Marblr - High quality analysis of weird game behavior. Mostly Overwatch for now. Overwatch: The Effectiveness of Shield Spinning
People Make Games - Videos about games and the gaming industry. Highly accessible to folks not familiar with the industry. Making Sense of VR Chat, the Metaverse People Actually Like
NoClip - Crowd funded feature length video game documentaries. Making of Horizon Zero Dawn
ColinFurze - builds crazy stuff and does an amazing job of it! Currently building an underground garage at his house that connects to his underground tunnel system.
I Did a Thing - Australian man with a great sense of humor. Makes ridiculous stuff. Giant Beyblade destroys stuff
…more in Honytawk’s comment below
Science + Technology
Applied Science - In depth videos about random science-y things this dude finds interesting. No clickbait, just an excited dude talking about a project he tried.
Atomic Frontier - A lot like Tom Scott. He’s also a rare case where the video is more interesting than the title/thumbnail. Generally focused on science-y topics + has shockingly high production value considering the dude seems to be an overworked college student.
NileRed/NileBlue - Crazy in depth chemistry videos. Personally find NileBlue more entertaining as he tends to explore things he’s not that great at.
Practical Engineering - Explanations of various civil engineering concepts.
Krazam - Legendary comedy channel focused on software engineering related topics. Most famous video - microservices.
You Suck At Cooking - Short videos presenting recipes in an entertaining way.
Studio Binder ; High quality videos about all things movie/video production. Owned by a movie production software company so you’re gonna see ads for it in every video but SponsorBlock gets rid of that with no issues. Ultimate Guide to Camera Movement - Every Technique Explained
Your makers can be padded out a bit more.
I did a thing - dry humor Australian who walks barefoot and wears an apron.
Michael Reeves - chaotic coding goblin that makes robots
TheBackyardScientist - Floridaman using his backyard to explode stuff
Mark Rober - Nasa engineer explaining science to kids with great editing
William Osman - Collaboration expert, you will see him in all the other channels mentioned above.
1 more dude I skipped but I’ll put here - Stuff Made Here - Insanely skilled engineer who seems to be able to make just about anything. Skipped because his thumbnails are horribly clickbaity.
Don’t know about this person, but honestly the thumbnail is pretty tame compared to majority of YouTube ngl
If you like making/engineering videos, don’t let a thumbnail dissuade you. It’s always in the details. Stuff Made Here is literally top 3 for me. He’s amazing.
Been scrolling to make sure he was included somewhere. Cool projects and so many Easter eggs in the videos. One of the best maker channels for sure
Thanks for the list, I’m sure others will appreciate it!
I’m actually subscribed to almost all of those channels lmao. I skipped several because I’m being picky, and I mean picky. You probably won’t agree with a lot of my decisions. Here’s what I mean…
- I did a thing - forgot about him I’ll add him to the list
- Micheal Reeves - Last real video was a year ago
- Backyard scientist - Unsubscribed a while ago due to clickbait. From a quick glance his videos seem fine now though.
- Mark Rober - Video quality has been going downhill. More and more clickbait, and videos seem to spend a lot more time than necessary on “look at our happy family fun time we’re having.”
- William Osman - I like him just not enough to put him on the list
They all do a podcast called safety third, I watched it for a while but I stopped cus the content feels really lazy. And when I realized most of them have slowed down their main channel video output a ton like Osman and NileRed and Reeves I just got bored of the lot. Like their videos are all dumb shit like “i gave a snake legs” and it’s the most half assed 3d printed shit the barely works and they just act like teenage boys the entire video, then look at view count and it gets millions of views. Kinda starts to feel dumb and more like youtube celebrity shit than actual quality maker content, sorta pisses me off a little seeing them get so much money making like 1 video every 6 months where they build literal garbage. And they sorta brag about it in their podcast. It sorta feels like they are slowly slipping into more cringry content like trash-taste kinda stuff and im just not into it anymore.
Second on Etho, he’s remarkably constant all the way from when Minecraft was in alpha.
Been watching etho for at least a decade if not more, one of my all time favorites
My homie (don’t actually know him) Road guy Rob makes some of the BEST videos on roads and the engineering of traffic systems and infrastructure. His content is insanely good and wayyyyy better than any small YouTuber should be.
+1. I love this guy because he’s not just another one of those new urbanism YouTubers complaining that every American doesn’t have 10 trains showing up at their house every minute and anyone that disagrees is mentally compromised (see: “car brain”). He instead focuses on feasible, practical, incremental solutions to our problems over shouting about the “kill all cars with fire immediately” solutions.
I didn’t post him because I figured the audience on Lemmy would eat me alive for saying all that.
Oh shit a Marblr shoutout! I love his stuff, his propensity for finding and diagnosing bugs is out of this world. He used to stream on twitch and it was really fun because it would essentially be a behind the scenes look at all the custom workshop stuff he’s built in order to reproduce bugs and get footage for his videos.
Veritasium is one of the oldest and consistently greatest science channels
I think all of the Hermits are still really good.
You win. Nice effort.
He’s also a rare case where the video is more interesting than the title/thumbnail
It’s insane but it’s true. Great guy.
Technology Connections!
Seems like he’s been doing his thing for the entire existence of the internet. Silly little flash animations and games in the early 2000’s and now his ‘true facts’ of animals videos. Seems to keep true to his own style, ever evolving as it may be, but always similar- and maybe thats what I find comforting- he’s been there for most of the 20+ years I’ve been ‘surfin the web’, as the kids like to say.
I was hoping someone would post ZeFrank! His True Facts series is exactly what education content should be - entertaining, interesting, funny, and most importantly, rigorously sourced and credited to the real life scientists and researchers he bases his info on.
For more animal facts, check out Isabella Rossellini “Green Porno”. A little more risqué, and a different kind of humor, though interesting and educational as well. It was a Sundance thing from about 10 years ago that was semi ‘viral’ at the time.
He is also able to fart bees!
He left for a while to do buzzfeed content. But now he is back Those were the dark years lol
I was wondering where he went, very happy when he come back.
This was my answer! I watched a couple old videos last night actually and then watched some new ones. He’s gotten better in my opinion. What you said is right. It’s in the same style but now it’s more polished.
Primative Technology. A dude out in the bush building houses and tools out of mud, sticks, and rocks without speaking a word.
I know there are several similar channels so maybe I’m mixed up, but wasn’t this the one where they found out the guy was using machinery to create his projects off camera and claiming it was all done by hand?
Nope. This guy is the real deal. Nothing he does is large scale or unbelievable. If you turn on captions he walks you through what his thought process is/what he is doing. Very enjoyable.
Nah, this is the guy that basically spawned the entire “genre”. He’s legit as can get.
He is legit.
The most popular fake primitive building channels are obviously fake if you have even a little bit of critical thinking. They usually pretend to build some preposterously sized waterparks and other complex structures that are obviously above the scale of two guys with hand tools.
I’m a fan of him.
Do you watch How To Make Everything?
As a DOS gamer, he’s pretty much me in a more American and charismatic package.
- Some More News (Last Week Tonight-like political commentary)
- AngryTurtle (fallout 76 content)
- videogamedunkey (gaming/humor)
- Yahtzee Croshaw (game reviews/rants)
- Wendover Productions (random interesting education and air travel gameshows)
- Practical Engineering (how the world around you is built)
- Technology Connections (deep dives into engineering everyday gizmos)
- Tom Scott (interesting tech/education)
- RealLifeLore (explains geopolitics)
- Internet Historian (amusing yarns, discussions, and stories)
- LegalEagle (law)
- Kurzgesagt (explains scientific concepts, lots of what if scenarios, animated birds)
- Tasting History with Max Millar (historical cooking in a modern kitchen)
- Let’s Game it Out (dude who breaks games in the most amusing way possible)
- My Name Is Andong (cooking)
- Chef Jean-Pierre (cooking)
- Economics Explained (economics)
- Matthew Berman (explores the latest AI/LLM tech)
- The Bread Circus
- They go through the Star Wars movies from a book lore perspective, point out flaws in the writing and lore-breaking, and offer suggestions on how the sequels could have been handled differently. They did The Last Jedi, and I really enjoyed it. They also have some cool videos on podracing, ships, and guns.
- Defunctland
- History of Disney rides, takes the culture of the time into consideration, the video on queues is a must-watch, imo.
- Draw Like a Sir
- Really solid drawing tutorials that aren’t very complicated, takes the time to break down high-level concepts into simple exercises. Overall a really fun channel to watch, even if you’re not into drawing.
- Fredrik Knudson
- Long, deep-dive videos into internet history/culture. Rare uploads, but a banger every time.
- James Lee
- Newgrounds-era animator with amazing compositing techniques and a very unique animation style where he inserts himself into his videos as a very animated caricature of himself.
- Lemmino
- Like the History Channel but without the fluff. Cool topics, very nice animations, high production, high-quality content.
- MattKC
- Known for a Lego Island decompilation project. Also does retro console repair from time to time — very fun watch.
- Paper Will
- Rare uploads. but interesting video essay topics. High quality and a nice watch during lunch.
- Pecos Hank
- A storm chaser who is Reed Timmer’s ying to his yang. Very chill, documentary-quality footage featuring himself playing guitar and talking about the beauty and power of nature. You’ve probably seen his footage on the Weather Channel!
- Technology Connections
- Great deep dives into random technology, old and new. The video on the popcorn button on microwaves is really good (I think that may be on his second channel?)
Technology Connections
“It’s november, so that means no effort videos all month.” proceeds to make high effort video
- The Bread Circus
Tom Scott. Only gotten better with time.