Not a particularly surprising sort of capstone to finish off this whole stupid NFT thing.
Not a particularly surprising sort of capstone to finish off this whole stupid NFT thing.
Laugh at Scam Citizen backers. Mock Scam Citizen backers. Make memes of Scam Citizen backers. Launch the hopes and dreams of Scam Citizen backers into the sun. Dunk the self esteem of Scam Citizen backers into a trash can. Funnel the dignity of Scam Citizen backers into a wood chipper.
Ah yes, the FEAR CAKE.
So what is the solution? Rolling over and dying as Israel genocides them in slow-motion while the rest of the world looks on and shrugs? Hamas is a putrid, evil organization, but the Palestinians have no other options. No one gives a shit what’s happening to them.
Turns out people are comfortable with genocide when it’s brown people doing the dying.
So is Israel firing on Palestinian civilians. Both countries are soaked in innocent blood.
You sound like a spastic. I wonder how many Palestinian civilians the Israeli government has killed. They really do deserve each other.
Maybe I’ll disable AdBlock if you get rid of unskippable ads. What’s that, you’re not gonna? Then I’m not gonna.
Slowly genociding an entire people and their culture for their land eventually pushes them to commit unspeakable acts of violence to try and save themselves? Interesting.
Looks great, a much needed departure from the NSMB formula, not that those games weren’t fun. Not a fan of Nabbit and Yoshi being locked behind easy mode, but at least it’s lore friendly I guess.
I’m going to be real- I enjoyed BotW and TotK enough, but I don’t see them as traditional Zelda games and it actually pisses me off that Aonuma has come out and said we will NEVER get a traditional 3D Zelda ever again. So the success of the open-world Zeldas is the nail in the coffin for the games we actually grew up loving. The death of the open-world fad can’t come soon enough, most of these games are nothing special.
If those Russian barbarians didn’t want to die they’d fuck off out of Ukraine.
I refused to use this cancerous hellsite long before its ‘fall’ what makes you think I want to use it now?
On the one hand, I’m as tired of ports and remakes as anyone else. On the other, TTYD is a perfect RPG and the exact opposite of what they’ve done to Paper Mario for two generations, so it not only gets a pass but a big fat golden power star.
Honestly a handheld PS4 equivalent of the Steam Deck sounds nice too.
I feel like I’m in the minority when I’m looking forward to Nintendo making a high-powered console for once. The last time their hardware was on par with or better than the rest of the industry was the Gamecube, which was an amazing little system.
The ‘Switch 2’ having a camera for literally no reason is extremely on-brand for Nintendo, so I kind of believe it.
It astounds and amazes me that there was a time Elon could have feasibly been considered a smart, level-headed entrepreneur. The whole submarine thing with the trapped kids really was the beginning of his unraveling. I for one thank Elon Musk for proving once and for all to even the most shameless corpo-apologists that having a ton of money doesn’t magically make you smart or cool. The dude’s an idiot, and I love watching him self-destruct.
Israel will get away with genocide. Most of you are probably okay with this.