Wisp P should be here soon, does that make Gauss the next prime? I was thinking of using him as one of my mains, do you guys think its worth waiting for it till september-october or to just go for it now?

  • Sentiel
    52 years ago

    It should be Gauss but DE sometimes shuffles it a bit (Nezha and Inaros for example), so it might as well be Grendel as unlikely as it is.

  • @Trombocyc
    22 years ago

    It depends on if you are able to put reasorces into both or only one. If only one, then wait, if you can use some more resources, you can go for standard Gauss. Priming of Warframe is really minor statwise so it’s mostly cosmetic addition. Also In the next patch there will be added Gauss Deluxe skin.

  • Rylatar
    22 years ago

    If you aren’t too strapped for forma, go for it.

  • @DrakeBlackwell
    22 years ago

    Gauss is fantastic, a very tight self contained frame that doesn’t need a helminth to function. In fact, fitting a subsume on him is more of a challenge than not. Even if he’s next, which isn’t a guarantee, it’ll be months before he arrives. You can 100% make back the plat for forma and a potato in that time. If he interests you now, go for it.

  • @TelosBoltor
    12 years ago

    Personally i wont because he is a fantastic helminth for other frames to level with and he is already a pain in the ass to farm so i would not want to farm him again. That said if you dont mind farming 2 sets and dont need the helminth ability/dont mind burning 20 plat if you do decide to helminth later go for it. Also primes are not necessarily a huge upgrade in the first place other than style and a few forma being saved.

  • @Tibert@compuverse.uk
    12 years ago

    Gauss prime may be released soon during the fall of this year, tho it could also not be gauss.

    However I have gauss and I don’t think I have any forma on him. Only a reactor. So you may find great builds without formas.

    Also even if you want to wait for the prime to get a full build, leveling up gauss will get you mastery points (6k. Then when gauss prime is released, leveling up gauss prime will be another 6k).